What is 8-Bit Retro?
8-Bit Retro will be Concord's first Arcade Bar. I plan to feature amazing food, great brews (domestic, imported, and craft) on tap and classic arcade games.
I started working on this idea a little under a year ago, and now feel I am ready to make this happen. I have a really great team of talented people helping, but to get us over the hump I need the help of Concord!
Many of us have been gaming lovers since before we can remember. For my team and I, this will be a dream come true and the greatest job we could possibly hope for. For Concord, this will be a fun and interactive bar where you can play classic arcade games, try the latest in local craft beers (along with domestic and imported) along with weekly promotions like trivia, tournaments and so much more!!
We think Concord needs more locally owned and unique places like 8 Bit, with your donations, we can make this a reality! The idea of doing this grassroots style is we wanted the bar to be a part of the community; to work with as many local businesses, friends, artists and groups as we can to really make 8-Bit a place that feels like home.We all live here and we love this city. 8-Bit will be our contribution to the city that we love.
What We Need & What You Get
I've got a few games and I'm continuing to hunt down more. What we need from you is some extra funding so that we can pay for the other necessities of opening a bar. We need a space, a bar, tables, chairs, bathrooms, coolers, and initial inventory (you know, the beer!)
With your help, Concord can have a unique place to go that is different from any other night club or bar than what we currently have. Let's get these games into a place where everyone (over 21, sorry) can come and play them!
The Impact
Concord is trying to grow and is developing into a better city every day and 8-Bit wants to be a part of this growth; I also want to help develop a market I feel needs improving. The Arcade.
Arcades are getting harder and harder to find, the classics have basically disappeared from the public eye. Today, most of them are either collecting dust in warehouses or in the basements of collectors' homes, with your help we can bring these (lost treasures) (golden relics) (hidden treasures) back into the limelight for Concord and the surrounding communities to enjoy.
Putting them in a bar is really a no-brainer. After all, arcade games have been found in bars since their conception. We want to provide that experience for people again.
Risks & Challenges
Of course, owning and operating a bar is a risky business venture. I have been around the city and in other cities talking with bar owners, arcade bar owners, small business owners and anyone else who I thought could give me some insight. I'm confident that my team and I have what it takes to run a successful bar.
I think our number one challenge will be keeping these classic machines in working order. For this reason, I have created a network of expert gaming techs who know the insides and outs of these beloved machines.
Low on Funds? That's OK!
It really is ok! Any contribution will do. Also, helping us get the word helps us in a major way. The more people that know about this project, the better. Just telling your friends helps us get closer to achieving our goals. Every dollar counts, every contribution helps, and we truly appreciate any help you can throw our way! We will be stretching our dollars as far as we can to make this a reality. With your help, we can do this!
Thank you from the 8-Bit Retro Team!