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Baby In Space

Help send Dominic into Outer Space...and bring him back!

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Baby In Space

Baby In Space

Baby In Space

Baby In Space

Baby In Space

Help send Dominic into Outer Space...and bring him back!

Help send Dominic into Outer Space...and bring him back!

Help send Dominic into Outer Space...and bring him back!

Help send Dominic into Outer Space...and bring him back!

Jeff Voegele
Jeff Voegele
Jeff Voegele
Jeff Voegele
4 Campaigns |
Vero Beach, United States
$101 USD 2 backers
0% of $2,000,001 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Who-  the Mashed Potato Players..and You

What-  help fund our 2nd movie: Baby In Space

Where-  the movie will be on Vimeo, Amazon, and Youtube

When-  we're planning for a December Premier

Why-  to entertain families with goofy wholesome comedy!

Support independent movie making by the Mashed Potato Players.

MPP Movie Studio presents a fun family movie that everyone can enjoy...with your HELP! Let's spread the word - MPP movies are good, wholesome, goofy, family fun.

Baby In Space is our current film- in-the-making & we want YOU to to be part of it.


Baby Dominic is accidentally left on the Space Shuttle POTATO  as it blasts off on a top secret mission to the sub-planet of Pluto in this fantastic, funny, full length feature movie. It's the sequel to "Baby Takes A Ride - Dominic's First Picnic" which is now available at Part 2 of our trilogy "Baby In Space" is in production & part 3 - "Baby For President" is in the planning stages. 


The Mashed Potato Players is an independent, multimedia entertainment company. The troupe produces funny, original,  comedies

Our  production studio is in sunny Florida. Our goal? To put a smile on peoples faces and share the spirit of laughter with audiences like you everywhere.

The Space Shuttle Potato crew members learn to say "hello" in Plutonian as they prepare for their top secret mission - being Earth's team in the interplanetary Potato'lympics & match play Galaxy Cup Soccer tournament on sub-planet Pluto.

Meanwhile...back on Earth, Commander Starfeet is planning something evil!

Here's how you can help us complete our mission: Your Support will enable us to meet our takes time, man power, equipment, cameras, tripods, lights, microphones, computers, costumes, props, and sets.

  Crew member RCA4Z greets EU,  an              Dad Tim wakes up from sleeping in       observer from the Space Command.                his cereal...again.

Your contributions make a HUGE difference. Once completed (in mid-November) we want to share and make Baby In Space available to as many as possible - and that means press, publicity, distribution, social networking, & getting the word out.

       Plutonian Soccer Warriors Borg & Borg are determined to destroy Earth's team!

Crew members aboard the Space Shuttle Potato wave bye-bye to Earth and "hello" to Mr. Computo from the sub-planet Pluto as they begin their top secret mission with Baby Dominic accidentally on board

         Thank You for being a part of MPP movie making fun !                


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Choose your Perk

Meteor Mania

$25 USD
We will send you our official "Baby In Space" signed Certificate of Appreciation.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

A Friend In Space

$50 USD
We'll send you an 11x17 poster of "Baby In Space", suitable for framing.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed

Booster Rocket

$75 USD
We'll send you an autographed DVD copy of "Baby In Space".
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed

Blast Off

$100 USD
We will send you our 11x17 poster and an autographed DVD copy of "Baby In Space".
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 out of 25 of claimed

Gallaxy Mind Buster

$150 USD
Be the first to wear the official "Baby In Space" T-shirt. Please specify size.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Full Moon

$250 USD
We will put your name in the closing Credits of "Baby In Space" as one of our Sponsors.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Let's have lunch.

$500 USD
Dominic will treat you to lunch at his favorite restaurant.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
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