Who We Are
Hello IndieGoGo! My name is Cindy Y. Shaw; I am a Graphic Designer and Illustrator from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Last year I decided to publish a children's picture book; I didn't want to go the traditional route, so I turned to my family. Art has always been a big part of our lives, so we founded Shaw Creative together. Although we are new and learning, Shaw Creative aims to create publications and products with design in mind. We successfully published my book, Mr. Red's Balloon, and are now working on this next project.
About the Art Collective
We are finishing production of our art compilation book, Shaw Creative Art Collective Volume 1: 2D & Traditional Mediums. This first volume features the work of 26 artists from around the world:
Pamela Jane Brown, Maddy Burrows, Ming Yu Chuang, Benjamin K. Coffman, Linnea M. Doyle, Lucie Duban, Dara Engler, Thomas Hang, Isabela Cruz Holguin, Jessica LaVere, C. Sang Leong, Yu Jen Lin, LOSTBOY, Matt Ordiway, Charmaine Ortiz, Yvonne Page, Chia Yang Shao, Cindy Y. Shaw, Jiajiu Shaw, Lanny Sherwin, Lauren C. Smith, Erin Vaganos, Corinna Woodard, Sophia Adalaine Zhou, Kora Zorman, and Beata Zurawska.
This book has been a labor of love, and it's amazing to see the first few copies.
What We Need
We are asking for your help to raise $2000. This money will bring 200 copies of Art Collective Volume 1 to you and the world:
- 70% of the money will be used to print and ship the book.
20% of the money will be used to market the book.
10% of the money will be used to jumpstart our next projects, including Art Collective Volumes 2 & 3.
Stretch Goal: The more funding we receive, the more exposure we can get for our artists; we will be able to produce more copies of the Art Collective and share it with a wider audience.
What You Get
All perks ship free to the US; please contact us for international shipping costs.
$1 or more: Thank you for contributing; any amount helps.
$5 or more: You will be listed as an contributor in the next Art Collective book (please contact us if you would like your name withheld).
$8 or more: All of the above + bookmark & sticker featuring art from Shaw Creative's books.
$15 or more: All of the above + 1 copy of Art Collective Volume 1.
$22 or more: All of the above + 1 copy of Mr. Red's Balloon, Shaw Creative's children's book.
$50 or more: All of the above + one limited edition mini-print from one of the featured artists (choices shown below).
$100 or more: All of the above, doubled.
Art Print Options:
Corinna Woodard - Sea of Possibility
LOSTBOY - Feelings
Charmaine Ortiz - Tlaloc Talk Rain and Flood Forecast
The Impact
Help a small publishing company make a big impact! Funding our campaign will gain exposure for artists - not only the ones featured in this Volume, but those featured in our future projects and on our website, www.shawcreativeinc.com. Art is everywhere, but finding it isn't always easy. Help us curate and promote great artists!
Risks & Challenges
Inventory: Without you, we cannot produce the needed inventory to get Art Collective out to the world.
Exposure: Without you, we will get lost in the shuffle; we need to properly promote our growing network of artists, their work, and the Art Collective.
Time: As a family business, everybody plays many roles; as much we try to, we cannot do everything. To increase efficiency, we need to add staff like marketers and talent recruiters.
What happens if we don't reach our Goal?
If we don't reach our entire goal, you will still receive your perks. We will have to scale back our production and marketing plans, but will still work our hardest to promote the Art Collective.
Other Ways to Help
Become a Shaw Creative artist: Join our artist network and participate in blog interviews, future Art Collectives, and more.
Join our team: We are currently looking for marketing and sales gurus.
Work with us: We are eager to collaborate with authors, illustrators, and artists that are looking to create a book. We offer services including layout design, illustration, trailer videos, and publication.
Spread the word: Please share our campaign; every click counts!
Thank you for your support!
From Shaw Creative
Instagram: @shawcreativeinc