The Moken are the last indigenous sea nomads who have spent their entire lives on the waves up until “yesterday”.
Today they are forcefully placed in settlements on land, and have no means to continue a livelihood on their traditional Kabang boats. The children are no longer learning the ancient wisdom of living as one with the ocean.
By providing a vessel on which some Moken once again can make a living on the sea, we can all benefit from their knowledge in our modern day challenges of ocean pollution.
The Project Moken Team consists of a mix of Moken and people from a variety of different cultures. Read more about us here:
Some time after the Tsunami hit the Mergui Archipelago off the west
coast of Myanmar (Burma) and south Thailand, filmmaker Runar J. Wiik made an
astonishing discovery: The Moken Sea Nomads had kept their ancient secrets of
how to live an entire life on the ocean, a lifestyle believed to have vanished
in our modern times. But in the inaccessable islands of the Andaman sea, this
unique culture had survived.
Now, more than a
decade later, Runar has made several films with the Moken, started an organisation
(Project Moken) and found a way to help the
Moken get back out onto the waves (Project MAP). Through Runar's work with the
Moken we can all benefit from the vast knowledge of the ocean and its
ecosystems embedded in the Moken culture for thousands of years. But this
winter something devastating happened; the key to Project Moken's past and future
success - the Vanya Catamaran, sunk during a Typhoon.
Having alreday
mortgaged his house to ensure Project Moken's future endeavors, the expense of
restoring the Vanya Catamaran on top of all the other activities to help make
sure we don't loose the Moken knowledge, may crumble next years efforts. And
the Moken, now forcefully stuck in slum villages both in Myanmar and Thailand,
will not be back on their beloved ocean. More elders will die before their
knowledge can be passed on to the younger generations.
By contributing to
make sure the Moken can get back on the waves, you will be part of a unique
project which uses ancient knowledge to save the coral reefs and marine
ecosystems in our modern times. Read more about one of Project Moken’s future
projects here:
What We Need & What You Get
Project Moken has been
run and funded by Runar and his film projects about the Moken since 2006. First
we needed to make sure that the world knew that the Moken knowledge of living
on and in the ocean had not vanished with the rest of the crippled marine
nomadic cutures, and thanks to our films' numerous awards and special
screenings in everything from villages to royal quarters and the UN, to the web-based
outreach projects, - this goal has been achieved.
however, the living conditions of the Moken in the Mergui Archipelago has
only gotten worse. Without being able to live on their beloved waves, the
elders are dying and the future for the young seems hopeless. This is why Runar
wants, yet again, to aid the Moken in their wish to feed their children from
marine activities once again, and this he wants to do by enabling them to
take part in the much needed coral rejuvenation and plastic clean-up
Some of the most
remote islands on the planet - the Moken realm - is being destroyed by plastic
and un-ethical over-fishing with dynamite and poison. With Project
Moken's Vanya Catamaran as the mother-ship of a small fleet of Moken
canoes, the eco-tourist initiatives in the areas will sponsor the Moken for the
first time, and ensure a sustainable lifestyle for them back on the waves.
But everything
stops without the Vanya Catamaran. Because of her unique re-design she is
currently the only boat the Moken can use for this purpose. The support you
give us now, will go directly to fixing the Vanya Catamaran. The work will be
done by Moken from Mu Koh Surin at the Chaipattana marine workshop in the
mangroves outside Kuraburi in the Phang Nga region on the border between
Myanmar and south Thailand, so all contributions will sustain Moken from day
one. And the Vanya Catamaran will become like their own traditional Kabang
boats before sailing out to launch the Project MAP initiatives.
We will proceed regardless of how much this campaign raises, but the process
will be prolonged until
we've gathered what is needed. The USD 42000,- will make the Vanya
Catamaran ready to sail. As shown in the making of film "Kindred
Spirits" and the film for this campaign, we have done this before, and can
calculate our costs very accurately.
Based on all the previous
work, and the nature of the fantastic Moken culture, we can offer some of the
best perks in return for your contribution. You get the films, credits on our
next film projects, unique Moken artisan work, training in Moken freediving
with a certified instructor, and you are invited to join us on a
voyage into the paradise island realm of the Moken. In addition, every
contributor has a shot at receiving the top perk of voyaging in the Mergui Archipelago
with the Moken, since at the end of the campaign we will randomly
pick a contributor regardless of the size of the contribution, to receive the
USD 5000,- perk!
To read more about our perks - please follow these links:
Moken Artisan perks:
Top Perks:
The Impact
When Runar travelled back to one of the off-limit military
controlled villages in the Mergui Archipelago last year, he wanted to say hello
to some of his friends from making the film "No Word for Worry" two
years prior. What he discovered was that since then, two of the people whom had
helped with the filming from the village had taken their own lives with
dynamite obtained from the fishing industry. Asking why, Runar was told that
they had seen no hope for the future. That is when he decided to help make sure
the Moken can back on the waves.
Most other
organisations involved with Moken focus on helping them with the challenges of
surviving the village life forced upon them by the modern world, but Runar
tries to create a way to feed their children and stay healthy by living on the
ocean again. The Moken need the ocean lifestyle to preserve their unique
knowledge of the sea, and this in turn is something we all need in the tasks
ahead of saving the oceans from ourselves. The Moken need the ocean lifestyle
to lead meaningful lives. Now their health, both physically and mentally, is
When the Vanya
Catamaran can bring the Moken back to their original realm, and Project Moken can continue working on an
international level, the beginning of a sustainable future for the Moken,
our ocean, and ultimately ourselves, will be possible.You
will be part of some of todays most valuable efforts in our collective human
initiatives to right some of the wrongs we have caused this planet. We need to
heal to survive.
Other Ways You Can Help
There are many other ways of
helping us reach our goals.
If you are unable to
contribute to this campaign, please consider some of the following:
- Learn more about the Moken
through Project Moken and join our newsletter
- Sign our "One Tree Can Save A Culture"
- Watch our award-winning
feature Documentary
- Like our Facebook and
Twitter pages (projectmoken)
CAMPAIGN through the various share tools!
Thank you!
If you have any questions, we
would love to hear from you: