Our book festival is backed by award-winning writers and leading figures in Welsh public life.
We hope to get your support to create awareness of it and get people talking about it.
This year we'll host a three-day festival aimed at promoting reading, writing and debate to the Welsh capital for the first time this autumn (28-30th October 2016).
It comes in the year the city celebrates the centenary of its most famous literary son, Roald Dahl.
Our ambition is to continue to grow every year adding more events and putting the Cardiff Book Festival on the literary map.
To give you a flavour of what you can see at the festival, we'll have events with Ifor ap Glyn, the national poet of Wales, award-winning writers including Rachel Trezise and Jonathan Edwards and the investigative journalist, Martin Williams.
We are aiming to raise £5,000 via Indiegogo but the more we're able to raise, the more events we can organise at the festival.
As well as helping the festival get off the ground, we're offering supporters a range of experiences including signed books, Roald Dahl walking tours, masterclasses with award-winning authors including Rachel Trezise and workshops with publishers and agents on how budding writers can get into print.
We have the support of Cardiff University, Literature Wales, the City of Cardiff Council and leading figures from a range of areas of Welsh life.
Our aim is to have a diverse and inclusive programme featuring talks and debates from high profile figures on topics ranging from poetry to politics, crime writing to children’s events, fiction to feminism and the Welsh language to walking tours.
We hope you'd like to be a part of it.
Here's some media coverage of our launch: