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Confronting Your Loss of Interest in Art Due to Anxiety







Confronting Your Loss of Interest in Art Due to Anxiety

Confronting Your Loss of Interest in Art Due to Anxiety

Confronting Your Loss of Interest in Art Due to Anxiety

Confronting Your Loss of Interest in Art Due to Anxiety

Vesa Peltonen
Vesa Peltonen
Vesa Peltonen
Vesa Peltonen
12 Campaigns |
Thunder Bay, Canada
$279 USD $279 USD 19 backers
7% of $3,822 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 12 Projects Mountain Filled 12 Projects

Intro to my Book Project:   

I'm an author with a degree in Art and Education and a qualified guidance counsellor specialist. I've had a rewarding career for over 35 years in many art related fields from a television art director, University art instructor, designer and freelance radio Art talk show host, but always been an artist. I was told I had a pencil in hand at age two.   

I would like to relate back my experiences in this new book that will be helpful to creative people with anxiety related issues. The book shares my knowledge and experiences with motivating ideas to focus on the ups and those downs in an arts career. There  are some interviews by well known artists and how they dealt with their anxieties. Anxiety still has false assumptions by the public. The focus here in on strategies you can use to help your angst diminish; regain your love of creating art. My state wasn't uncommon.

As an artist, have you ever lost interest in the thing you love doing the most? Have you ever looked at a large white paper and all it did was bring on anxiety. It's happened to me! 

I suddenly lost interest in creating watercolours several years ago, which was a passion for along time, and what occurred after was rather profound.  

Added to my state of being I was in a car accident not long after. I was hit by a car going through a red light. Lucky to stumble out of totalled new and well built VW, which insurance replaced. I got PTSD, two neck discs compressed. I became disinterested in more things, rather distressed and restless. I also had memory lapses and off and on depression. Treatment as pain relief medication and chiropractic therapy and more. It dragged on as I had to take funds from my Investments, which I should never have had to. My lawyer took care of that.

This incident set me back, not able to teach, lack of focus and multi-tasking was not to be. My mind and body lost its old schedule, and needed renewal and did. Soon something began to click and was creating with a new mixed media.

My art website of new artwork at:

One thing that helped was my doctor advising me to get away from the stressors in my environment. So I went to Toronto and Miami 4 months after. It was an amazing change; more inspiring state, also with less pain. I brought my art portfolio, did some prior planning and sold art. Great!

Back at my home studio, I began scanning prior art & photographs into my computer, manipulating them into new creations using appropriate applications. That was therapeutic, back into the love of creating in a new way. Yoga and regular exercise was helpful and meditation. 

What Purpose Does this Book Have.

There are so many creative people that I have read about that have lost their creative urge, not on the same happy path as before. I hope this book will help to bring out that Artist within you, as I convey my experiences, with writings, advice from doctors, psychologists to artists' interviews of their issues, in collaboration. 

This book called 'ANXIETY AND THE ARTIST WITHIN' is more about Art as therapy to re-inspire your inner creative self which has been stuck in some void psychologically as anxiety to depression. It is keeping  you from moving ahead being off a schedule. It could be the fear of failure. For me things often became overwhelming. If you have had a love of creating art then it can surely be rekindled again. That's what my book is about- To help you confront those blocks, get ahead.

Does this art bring on an emotive feeling? 'Distant Island' can relate back to the viewer a feeling of loneliness to sadness. My art confronts my 'separation anxiety'.

What We Need & What You Get

The funding needed is $5500. [CAD] to Publish this 2nd book of mine related to Art.     ~It will be self published and I am looking for a wide audience that will benefit from this book. The incentives for your $5. to $400. contributions are quite generous, as you may be getting my special thank you art card, a copies of the book, to my artwork and neat t-shirt.  

My website is:  [to view and choose an artwork] if you donate $400. Simply if you do, I would need your address/e-mail. See PERKS! >

The Impact

Whatever CONTRIBUTION you make it adds up to help create this important self help book on rediscovering that inner artist IN YOU and control anxiety, getting rid of roadblocks that are stopping you from that passion for art. It is not uncommon to lose interest even in what you love. Art Therapy is the key to help let out your emotions and see art in a new way. I've been there and I got re-inspired. If I can, so can you. This book is not about how to get rich, but gives strategies; it is to get you working, resilient again in a better direction. The book will focused on attitude and being positive. Money comes when you find yourself clear minded and regain that buying audience. Don't let anxiety label you as failing. It's quite the opposite. Go travel to be away from stressors and discover new way of seeing things. 

My previous book, [See Perks]being my first published in 2011 was called; ‘Culturally Submerged, Journey of a White Rez Teacher’. It is a unique book about my experiences as an Art Instructor in many First Nations remote reserves in N.W. Ontario. I had 'separation anxiety' at times, being away from family; it helped taking time off between, then back to teaching. I stayed a 'survivor'.

It related about the good and not so good perceptions, from the funny to the shocking, [as student suicides] Those experiences of teaching in remote Aboriginal Communities in N.W. Ontario, away from my home in Thunder Bay, Ontario. 

Art as Therapy

The artwork above 'Distant Island' is about looking at art and creating 'Art as Therapy' as in this focus it is anxiety. However when you observe art, looking at it with an emotional relation can help you see art in a different way. An artwork can bring on emotive feelings of sadness, beauty, love, nature as what artist intended.  

When you have come out of the haze, as I did, you'll begin to create more art. You'll be more assertive in finding that buying audience. Again this is not a make a million dollars book, but it is a path to realize each moment is important. You won't lose that Artist in you.

More Stuff and Other Ways You Can Help

ADDED Bonus Incentive: If you donate $50.or more you'll receive a 'I Survived My Angst' t-shirt. Just specify the size, by e-mail. This is added to the existing 'Perks'.

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign. Tweet. Facebook. Email.
Thank you kindly.
~Vesa Peltonen   B.F.A.  B.Ed /Guidance counsellor, artist, art educator
Thunder Bay, ON. Canada  > Inquiries + Info: E-mail:

Website:   [Also my BIO is there as well as accomplishments].

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Choose your Perk

Emerging Artist Helper

Currency Conversion $1 USD
$2 CAD
A huge THANK YOU as this amount simply knows how to multiply itself. You're most considerate.
0 claimed

Very Loyal Artist

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
I huge thank you for an amount that will surely make a difference as it all adds up, so from our book writing, design and editing team, so much appreciated.
0 claimed

A Couch Art Reader

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
You get a copy of the book. Provide your address. Here is my e-mail as it is also on the Pitch story: Shipping is $10. E-mail: Thank you.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 100 of claimed

An Avid Art Reader

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
For your incentive you will get a copy of my new book. You are most generous and keep on reading the cozy soft cover books. Shipping is $10. E-mail is:
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
1 out of 20 of claimed

An In Depth Art Reader

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
You will receive a copy of my 1st book 'Culturally Submerged, Journey of a White Rez Teacher' as well as this new book Shipping $15. extra. It will be after the campaign's done. E-mail is:
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed

A Art Wizard Reader

Currency Conversion $174 USD
$250 CAD
You will get both copies of my books my first 'Culturally Submerged, Journey of a White Rez Teacher' and 'Anxiety and The Artist Within' plus a 9" x 12" signed limited print of one of my artworks. Surprise! Half the fun is waiting. Shipping is $20. extra.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 15 of claimed

A Master Artist Reader

Currency Conversion $278 USD
$400 CAD
You get my 1st book 'Culturally Submerge, Journey of a White Rez Teacher' +a signed limited print 10"x14" sea scape. My e-mail is: Shipping is $20.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed
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