- $19,900 We make the the first third of the movie.
- $50,000 We make the the first two thirds of the movie.
- $100,000+ We make the whole movie!
Regardless of which goals we reach, we will continue to make the film and find a way to complete it. Cash just makes it happen much sooner rather than much later!
Also: Any perks purchased during this campaign will apply to any future BEATS OF RAGE campaigns.
Written and Directed by: Jason Trost
Produced by: Jason Trost and Tallay Wickham
Cinematographer: Phil Miller
Costume Designer: Sarah Trost
Production Designer: Tyler B. Robinson
A Sequel?
JTRO here. Check it. THE FP was my passion project. I came up with the idea when I was 16 years old playing Dance Dance Revolution in Reno, Nevada. From that point on, it took nearly a decade to make and release. It was the little movie that could. We had a $45,000 dollar budget, a bunch of friends doing what they loved, a common goal of making the weirdest movie we could, and the inspiration of our favorite 80s and 90s movie moments thrown into a blender.
The result was a movie that people either aggressively loved and got tattooed on their body or absolutely hated with a fiery passion. Release wise, The FP had a limited theatrical run, a home video release in the USA, and has been torrented to shit around the world.
When I was making this movie, I hoped that it would become a cult classic, and thanks to our fans it has.
Since THE FP, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do next with my career. Financially, THE FP was viewed as a failure. It wasn’t my big break, it wasn’t even a small break. So I’ve been forced to make a series of movies based on the piles of trash I’ve had available to me at the time, which have all served as great learning experiences, but I’m not truly proud of any of them in the way I am THE FP, because none of the others have been my dream movies. I’m sick of making movies I like, I want to get back into making movies I love and I know you love.
The question is: how do we get a sequel funded to a movie that bombed financially? Financiers are out. Which is probably for the better considering how weird this movie is. What financier wants to potentially lose money on a very obscure joke? That leaves us with one option... You!
It’s completely up to all of you FP FANS out there. The only way this movie will ever see the light of day is with your help. And I know there are a lot of you because no matter where I’ve gone around the world, FANS like you crawl out of the shadows and demand a sequel. I’m finally sick of disagreeing for financial reasons and letting the man win. I’m sick of being some number fearin’ pussy bitch machine. So I need you all to come together and join forces, with your keyboards and checkbooks combined, WE can finally Beat-Beat this shit right again! Again!
It’s been 8 years since we shot the original. Shit’s changed. New mode. Flip mode.
In this ghetto ass fantasy, in order to save The FP once again... again, JTRO and KCDC must quest deep into The Wastes in order to compete in the ancient Beat-Beat tournament, “Beats of Rage." JTRO travels deep into the realm of his birthplace where he must dig deeper than six feet to vanquish the self proclaimed lord of the Wastes, AK-47. Will JTRO fullfil KCDC’s prophecy? Will he be able to RENIG before it’s too late and save The FP from runnin’ dry once and for all?
Oh... y’all wanna hear more? Fund this shit!
That’s a whole lot of cheese!
We want to actually spend that money on the movie and give you guys something new, fresh and exciting. We want breathing room. The time to make the right choices. The ability to not have to rip half of the script pages out on set.
We need to pay actors, we need to get locations, we need to pay the crew... oh yeah and we need to feed people. Everyone always forgets that food costs money on movies. And what about going to film festivals to sell the movie? Flying to them isn't free. Neither is paying publicists to make sure people actually give a shit when our movie releases.
If we can get more than $100,000, great! The more money we get, the better movie you will get. The more Beat Offs you will get. All of the money is going into the film.
You may look at $100,000 and think that's a lot of money. But it's basically what Adam Sandler makes an hour to play twister with his sister.
The Perks
You want to be part of the team? You want to be on set and get your first film credit? Your mug up on the silver screen! You just want a digital copy? Want me to shut up and take your money? Here's your chance!
Then we'll keep running more indiegogos/hookin' until we get the full 100k. I'm sick 'n tired of being sick 'n tired! Let's spin this shit!
Other Ways You Can Help
Share this with everyone. Get the word out. Any little bit helps.
If you have any questions come find me on my facebook fanpage https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jason-Trost/215997528448105 and I'll be more than happy to chat!
- Jason