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Bombshells and Dollies

A documentary about modern day Pin Ups and the 2015 Miss Viva Pin Up Competition

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Bombshells and Dollies

Bombshells and Dollies

Bombshells and Dollies

Bombshells and Dollies

Bombshells and Dollies

A documentary about modern day Pin Ups and the 2015 Miss Viva Pin Up Competition

A documentary about modern day Pin Ups and the 2015 Miss Viva Pin Up Competition

A documentary about modern day Pin Ups and the 2015 Miss Viva Pin Up Competition

A documentary about modern day Pin Ups and the 2015 Miss Viva Pin Up Competition

Marie Retallick
Marie Retallick
Marie Retallick
Marie Retallick
3 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$3,635 USD 33 backers
10% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Thank you for all your support - check out our new campaign here!

Update: We've Wrapped Principal Photography!

We made it through Viva Las Vegas and have wrapped principal photography. Yes we may have a few more small things to grab here and there but we are moving full speed ahead in to Post Production. That means we need your help! 
We have over 100 hours of footage so our editorial team has their work cut out for them! We don't want to lose any momentum and we're ready to spend the next 6 months locking in an edit suit. We are looking to you to help us cover the cost of a talented Editor and Assistant Editor to cull all this amazing footage down to 90 minutes.  Plus we've got more original music coming from our composer!
Check out all of the 2015 Miss Viva Las Vegas Pinups and some HOT rods in our update video, with producer Dano Pizzuti Krogman explaining his artistic approach to the project:

The Iconic Lisa Love - An inspiration to Pinups everywhere - Check out our special Lisa Love merchandise below!

Who We Are & What We're Doing 

My name is Dane Pizzuti Krogman, but to keep things simple I prefer Dano with a long A.  I’m one of the producers of Bombshells and Dollies, the documentary about contemporary pinups and the 12 finalists of the Viva Las Vegas Pin Up Competition 2015.  My career spans some 30 years as an art director for advertising, film, and television.  I have also written a few screenplays and have spent the past 16 years as an arts educator at the college level. Besides having had a life-long involvement in art I have also had a life-long passion for fast cars and the women who enjoy the company of the same.  I’ve built half dozen hot rods of my own and have worked on and off as a crew member of a nationally recognized race team. 

Hi, I’m Dan Halperin. I’ve been an independent film and TV producer for over 20 years. I live in Los Angeles, yet a proud native of Chicago. My SHOWTIME series PICTURE WINDOWS won an EMMY. One episode was selected to premiere at the CANNES FILM FESTIVAL. I wrote and directed the series pilot, which won numerous awards at festivals both here and abroad. I’ve also produced, written and directed on the PBS Documentary Series PHENOMENON, directed music videos and commercials, and produced a couple of feature films including ROAD KINGS released by LIONSGATE. I’m also a member of the International Documentary Association, The Television Academy and The Producers Guild of America where I serve on a number of committees, including the PGA's Power of Diversity Workshop.

Why Pin Ups?

Some projects are surely great stories and have artistic merit, but when you have the added component of doing something positive for the world and man (and woman) kind, I get a particular charge. BOMBSHELLS AND DOLLIES not only stars lovely ladies and has the backdrop of the MISS VIVA LAS VEGAS PINUP CONTEST. But the MISS VIVA CONTEST is no ordinary Pin Up contest, this one celebrates the twelve selected contestants, who hail from all over the world (Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Canada to name a few…) as much for their beauty on the inside as on the outside. All of the contestants are engaged in philanthropic and social work, helping their communities live better lives.

We believe that the culture and the expression of the Pin Up are little known, or is largely misunderstood by the general public. We’ve learned that clothes, cars and all kinds of products constructed in the 40’s &50’s were most often made by hand or in quality factories right here in America. These ladies have taught us about an attention to quality and detail that is unfamiliar to today’s consumer.  As filmmakers, storytellers and historians, we think it’s important to reintroduce these values to our audience and celebrate them in a vibrant colorful way!

