Book Summary:
Book Summary: As darkness levels all, and the kingdoms of Bretwealda falter at the news of the return of the jewel that once held them all in its thrall. Into this madness Cormag a young fisherman's son must tread, with little hope for the peaceful life he once led.
My goal:
A fantasy-mythology novel in the mould of Lord of the Rings, except for Scotland. The idea is to give to the Scottish their own mythology.
What you'll get is art, books and various other perks from more than just one author as a prize for supporting this crowdfund and lofty goal.
With your support on this campaign, is to fund the publication of a novel via Defiance Press. They've a number of talented writers, such as the bestseller Mike Baron writing for them (along with a slew of other bestselling writers).
(Who can be found here;
So no one will be getting the book, at least not for a year after this initial crowdfund therefore I'm offering other books and poster-art and merchandise of various kind in its place.
Poster Sizes: 18 by 24
When will you get your rewards? We'll ship everything when the crowdfund ends. So no matter what items will be shipped by the 1st of Jan.
10$ Reward: Crown of Blood Ebook Pdf:
Three Kingly Lines – One Crown…
After the death of the legitimate High-King in battle, his rightful successor is displaced and war and chaos reign freely over the land of Caledonia.
A web of scandal, murder and intrigue weaves itself around each of his successors; each of their downfalls come from an unexpected quarter. Some are slain by their friends, some their wives sleeping killed, and still others go mad and seek their own undoing. Even as all yearn for the bloodied crown of the Caleds…
20$ for a signed copy of Cross of Secrets: (book)
Summary of this Sci-Fi Epic:
An impenetrable shadow has bound the galaxy of Andromeda for centuries. After a freak accident of space, an empire of slave traders learns to control time. Now nothing can stop them from taking whom they will. In the deadly currents of a universe torn by the Marauders, can Marc, one of the galaxies’ guardians, protect those he loves? Will his daughter survive her traumatic past? Can anyone bring light to the Marauders and break Andromeda’s chains?
In this first book of the trilogy, entitled Cross of Secrets, we find a man whose life is torn apart by the slave trade, a woman whose past contains a dangerous secret, and a slave who hides more than anyone can guess. Will they come to grips with the weight of their secrets before the Marauders strike again?
25$ for a Signed Trial by Time (book):
Summary: An impenetrable shadow has bound the galaxy of Andromeda for centuries. After a freak accident of space, an empire of slave traders learns to control time. Now nothing can stop them from taking whom they will. In the deadly currents of a universe torn by the Marauders, can Marc, one of the galaxies’ guardians, protect those he loves? Will his daughter survive her traumatic past? Can anyone bring light to the Marauders and break Andromeda’s chains? In this second book of the Ransom: Shadow of an Empire trilogy, entitled Trial by Time, Samantha, captured by Medrhos, is plunged a thousand years into the past, faced with the prospect of becoming a Marauder herself: with or without her free will. Meanwhile, Marc must play his part in Talitha’s fate. As they face their worst nightmares, a shadow creeps across the horizon: one which even Medrhos can’t hold back.
The other 25$ Reward option is a signed Shards of Crystal (book):
An impenetrable shadow has bound the galaxy of Andromeda for centuries. After a freak accident of space, an empire of slave traders learns to control time. Now nothing can stop them from taking whom they will. In the deadly currents of a universe torn by the Marauders, can Marc, one of the galaxies’ guardians, protect those he loves? Will his daughter survive her traumatic past? Can anyone bring light to the Marauders and break Andromeda’s chains?
In this third book of the Ransom: Shadow of an Empire trilogy, entitled Shards of Crystal, the Cult has forced its hand; the Great Raid is beginning. As the Marauder fleet hurtles through time, Samantha prays for a light that will save the people she’s grown to love. Marc and Medrhos find themselves facing the one thing that can unite them: a force bent on destroying Samantha, Aiyra, and the universe with them.
30$ for a signed copy of Crown of Blood (book): Book Summary:
Three Kingly Lines – One Crown…
After the death of the legitimate High-King in battle, his rightful successor is displaced and war and chaos reign freely over the land of Caledonia.
A web of scandal, murder and intrigue weaves itself around each of his successors; each of their downfalls come from an unexpected quarter. Some are slain by their friends, some their wives sleeping killed, and still others go mad and seek their own undoing. Even as all yearn for the bloodied crown of the Caleds…
30$ for A Signed Copy of Brotherhood of the Gemstone
A signed copy of the crowdfunded book when it comes out, warning this would be when it is published, therefore it could be you don't get the book until between March and July.
35$ for a Merialeth Mug
40$ for either a Brotherhood of the Gemstone or Crown of Blood Mug
50$ for the whole Ransom Shadow of an Empire Trilogy (books)
75$ Signed Copies of the trilogy & Crown of Blood (books)
65$ for Shards of Crystal poster art
65$ for Trial by Time, Vale of Hope or Ghost Pit Art
70$ for Rejection of Argyros Art
70$ for Brotherhood of the Gemstone Art
70$ for Crown of Blood Art
70$ for Darkspire Conspiracy art