Help us bring more kids from our city into the woods and into their favorite imaginary places this summer!
Adventures in Cardboard seeks to re-inspire creative outdoor play with city-bound youth in uniquely play-focused arts workshops.
These are workshops that demand the use of legs and feet as much as hands and head, where artist-instructors seek to unleash a zeal for creative role-playing, and where “wonder” is the preferred path to igniting a passion for design, construction and playful exploration of the natural world.
In Adventures in Cardboard, artists and children take inspiration from the natural world to create their own fantastic places to inhabit and explore. We know that natural spaces open the imagination, and in turn the imagination can open new respect and longing for the natural world. From the work of Richard Louv and others describing “Nature Deficit Disorder” we know children are smarter, healthier and happier when they have time for semi-structured play in natural places.
Adventures in Cardboard also seeks to instill children with a strong experiential notion that any group of kids with an idea is a resource for creative fun that can easily compete with any indoor media. Adventures in Cardboard has a track record of inspiring children to organize their own group summer adventures at home with little more than their combined imagination, a thicket of trees and perhaps a bit of cardboard.
With our origins in Powderhorn Park, Minneapolis, Adventures in Cardboard has from the beginning provided scholarships for families who couldn't afford the tuition with transportation to and from Powderhorn Park, our home base. Although we are not currently organized as a non-profit, a percent of our profits is always redirected into scholarships for families in need.
This year we want to increase participation from families in need throughout the city by increasing the number of scholarships we can provide, and by offering free transportation to and from a range of neighborhoods across the Twin Cities metro area.
Adventures in Cardboard is placing a priority this year on diversifying participation in our summer camps, culturally, ethnically, and by family income. Part of a successful scholarship campaign for AiC will be to effectively market the availability of scholarships and transportation across a range of economically and racially diverse neighborhoods and municipalities in the Twin Cities area.
To start, if our campaign is successful, we would begin by increasing our scholarship participation to at least an average of 10%; at least 8 kids for every 80 that typically sign up for each summer session, more if we can exceed our fundraising goal.
Adventures will also match funds with profits by 12.5%. In other words, Adventures in Cardboard will use profits to fund an additional child for every 8 that are funded with your help in this campaign.
To find out more about what we do please visit our website at: