A good idea.
A good idea.
A good idea.
A good idea.
A good idea.
Money first.
Money first.
Money first.
Money first.
This campaign is closed
A good idea.
Money first.
Money first.
Money first.
Money first.
Money first.
Le présent projet s'explique fort simplement puisqu'il n'a d'autre objectif que l'obtention d'argent par le don des gens de bonne volonté que compte le monde. Il ne s'agit guère d'amasser un milliard de dollars américains à dire vrai: il serait naïf d'espérer autant. N'ayant par ailleurs pas le besoin, dans l'immédiat, d'une quelconque somme, nous prenons l'humble parti de l'optimisme, en laissant à chacun l'opportunité d'un versement aussi élevé qu'il lui plaira.
Si de l'argent venait à être récolté, il nous apparaît évident de le dépenser - c'est à bien y penser sa seule utilité. Nous n'avons pour cela aucun plan préétabli et attendons, pour toute décision, que le réel supplée éventuellement au phantasmatique. Il nous apparaît naturel, dans l'intervalle, d'être ouvert à toute proposition, y compris artistique ou politique. Un intérêt particulier cependant porté sur l'aspect critique, voire dénonciateur, des opérations envisagées, notamment quant la société moderne.
In English:
« L'anglais, ce n'est jamais que du français mal prononcé. »
The simplest way to understand something is to read the French presentation above. We translate the essence of the message: we only ask for money, we do not know why at the moment, except that it will be dispended. You are free to give advices or ideas; we particularily like critical projects in arts, politics, etc.More about our ideas:
"Importance" is a word of no importance.
Does it matter if I die tomorrow? What is the problem with beginning a little genocide tomorrow? Do I really care about Jews or Rwandans in the case I am not one of them? What it important, if life is not?
The questions above could seem meaningless for the greatest philosophers and intellectuals on Earth. It is pedantry and illusory wisdom as they can say. Never mind. We believe that if there is no importance, it is important to wonder why; and if there is something important, to ask ourself why we do not know what it is.
The objective of our campaign is not "important" in the sense of useful. This means: there no utility, it is not (primarily) a tool or "equipment" (Heidegger's "Zeug" or anything like that) which as to be used for some kind of defined action.
No. The money could only offer a little bit of that unidentified value, essence, substance (there is not a perfect word, since "concept" has to be declared incorrect, "idea" is to vague, etc.) called liberty ("libertas") or freedom. One billion dollar is simply a lot of "potential" things (approximatively in the sense of Aristoteles' potentiality). But it concretely nothing more than a number. $1'000'000'000 is "essentially" very similar to $0.000000001 who almost equals $0. It is however superior to the price of almost all the things somebody could hope to buy; it is "potentially" (almost) enough for building your own one-kilometre-high skyscraper.
We think that our project is unique because its seeks perfection in its way. We do not try to sell little for a big price, which would be a scam; we "sell" nothing for the price of "everything". In other terms: we show the "nothingness" or "nihility" (but not the "nonexistence", properly speaking) of "everythingness" (more in the sense of "possibility" than "existance", "being", etc., but less abstract, because not only the opportunity of buying a Bugatti is that "nothing", but the Bugatti itself if considered from this particular point of view).