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Chestnut Smoking Wood Chips

Chestnut Wood Chips - Food Smoking

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Chestnut Wood Chips - Food Smoking

Chestnut Wood Chips - Food Smoking

Salvatore Nizzolino
Salvatore Nizzolino
Salvatore Nizzolino
Salvatore Nizzolino
1 Campaign |
Latina, Italy
$11 USD $11 USD 2 backers
0% of $9,920 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Idea

The idea of producing smooking-wood came to my mind 2 months ago. I have a small coppiced-chestnut-wood, 3,2 acres (1,3 Hectares). There is a dense population of chestnuts stumps, and each one has dozens of trees of different age. Every ten years a coppiced-wood needs to be cut in order to start a new vegetative cycle. 

Usually 99% of this trees are turned into firewood or fence-posts. But I thought: "There must been a more noble way to use this nice trees!". So since I love smoking food with chestnut logs - and this kind of trees are totally missing in many areas of the world - I thought it could be a great idea making chestnuts-woodchips and sell them worldwide through the Internet.

Smoking Qualities
Chestnut wood produces a medium weight nutty smoke, its coaling qualities are also medium. It gives the smoked meat very nice red colour and quite a unique characteristic taste. Use it to smoke fish, all meats, cheese and also vegetables. Can be successfully mixed with other woods.

What I Need for the Start-Up

                                                ITEM /SERVICE                                                  COST IN €
Professional Wood Chipper (wood chipping machine)      5.300
15 Kg of Plastic Bags to create the selling packages          900
Plastic bag sealer             45
5000 Sticker labels for packaging in 3 languages (English, Spanish Italian)           750
Web Site with "Online Selling Section" in three languages (English, Spanish, Italian)           550
Registration and Administration fees at the Chamber of Commerce.           230
Total without VAT        7.775
Italian VAT 22%          1.710

Total needed

The Impact

The business is 100% eco-friendly and gives a second life to thousands of chestnuts trees, they have to be cut anyway because they grow in a coppice-forest. Moreover this business will have a positive impact on the surroundings and it will offer a new way to use this kind of wood.

For the smoking-food-lovers overseas this is a great chance to discover a new flavour. Chestnut wood can be succesfully mixed with other kind of wood and the possible combinations are huge. 

Risks & Challenges

The risk is almost close to ZERO, since I already own all the raw material I need. According to my calculation, with the current production I am able to sell 150-170 Tons of wood in the next three years. While I will be using the current biomass, a new vegetative growing cycle will bring new plants to maturation.

After 3 or 4 years I will probably need to buy a new piece of land. Chestnut forests are very common in my area and they are affordable.

Some Rewards include Pyrography Works:

Some Rewards include Chestnut Leaves for herbal-infusions:

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Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
A thank you by mail + an emoticon :-)
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
1 claimed

Thank-you postcard

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Personal handwritten Thank-you postcard.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Letter with leaves

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
Personal handwritten thank-you letter, containing some chestnut leaves from my little forest.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Letter with 2 type of leaves

Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
Personal handwritten thank-you letter, containing some Chestnut leaves and Oak leaves from my little forest.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Chestnut-Bark Pyrography

Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
Personal handwritten thank-you letter, containing some Chestnut leaves, Oak leaves and Dogwood leaves from my little forest. Plus you name written on a piece of Chestnut-Bark with Pyrography.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia

Elegant Letter+Bark Pyrography

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen. The letter will contain some Chestnut leaves from my little forest. Plus you name written on a piece of Chestnut-Bark with pyrography.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia

Elegant Letter+Bark Pyrography

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen. The letter will contain some Chestnut leaves and Oak leaves from my little forest. Plus your name and personal dedication written on a piece of Chestnut-Wood with pyrography.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia

Perfumed Letter+Pyrography

Currency Conversion $63 USD
€60 EUR
Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen. The letter will contain some Chestnut leaves, Oak leaves from my little forest. The paper will be perfumed with a special homemade herbal infusion. Plus you name and personal dedication written on a piece of Chestnut-Wood with pyrography.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia


Currency Conversion $73 USD
€70 EUR
Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen. The letter will contain some Chestnut leaves, Oak leaves from my little forest. The paper will be perfumed with a special homemade herbal infusion and its recipe attached. Plus a qualtity of Chestnut leaves (scientific name "Castanea Sativa") sufficient to prepare 5 thè-infusions. Plus you name and personal dedication written on a piece of Chestnut-Wood with pyrography.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia

Recipe+10 Infusons-Pyrography

Currency Conversion $84 USD
€80 EUR
Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen plus the herbal perfume recipe attached. Plus a quantity of Chestnut leaves (100% organic "Castanea Sativa") sufficient to prepare 10 thè-Infusions. This ancient infusion helps to cure bronchitis, whooping cough, as well as blockage of the bronchial passage. When used internally, this infusion constricts the mucous membranes and slows down racking coughs. Plus you name and dedication written on a piece of Chestnut-Wood with pyrography
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United States of America, Canada, Australia

Recipe+20 Infusions-Pyrography

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
A Chestnut Wood Plaque with your name and a dedication written by pyrography. A quantity of chestnut leaves 100% organic (scientific name "Castanea Sativa") to prepare 20 herbal infusions. This ancient infusion helps to cure bronchitis, whooping cough, as well as blockage of the bronchial passage. Plus Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen plus the herbal perfume recipe attached.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 30 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Canada, United States of America, Australia

Pyrography Wood Plaque

Currency Conversion $313 USD
€300 EUR
A Magnificent Handcrafted Chestnut Wood Plaque with your name and a dedication written by pyrography. Plus Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen plus the herbal perfume recipe attached. Plus a quantity of Chestnut leaves (100% organic "Castanea Sativa") sufficient to prepare 30 thè-Infusions. This ancient infusion helps to cure bronchitis, whooping cough, as well as blockage of the bronchial passage.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Luxury Pyrography Plaque

Currency Conversion $522 USD
€500 EUR
A Luxury Decorated Handcrafted Chestnut-Wood Plaque with your name and a dedication written by pyrography. Plus Elegant personal thank-you letter written with a Fountain Pen plus the herbal perfume recipe attached. Plus a quantity of Chestnut leaves (100% organic "Castanea Sativa") sufficient to prepare 50 thè-Infusions. This ancient infusion helps to cure bronchitis, whooping cough, as well as blockage of the bronchial passage.
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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