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AQP City, The White City

Heroes also have a dark side

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AQP City, The White City

AQP City, The White City

AQP City, The White City

AQP City, The White City

AQP City, The White City

Heroes also have a dark side

Heroes also have a dark side

Heroes also have a dark side

Heroes also have a dark side

Jhosep Chevarria Capacoila
Jhosep Chevarria Capacoila
Jhosep Chevarria Capacoila
Jhosep Chevarria Capacoila
2 Campaigns |
Arequipa, Peru
$275 USD 5 backers
9% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

About AQP City

[Check Updates from my Facebook Page and Indie DB]

AQP City is an open world game powered by Unreal engine 4 which combines the features of several video games.

Set in a fictional city, our hero Steve is a secret agent of the FVI and a military veteran who lost his memory in a failed attempt to disarm the Mafia. Here begins an adventure where friends are villains and villains are allies in this living city.

The map combines rivers, deserts, mountains, forests, roads, towns, volcanoes and the city; also offer hours of fun and exploration, we integrate easter eggs and secrets for getting the maximum advantage of the map as well as a populated city and animals in the surrounding area.

This game will have multiplayer?

will be one of the main features (LAN and probably MMO) of this game and the map size will not be a problem. Is still in plan.

there will be animals in AQP City?

Yes... cows, wolves, bears, lions and even horses 

What about weapons? 

There will be a gallery of weapons, long and short range, low damage and destructives

And vehicles? 

will be fictitious and will range from cars to tanks, planes, helicopters, bikes, boats and more.

Who I Am

Mi name is Jhosep Chevarria Capacoila.

I'm an environment artist, painter and programmer also a student in web design and programming.

I'm part of the founders club of Unreal Engine 4 (beta testers) in which I met wonderful and amazing people who indirectly helped me build this game.

My adventure with AQP City starts from the first trailer of GTA V and Watch dogs gameplay, where ideas emerged and started to translate it into UDK (Unreal Development Kit), 3 years of development and now the power comes from Unreal Engine 4.

My portfolio is in AQP City, scene by scene, beaches, landscapes, everything. 

AQP City is built with every idea, design and recommendation of friends and colleagues.

I Need your Help

    AQP City is now a great game but this game can be more with $3000 to consolidate and secure the game the right way, everything collected will go directly to game development:

  • Microphones for audio recording.
  • Buy a web domain and own forums.
  • Licensing Music (for Radio Stations)
  • Update main graphics card (the trailer has strange animations)
  • Xiaomi Mi Pad (AQP City Android Edition)
  • Multiplayer Servers
  • Oculus Rift Dev Kit
  • Licensing process: Simplygon, Speedtree and Mixamo Tools
  • Augmented reality for the backers with Metaio SDK Pro

    Don't worry, if we don't reach the goal, i'll find ways to bring the same result to your hands.

    With the goal achieved AQP City will have:

  • Amazing Zombie DLC - Jurasic DLC
  • AQP City PC and ANDROID! (in negotiations with the console version)
  • Oculus Rift Support
  • The real experience of an open world game


  • Access to the alpha, beta, final version of the game when ready
  • Animated 3D Models- augmented reality (Vehicles, weapons and game characters)
  • your name in the game, as you wish.
  • Content made ​​for yourself in the game
  • Your favorite song in the game.
  • Exclusive content
  • and more... Look at the list of perks we selected for you.

    Can't Donate

    Thanks to everyone help me in this, I have this game in hands and I need it polished as a diamond, if you can't Donate please share this campaign  by e-mail to your friends, use social networks; you are very important in this project in any way, together we will achieve a Hight Quality Indie game.

    **The vehicles (the logos and models are property of their respective owners) in the video are being used only for demonstration, will suffer severe changes and modifications.
    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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    Choose your Perk

    Thanks Credit.

    $1 USD
    Your name in the ”Special Thanks to” section of the website, final trailer and Facebook page
    0 claimed

    Credit list

    $5 USD
    All above and Name in the Credit list of the game
    0 claimed

    Special Thanks Credit

    $10 USD
    All above and have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits in game.
    0 claimed

    AQP City ART

    $15 USD
    All above, Wallpaper and Digital poster of the City
    0 claimed

    AQP City, The White City

    $20 USD
    ● Digital copy of AQP City Final version for PC or Android in the day of release.
    Estimated Shipping
    September 2015
    0 claimed

    Augmented reality for Android

    $25 USD
    ● Digital copy of AQP City Final version for PC or Android in the day of release. ●Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality, also have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits.
    1 claimed

    Your name on a billboard

    $40 USD
    -Watch your name as a trademark or fictional character on a banner advertisement of the game, -3 Wallpapers and Digital poster of the City -Digital copy of AQP City Final version for PC or Android in the day of release. -Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality, also have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits.
    0 out of 20 of claimed

    access to the Beta version

    $50 USD
    -Watch your name as a mark of a fictitious company or vehicle in AQP City -Access to the Beta and Final version of the game when ready. -5 Wallpapers and Digital poster of the City -Receive a digital download of the soundtrack. -Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality, also have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits. -Roadmap
    3 out of 5 of claimed

    access to the Android version

    $55 USD
    -Access to the alpha version ANDROID of the game when ready. (High-end Tablet) -5 Wallpapers and Digital poster of the City -Receive a digital download of the soundtrack. -Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality, also have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits. -Roadmap
    0 claimed

    The ultimate Perk

    $59 USD
    -Create your own mission and character for AQP City. -Access to the Beta and Final version of the game when ready. -5 Wallpapers and Digital poster of the City -Receive a digital download of the soundtrack. -Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality, also have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits. -Roadmap
    0 out of 4 of claimed

    Make your easter egg in AQP

    $100 USD
    -Receive an APK (android) file with a 3d weapon, a vehicle and the main character for display on Augmented Reality. -Tell us what mystery you want create in AQP City and we make it real. -5 Wallpapers and Digital poster of the City -Receive a digital download of the soundtrack -Have your name listed in the "Special Thanks" section of the credits. -Roadmap -(Digital copy ) Access to the Alpha version, Beta version, and Final Version of the game when ready.
    1 claimed

    AQP City in your portfolio

    $250 USD
    ● Become one of us and carries AQP City to your Portfolio ● Name in the Credit list of the game ● Digital copy of AQP City Final version for PC or Android in the day of release.
    0 claimed
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