I began my journey as a guitarist and musician by falling in love with jazz music. The sound of musicians coming together with a deep affinity for the blues, listening to one another and creating in the moment was something that, as a young man, captivated me. It's been many years since I've made a recording of music that is a part of this continuum and I'm excited to share it with you.
I am starting this campaign to fund the costs of publicity and manufacturing, which are considerable in this day and age. Through your contributions, more people will be able to hear it and know about it. You are an essential part of this journey!
I am deeply humbled to be joined by these musicians. Eric Revis and Jeff "Tain" Watts are people that inspire me daily with their artistry, and I am thrilled to be able to make music with them.
This music is about the state of our world. The challenges we face and the choices before us. The lyrics are written from my perspective, and also the perspective of those with whom I disagree. But it's in those disagreements that we can hopefully find meaning and make decisions about where we go from here. Do we choose division or unity? That remains to be seen.
I hope you'll help make this project a reality and I'll do everything I can to make it worth your while!
Much love,
Doug Wamble
New York City 2022