These women also exude a timeless beauty that artists have tried to capture for ages.  In this film we are striving to capture what is known in art history as “The S Curve”, or as the Greeks and Romans’ called it, contrapostto.  It’s that beautiful serpentine curve that we find in classic human poses in painting and sculpture.  It’s that line that shifts the center of gravity off kilter just enough to give us a sense of liveliness and activity within a static image that excites the attention of the viewer.  The S-Curve is that line of beauty in painting, drawing, sculpture, design, and nature.  It is not the simple geometric , angular or repetitive shapes. It’s that line that gracefully modulates from one gradient to another.  It’s the line that hot rodders and custom car builders intuitively, naively, and sometimes consciously use to alter, let’s say, a 49’ Mercury, a 32’ Ford, or a 59’ Chevy into an object of erotic beauty. This S-Curve, this one simple line is also the same tool the pinup model uses to set herself off as a living work of art.  Whether it be that hot looking car or that hot looking pinup our eyes are drawn to the image, and we will linger on that sight and we will be enticed and teased into admiration and possibly love. 

There are untold numbers of films that feature automobiles of another era and those who drive them, build them and love them.  Maybe it’s too daring to say the same about women, it’s politically or socially unacceptable to feature women as an object of erotic beauty, or is it?  When these women pose, when they take a stance thoughtfully and artistically, they find themselves.  They find their inner beauty, their true beauty and it is heroic and we can’t stop looking.  These pinups are as edgy as the custom cars we love.  They have all the right curves, all the right colors, paint or makeup, and without moving they look like they are going places, and going there fast and with purposeful intent.

So Far So Good

We’ve been following the Miss Viva Contest for the past three years. Getting the story and building our relationships. This year our Executive Producer came onboard with seed money to start recording the application and voting, and  selection of the twelve finalists.  We’ve been shooting and collecting photos, stories and video from all of the contestants and members of the pinup community . We now need funding to carry us through our 4 day shoot as all of the contestants arrive in Las Vegas, meet each other, are interviewed, and interact with the massive crowd that will select the final winner…all culminating in the grand finale crowning of MISS VIVA LAS VEGAS 2015. 

We have been hard at work researching and sourcing  historical film and stock footage from the 40’s & the 50’s to help put the whole film in context – the WWII effort, the birth of the Rosie the Riveter story, how American women took on the war effort at home, replacing their men in their positions in factories, building ships, airplanes and tanks, as well as everything else. We will also be acquiring music from the day, hit tunes that used to spin as 45’s on turntables from coast to coast as well as some new original songs from current artists in the Rockabilly scene.

What You Get

*Just Announced* Now though the end of the Campaign anyone who donates $10 or more will get one of these handy 2GB USB drives -made to fit right in to your wallet like a credit card - featuring Bombshells and Dollies on one side and the lovely Rockwell De Vil on the other*

Besides being part of a truly unique project we've worked with the contestants and judges (who happen to be some of the hottest Pin Ups around) to create some great perks to thank you for your support.

 Check out our Bombshells and Dollies swag, we've got  Stickers, Rockwell De Vil Thumbdrives, Bombshells and Dollies Compact Mirrors and Autographed Pin Up Shots of all the contestants and more! 

Lisa Love Merchandise

The exquisite Lisa Love - one of the stars of our film has donated some awesome Lisa Love Merchandise including autographed posters, greeting card sets and a Limited Edition Viva Las Vegas poster signed by Tom Ingram, Lisa Love and  Rob Kruse.
These are all limited quantities so claim your's quick!
16X23 3 Color Silk Screen VLV18 Poster. These sold out at Viva but we snagged one and even got it signed.

Lisa Love Autographed Posters 


Lisa Love Greeting Card Set  - Yes you get all 6!!!

What Your Contribution Will Do

We are almost there! Your contributions will cover much of the continuing production costs post VLV, including post contest interviews, licensing archival footage, an editorial team, composer, music licensing, sound mixing and prep for distribution. We believe that with the help you provide through this campaign will greatly impact the quality of the final film. The better the film, the more people will see it, enjoy it, and learn about this unique part of American history and culture. And I remind you, all with beautiful women as your tour guides!

