AQP City, The White City
AQP City, The White City
AQP City, The White City
AQP City, The White City
AQP City, The White City
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
This campaign is closed
AQP City, The White City
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
Heroes also have a dark side
AQP City is an open world game powered by Unreal engine 4 which combines the features of several video games.
Set in a fictional city, our hero Steve is a secret agent of the FVI and a military veteran who lost his memory in a failed attempt to disarm the Mafia. Here begins an adventure where friends are villains and villains are allies in this living city.
The map combines rivers, deserts, mountains, forests, roads, towns, volcanoes and the city; also offer hours of fun and exploration, we integrate easter eggs and secrets for getting the maximum advantage of the map as well as a populated city and animals in the surrounding area.
This game will have multiplayer?
will be one of the main features (LAN and probably MMO) of this game and the map size will not be a problem. Is still in plan.
there will be animals in AQP City?
Yes... cows, wolves, bears, lions and even horses
What about weapons?
There will be a gallery of weapons, long and short range, low damage and destructives
And vehicles?
will be fictitious and will range from cars to tanks, planes, helicopters, bikes, boats and more.
I'm an environment artist, painter and programmer also a student in web design and programming.
I'm part of the founders club of Unreal Engine 4 (beta testers) in which I met wonderful and amazing people who indirectly helped me build this game.
My adventure with AQP City starts from the first trailer of GTA V and Watch dogs gameplay, where ideas emerged and started to translate it into UDK (Unreal Development Kit), 3 years of development and now the power comes from Unreal Engine 4.
My portfolio is in AQP City, scene by scene, beaches, landscapes, everything.
AQP City is built with every idea, design and recommendation of friends and colleagues.
AQP City is now a great game but this game can be more with $3000 to consolidate and secure the game the right way, everything collected will go directly to game development:
Don't worry, if we don't reach the goal, i'll find ways to bring the same result to your hands.