EDIT: Over 200% and we reached our second goal: Book II: Swimming upriver is getting printed too!!
EDIT: We reached 100% of our goal...so Book I: Many meetings IS GETTING PRINTED!
Thank you so much to everyone donating and spreading the word, this wouldn't be possible without you! Our work is not done yet and we still have time left!
We’re trying to reach our second goal and print Book II: Swimming upriver. This book would include the complete chapter II, a new cover and extra content like ficlets and other stories and more.
We still have time! Spread the word, donate, tell your friends… Help us make Book II: Swimming upriver a reality too!
A Hundred Days of Night ('100DoN') is an ongoing webcomic that retells the story of Hades and Persephone The main goal of this campaign is to raise enough money to run a small print run of the first chapter.
What? You don't know our comic? Well you can read it for free here! We've been publishing for a year now and new pages are released every Monday and Thursday. In short, it's the story of how Persephone, spring goddess, escapes from being jailed for life in a little tiny island by - obviously the best choice -blackmailing Hades, Lord of the Dead, into "kidnapping" her. This doesn't completely backfire...but in the end turns out to be WAY more complicated that she had originally thought...?
Chapter I, page 19 Chapter II, page 13
Of course, we want to start by printing Chapter I, though this is not the only thing the book will include!
Perfect binding
50+ pages, FULL-color, matt-coated
A brand new prologue only available in the printed version
Extra contents: concept art, designs, and sketches never seen before.
New exclusive cover!
- Plus you'll have the chance to hold a beautiful edition in your hands AND our eternal gratitude.
Prologue, page 2
Other goods:
Set of 4x6"||105x148 mm postcards
A Hundred Days of Night cotton t-shirt. Sizes S-XXL, also available in black
8x12"||210x297mm prints
2x6"||52x148mm bookmarks
Original ink drawings
The possibility of appearing in the comic
Reaching our goal will cover the cost of 500 books printed in English + 100 in Spanish, our graphic designer's honoraries, shipping rates and Indiegogo's cut. Of course, like some other crowdfunding campaigns, if the goal isn't reached, no money will be charged and you'll still have the chance to read the whole story online... but let's try this, shall we?
Although our main objective is to print Book I, if we meet it we'd like to reach some other possible goals...like MORE CONTENT AND MORE BOOKS!
Now at last but not least:
Thank you if you've read this far. Thank you if you read every new page. Thank you if you've just discovered us. Thank you if you've stayed with us since the very beginning. Thank you for everything.
Please, even if you can't back us economically, TELL EVERYONE! Tell your family, your friends, your classmates! Tell your neighbour, tell that nice lady in the bakery, tell your nerdy mythology teacher! TELL EVERYONE! Just spreading the word will help more than you might think.
Remember to share on facebook, twitter, tumblr, everywhere!
And don't miss the next page!