Short Summary
We are joining forces to produce a fun Christmas record and video in support of two acute hospitals in Greater London. The hospitals have their own charity and one of the really important things they provide funds for is children’s play. This can be from the smallest thing such as a wind-up toy to make a child smile after a painful procedure, or colouring sets to entertain children during time spent in hospital, gaming stations, TVs and interactive play walls, right up to a fully equipped sensory playroom giving pleasure to even the most challenged child. Arts and craft keep a hospitalised child entertained and stimulated for hours which is great for the child, the parent, and helps support the staff too. A donation today could help these hospitals give hours of fun to sick children in the future delivered by our very own Santa. Please give generously if you can.
Our Mission
Money raising for Children's gifts at Christmas time.
Campaign 1 link money raised $1019