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Choose your Perk


$1 USD
Every little bit helps and we couldn't do it with out you!
0 claimed

VIVA Weekend - Compact Mirror

$10 USD
Who doesn't need a Bombshells and Dollies compact mirror to ensure they are as glamorous as can be at all times, and the best part if your at Viva you get it right now!
2 out of 300 of claimed

2GB Flash Drive

$10 USD
Who doesn't need a USB flash drive that fits in your wallet like a credit card? Now how doesn't want one with a beautiful Pinup on it? That's what we thought! Donate $10 and it's yours, or donate more and select an different perk and we'll add it in!
0 out of 100 of claimed

Digital Soundtrack

$12 USD
You'll get a digital download of the official Bombshells and Dollies movie soundtrack with originals songs by D Tension & the Juvie Keys and more!
1 claimed

Lisa Love Greeting Card Set

$15 USD
Get all 6 Lisa Love Greeting cards. Printed on lovely Classic Crest cardstock, comes with matching envelope. Blank inside. Greeting cards measure 5" x 7". She's perfect for any occasion!
0 out of 2 of claimed

Autographed Lisa Love Posters

$15 USD
Choose from one of 6 different Lisa Love Full Color Prints on heavy stock. We have a few of them on the walls of our living room - and you should too. Check the photo in "what you get section" for what's still available.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 15 of claimed

Digital Download

$20 USD
Get a digital download of the film after it's release, and the satisfaction of knowing we couldn't have done it without you!
4 claimed

Signed DVD of the Film

$35 USD
You'll get a digital download plus a DVD copy of the film signed by your favorite Pin Up Contest host Rockwell De Vil
1 claimed

Digital Pack

$45 USD
You'll get a Digital download of Bombshells and Dollies, The official Bombshells and Dollies Movie Soundtrack and a print resolution size pin up shot of each of the contestants ready to print and pin up!
1 claimed

Google Hang out with Miss Viva

$50 USD
You'll be invited to an intimate google hang out (video call) with the 2015 Miss Viva Las Vegas winner where you can ask her all your burning questions!
0 out of 5 of claimed

Pin Ups All Year Long

$50 USD
Have a new pin up to look at every month for a year! We'll send you an 8X10 pin up photo of each of our lovely 12 contestants so you have enough to last you for a very long time.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
2 claimed

Limited Edition VLV18 Poster

$60 USD
Viva Las Vegas VLV18 Official Silkscreen Car Show Poster 2015: Featuring Pin Up model Lisa Love. This limited edition poster sold out at Viva this year but they saved one for us and we got Tom Ingram, Lisa Love and the Artist Robert Cruse to Sign it!
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Special Thanks

$75 USD
Your'll get the digital pack plus a Special Thanks credit in the film and a special Facebook or Instagram shout out from a very special pin up - cause we know your special baby!
5 out of 50 of claimed

12 Autographed Pin Ups

$125 USD
Get a set of 8x10 Pin Up posters of all 12 of the 2015 Miss Viva Las Vegas contestants autographed and ready for your walls. Plus the Digital Pack so you can watch your girls in action!
0 out of 50 of claimed

Pin Up Paperdolls

$150 USD
Your'll get a set of 3 limited edition Bombshells and Dollies Pin Up Paperdolls - each with a few outfits! Plus the Digital Pack listed above.
2 out of 100 of claimed


$1,000 USD
We'll make you a VIP at next years VIVA with privileges you can't buy. Details coming soon! Plus we'll throw in the Digital Pack !
1 out of 5 of claimed

Bombshell Gretsch Guitar

$1,700 USD
A very special Custom Gretsch G5420T Electromatic® Hollow Body guitar with some amazing pin-striping by Jr. Huff just like the one awarded to Miss Viva Las Vegas 2015. This a one-of-a-kind masterpiece and it can be yours along with the Digital Pack and a Special Thanks !
0 out of 1 of claimed

Associate Producer

$2,000 USD
Your generous contribution makes you an Associate Producer! You will be credited as an Associate Producer in the film's credits and on IMDB, plus you'll get an official Bombshells and Dollies crew shirt, a digital advance copy of the film, a DVD copy of the film and a Facebook shout out from us!
0 claimed


$10,000 USD
Your generous contribution makes you an Co- Producer! You get your own title card as Co-Producer in the film's opening credits along with an official Bombshells and Dollies crew shirt, a pre-release digital download of the film, a DVD copy of the finished film, all the Bombshells and Dollies swag you can handle and a big thank you hug from Rockwell De Vil!
0 claimed
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