Short Summary
Let's not kid anybody. I'm inspired by the Potato Salad Dude over on Kickstarter. If he can do a Foodie Kickstarter for potato salad he's never made, I can do a Foodie Indiegogo for my world-famous fudge. People have been asking for a chance to get some for years, so here's a chance!
Honestly, there's also the fact that people have been telling me for years I could make a small holiday business out of selling my fudge. This is, as much as anything, seeing if that holds any prospect. I *love* doing it; the idea of making any money at it is rather splendid.
As for my elite fudge-making skills, well, the first time I made the Christmas fudge, at age 14, my mom tried a piece and said, "Well, I'll leave this to you from now on," and I've gotten better since. :)
Stretch Goals
$750: I will start by making basic chocolate/chocolate walnut fudge.
$1250: Peanut butter fudge joins the ranks.
$1500: Maple/maple-ginger fudge gets added to the haul.
$1750: DIABETIC FUDGE unlocked! I will experiment with diabetic chocolate fudge recipes & POSSIBLY EVEN see if one can be adjusted to different flavours!
$2250: VANILLA FUDGE unlocked! I have never made vanilla fudge. Indeed, until a couple days ago I had never even thought about vanilla fudge. Now I shall try to MAKE vanilla fudge! DUN DUN DAH DUN!
$3000: Mix & Match UNLOCKED! Backers will be able to select up to 3 types of
fudge for their box. (Dairy-free & diabetic probably excluded; odds
are I'll just be doing chocolate for those ones. ETA: Oh hey, someone asked if they can mix & match if they feel personally safe in risking themselves for the other types. Sure, that's cool, it's on you for self-poisoning, then. :))
$3750: Sampler Box! Backers will be able to select up to one of each type of fudge + their preference to bring the box weight up to 450g/1lb. (Dairy-free & diabetic excluded, unless the caveat above is applied.)
$5000: involves Joanne! (If this level is unlocked, all backers, including $1 backers, will receive this perk.)
5000+: my hysterical laughter, + other good stuff o.o
Comic writer
John Reppion: CE Murphy's fudge is fudging delicious. I have eaten it before and you need to taste it!
Fantasy novelist
Beth Cato will totally vouch for the awesomeness of CE Murphy's fudge.
Fantasy novelist
Steven Aryan: I have a massive sweet tooth. I'm a fudge connoisseur and snobby about it. CE Murphy makes the best I've ever tasted. Back her campaign.
Risks & Challenges
The worst risk here, honestly, is that I'm bad about getting things into the mail. OTOH, I do not want 20 pounds of fudge sitting around my house, so I'm pretty confident of getting it out the door to backers.
*Realistically* the smart time to send fudge is closer to the holidays than late summer, just because it's less likely to, you know, melt in the mail. Backers will be able to choose Hang The Risk, Send It Now, or Send It In October.