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Australian Solar Map

Australia Powered by the People. Help us map solar installations around Australia.

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Australian Solar Map

Australian Solar Map

Australian Solar Map

Australian Solar Map

Australian Solar Map

Australia Powered by the People. Help us map solar installations around Australia.

Australia Powered by the People. Help us map solar installations around Australia.

Australia Powered by the People. Help us map solar installations around Australia.

Australia Powered by the People. Help us map solar installations around Australia.

Renate Egan
Renate Egan
Renate Egan
Renate Egan
1 Campaign |
NSW, Australia
$545 USD 11 backers
3% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
blah blah

Mapping our Power

The team at the Australian PV Institute have created some truly amazing maps and tools around solar energy installations in Australia. These maps are used by enthusiasts, media, developers and installers to communicate the message that Solar Works! 

There are 6 different types of maps and tools that show where solar is installed and how much energy in each state is coming from solar, for example;  

  • You can see how South Australia typically gets >20% of its energy from solar day after day after day...
  • You can see how much solar is installed in your area and compare it to others, by state or by postcode. There are entire suburbs where 50% of the homes are powered by the sun! There are electorates in Queensland where over 40% of the homes are solar powered! 
  • There's an animation showing how solar in Australia has increased by over 300 times since 2007
  • There is even the first release of a tool that you can use to estimate the output of a PV system on your roof - not all locations yet as we are building this up 
  • and we have plans for more....

To see for yourself, follow the website link provided later, or search for APVI solar map. 

This work received seed-funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), for which we are very grateful, but there's so much more we can do and, with your help, we'd like to take it further

We are mapping solar in Australia to communicate its success and to inform the discussion and policy debate around the significance of solar. 

We've mapped Queensland by electorate, now we'd like to do that for each state, starting with NSW

What We Need 

We need just $2,500 to map by electorate for each state.  With an election coming up, we want to start with NSW, but the more support we get, the further we will take it. We aim to bring enough money in the first few days to have the solar map used to inform the conversation in the lead up to the NSW election. 

Our target of $15,000 will allow us to map all of Australia by electorate and make a big contribution to the conversation around solar and the people's support. We'd recruit a communications person to create content around the facts and figures and get the message out about the successful deployment of solar in Australia. We lead the world in residential rooftop installations and we want to let everyone know about it. 

With more than $15,000, we'll be able to build extra features on the maps (listed below), including more sites, better branding and communications around the Solar Map.  

If you've got this far and are ready to support us, a big thanks - go for itIf you want more information on the benefits of support or our plans for the map, then read on. 

You can contribute by way of donation as little as $1 or by selecting a perk from $22 up. If you support us with over $100, we'll offer you the opportunity to join the APVI then you can access all the members benefits including recognition on the APVI website, news and event invitations and discounts.  

The Impact

We aim to increase the deployment of solar energy through sharing good data and through communication. The Australian Solar Map is already a great resource for sharing information about the uptake of solar in Australia and is widely referenced in industry news. With your help we can do more...

We've got big plans for more from the Australian Solar Map including....

  • Mapping by electorate will help inform discussion and policy debate around support for solar. 
  • For most capital city CBD's it is already possible to map your rooftop for how much energy you can generate from solar panels using the Solar Potential Tool. We want to extend this to much greater areas.
  • We want to work with the Solar Schools program to include their data in the Australian Solar Map. 
  • We're interested in integrating weather data so that we can start to forecast future PV generation
  • and we are working with our members to develop new applications

This is only the beginning. We'd love to hear your ideas too. Join us in developing this amazing tool. 

Who are we...?

The Australian PV Institute (APVI) is a not-for-profit, member-based association of companies, agencies, individuals and academics who are passionate about solar energy research, technology, manufacturing, systems, policies, programs and projects. 
Our objective is to: Support the increased development and use of PV via research, analysis and information. 
Participation in APVI activities is on the basis of subscriptions or sponsorship of research and events, like this one.  Benefits of membership include regular events and newsletters, networking, and the opportunity to meet and work with local and international PV experts on submissions, reports and research projects.
The Australian Solar Map was developed by the very clever Dr Anna Bruce, with the support of ARENA and a number of other APVI members.  
And we're very excited that the Australian Solar Map was nominated and has now been shortlisted for the Energy Globe Awards. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Solar Friend

$22 USD
You will get a shout-out to say thanks on Twitter
2 claimed

Solar Family

$44 USD
You will get a personal email thankyou, an invitation to participate in the next event promoting the Map and a shout-out on Twitter
3 claimed

Solar Team

$110 USD
We'll make you an individual/sole trader member of the APVI. This gets you access to the latest news and event, plus we'll send a big thanks on Twitter and a personal email.
2 claimed

Solar Trader

$220 USD
You get to join the APVI and get access to the latest news and events for yourself and we'll add your trading logo to the company website. Plus there'll be a big thanks on Twitter and through a personal email.
0 claimed

Star Partner

$660 USD
You get to add your company logo on the APVI website. Plus you get to join the APVI and get access to the latest news and events for up to 10 people. And we'll send a big thanks on Twitter and through a personal email.
0 claimed

Sun Partner

$1,320 USD
You company logo will be displayed on the APVI website and your team of up to 20 people can join the APVI and get access to news and events. Plus we'll send a big thanks on Twitter and through a personal email. Already a member? Your support will be recorded in all promotions and events around the Solar Map for 2015
0 claimed

Stellar Partner

$2,200 USD
Your contribution will be used to map a state, or to build new capability. You'd have the opportunity to engage and participate in making the map or accessing the aggregated data for your own. Plus you get Large Organisation benefits including your logo on the website and get access to news and events for your entire team. Plus we'll send a big thanks on Twitter and through a personal email. Already a member? Your support will be recorded in all promotions & events around the Solar Map for
0 claimed

Silicon Star

$10,000 USD
Wow - you'd get all the benefits of APVI membership and special recognition at events and workshops around the Australian Solar Map through 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed

Silver Star

$20,000 USD
Amazing - You'd get all the benefits of APVI membership and extra special recognition at events and workshops around the Australian Solar Map through 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

Gold Star

$100,000 USD
Outstanding! - you'd get all the benefits of the best APVI membership and premium recognition at events and workshops around the Australian Solar Map through 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

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