3D Printing is the future - be a part of it
Printing helps to transfer your ideas into reality. But most common 3D printers are limited in printing dimension. Therefore we want to bring 3D printing into new dimensions. Our printer has a printing bed of 700x300 mm and 700mm in z direction. But size is not everything. We also think if you are going to print big you don't want to waste hours of waiting. That's why our printer is very fast. We have designed a totally new hotend to reach a printing speed with up to 500 mm/s and more.
Who needs such a big and fast printer?
Everyone needs it. Normal printers are pretty good to start 3D printing but the limits in terms of resolution and size of the prints are reached very quick. We designed a printer for privat costumers and businesses which is affordable.
Are you an architect or product designer? You have big products or models in mind to print? To get it in plastic you have to pay a lot of money to specialised companies? This has an end now! With this printer you can easily print architecture models like a bridge, a skyscraper or even a house with a big tree in the yard (or printing it all together) is no problem anymore. You can print in wood plastic compound or in the common plastic material. Product designers are now able to print casing, components and structural parts or anything they can think of.
Why do we need your support
Big ideas need big afford. We are going to build a high standard printing machine which will be used in companies and in private households. So our printer gets a CE Cerfificate for proof that this machine is safe and secured. We also want the best usability for our costumers. Plug and play, consumer friendly adjustments and very reliable parts will be part of the machine concept.
We need your support to spend money in a perfect industrial design of our printer. We also need help to proof all requirements to reach CE certification. We are also planing to improve our shop floor for serial production. That means we need more and better production machines for cutting to improve the cnc milled parts. Our products, that we have already placed on the market use open source software. Now we want to create a special software for our printer, which is modified and optimized for printing big. This software will of course be freeware, but since it cost money to develop the software we need to reach our goal.
Who we are
We are the team behind the startup company "F&B rapid production" that is a spin-off from the bbw university in Berlin, which has been in the research of 3D printing for many years now. All this knowledge has been transferred into the company to build state-of-the-art 3D printers. Furthermore one of the founder is the well experienced expert for materials science, product development and technology&innovation management, Prof. Dr.-Ing. René Brunotte. With his expertise and the drive and encouragement of co-founder Christopher Felix, so far, all our dreams have come true. We are specialists in customized 3D printers for industrial companies. But we think not only companies need to print big plastic models. As a result of this thought and the upcoming requests for bigger printers, we decided to go for the private consumer market with our MetalBro BIG.
What you give and what you get
Compared to other great printers the required budget is pretty low. Everybody should be able to print without any printing area limits. That's why we want you to get one of our printers for a fair price. If you don't have room for a big printer but still think that we are on the right track you can also get honored on our homepage or a small printed part. We have a wide range of perks so everyone is able to support us according to their funds. Just take a look to the perks for details.
What happens if we miss the goal
We believe in 3D printing and we are sure that this will be the future tool of creativity. So even if we don't reach our goal the printer will join the market. Less money than 50.000 € will have the consequence that we have to skip the development of our own software. For the printer development it will mean that we can not produce by the beginning of next year. So there will be a delay of production. But one is for sure! Everybody who supports us will have the printer by the end of 2015!
Of course we do see the risks. With great funds comes great responsibility and of course we don't want to disappoint the people who believe in this project. So our job is to ensure the promised standard and hire professional people who share our philosophy of best quality and reliability possible. Since our company is already part of the 3D printing market we can reduce the risks of failure to a minimum.
Support is everything
By supporting us and giving a feedback you'll help to improve our company, our products and the market as well. This will result in a lifetime gratitude. Even telling other people about our printer can help us. We want you to support us that our dream of a big and fast printer will come true. And when we reach our goal everybody can make their big dreams come true. Do it! Support us and you will not regret it!