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A Game for Good Christians

What would you get if all the bat$h!t crazy of Cards Against Humanity came from the Bible? A Game for "Good" Christians!

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A Game for Good Christians

A Game for Good Christians

A Game for Good Christians

A Game for Good Christians

A Game for Good Christians

What would you get if all the bat$h!t crazy of Cards Against Humanity came from the Bible? A Game for "Good" Christians!

What would you get if all the bat$h!t crazy of Cards Against Humanity came from the Bible? A Game for "Good" Christians!

What would you get if all the bat$h!t crazy of Cards Against Humanity came from the Bible? A Game for "Good" Christians!

What would you get if all the bat$h!t crazy of Cards Against Humanity came from the Bible? A Game for "Good" Christians!

Ben Christian
Ben Christian
Ben Christian
Ben Christian
1 Campaign |
Worcester, United States
$8,545 USD 183 backers
106% of $8,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal


Thanks to everyone who supported us! 

We have successfully funded our first run and are shipping games now. If you haven't ordered yet, go buy one of our games at


A Game for “Good” Christians is card game which shows what you get if “Cards Against Humanity” and a conservative Christian seminary had a love child. Or if Apples to Apples was made by thoughtful pastors who read more than the footnotes in an NIV Bible.

A Game for “Good” Christians is made for people of all levels of Biblical knowledge, Jews, gentiles, atheists and agnostics: whether you dropped out of Sunday or Saturday school, or are throwing good money after bad in seminary, you’re guaranteed hours of thought-provoking fun, until the Rapture hits, or God strikes your house with lightning.

If you feel like a horrible person afterwards, you're probably doing it right, but remember: blame the player, not the game.

NOTE: since we're not sure how much shipping will actually cost, we're not including shipping & handling costs in the perks.  

Dear Clergy/Church leaders: You can purchase this game anonymously since you know you want a copy!

Game Play

For the first round, each player draws a hand of “canon” answer cards, and one player is chosen to begin the game as “the Pharisee.” The Pharisee then presents a “creed” question card to the group, like:

  • “For Lent I am giving up_____.”
  • “What do good Christians wait until marriage for?”
  • “King Solomon needed so many women because he was over-compensating for _____.”
  • “Loving your neighbor as yourself includes _____.”
  • “When good Christians don't understand something in the Old Testament, they simply add Jesus and _____.”
  • “What is known to make the baby Jesus cry?”

 Each player passes one faced-down canon card to the Pharisee in response. The canon deck includes such biblical gems as:

  • The forbidden fruit (Genesis 3)
  • Noah's awkward sexual encounter with his son ( Genesis 9:22)
  • Levitical sex ban (Lev 18)
  • David carrying a warm sack of 200 foreskins (1 Sam 18:26-28)
  • A pair of she bears mauling a group of kindergarteners (2 Kings 2:23-25)
  • A naked boy running through Gethsemane (Mark 14:51-52)
  • Midgets in trees (Luke 19:1-10)
  • The voice of God knocking you off your ass, on your ass (Acts 9)
  • A slightly stoned Paul (Acts 14:19)
  • Making stupid life choices and blaming them on Php 4:13 (Php 4:13)
  • A roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)

After the players submit their canon cards, the Pharisee shuffles all of the answers, reads the responses out loud, and chooses his/her favorite card: the most biblically accurate, the most humorous, the card most likely to send the player to hell, or all of the above.

The winning player is given the Creed card from that round and the next player in line becomes the new Pharisee. The first player to collect ten Creed cards wins.


Why We Are Here

This game was developed after years of encouraging our friends and family to “dig deeper” into what the text of the Bible means, and many irreverent and deeply theological conversations.

We’ve created and printed multiple mock versions of the game, which we piloted with friends and family, clergy and lay people, and people all over the spectrum of belief and lack thereof.

Based on the feedback we feel it is now time to focus our efforts to bring this game to a larger audience, so we are launching this project to raise the $8,000 we need to cover our first print run of the game and bring all this awesomeness to you.

If you want to own a copy this game, please help us reach our goal, or all this Biblical goodness will pass away. If this game makes you worry for your immortal soul, just remember: we love the Bible, we just have a funny way of showing It.



Are you smug, godless heathens who hate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and are emissaries of the Antichrist, the Beast, and the Whore of Babylon?

Uhm, no.  The purpose of the game is NOT to mock the Bible. You might be offended by some of the cards. Good. We want you to figure out why you’re offended, especially if/when the card is a direct quote from the Bible. We love to hear “I didn’t know that was in the Bible,” “where the hell are they getting that from?,” and “wtf?!” so long as people are going back to the Text.


What comes with the game?

300 cards come in a complete deck: 60 Creed Cards and 240 Canon Cards. Expansion decks are in the works.


How well do I need to know the Bible to play this game?

Not very. You don’t need to know the Bible intimately to enjoy the game: people with all levels of biblical exposure have fun playing the game. At the bottom of each Canon Card, we provide the relevant passage of Scripture for reference and fighting.


Will God send me to hell for playing this game?

 Your God sucks if He/She/It does. Besides, of all the things you’ve done, do you really think this will be the straw that breaks The Camel’s back?


What about Shipping and Handling?

 When purchasing, your pledge covers the cost of the game, but not S/H. After the first production is completed, we will contact you about shipping options. We will suggest the cheapest/most timely delivery method to your location, but you are free to choose whatever method you prefer.


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
We will give you special praise and recognition on the web to all our fans on Facebook/Twitter!
0 claimed

Downloadable mini-game

$10 USD
A downloadable mini-version of the game in PDF format. (96 cards. Requires printing/cutting)
14 claimed


$25 USD
This is the price of owning one full version of A Game for Good Christians! (S&H not included)
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
95 claimed

The GAME (x2)!

$40 USD
Buy two (2) games at a discount. This way you can own your own copy, and give one away as the perfect Christmas gift.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
55 claimed

The GAME (X2)

$100 USD
Buy two (2) games at a discount and the rest you can see as a way to remind yourself that you're better than the people who won't donate. Or a as tithe. (S&H not included)
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
6 claimed

The GAME & Custom Deck

$200 USD
One (1) physical copy of the game and we’ll create an Expansion Deck to your specification. (e.g. the Psalms, shitty televangelists, bad hymn/praise theology, Christian bumper stickers, reasons the baby Jesus is crying, etc.) (S&H not included)
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
5 claimed

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