Directed by Steve Davis Kent Independent Film's 'CHRISTMAS SLAY' is a unique take on the slash and stalk genre, a film inspired by so many great movie such as BLACK CHRISTMAS, FRIDAY 13th, HALLOWEEN, SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT,, A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, and so many other cult horror classics of the 1970's and 1980's.
Our aim is to make an original slasher film franchise with a modern look and twist which stays true to the genre's original roots.
The story of CHRISTMAS SLAY begins on a wintery Christmas Eve in the picturesque Kentish countryside, the horrific murder of a loving family, and the capture of a Santa Claus obsessed blood thirsty killer.
As Christmas dawns closer the following year, a group of collage girlfriends decide to get away from it all and relax and party over the Christmas holiday, they decide to escape to the idyllic Mistletoe Lodge nestled within the beautiful snowy mountains of the Scottish Highlands, but what starts off as the perfect festive getaway of fun in the snow and a glass of eggnog or two, suddenly descends in to gruesome blood bath of terror, and a fight for survival.
What We Need & What You Get
Production of CHRISTMAS SLAY began on 8th February 2014 and saw Kent Independent Film's small cast and crew head off to the small village of Madjare high up in the Bulgarian mountains to start principal photography of there main shoot, it was extremely hard work but an incredible adventure.
In just two weeks we filmed the main bulk of our film, and thanks to our amazingly talented cast and our extraordinary surroundings we have been able to create what will be a truly cinematic film which really does stay true to its 1980's inspired roots.
Now that we are back on UK soil we have the the mission of trying to raise another £5000 in order to complete our production and have our film ready for release by Christmas, and we still have quite a bit to do, we still have around a weeks worth of filming before we can go in to post, and submit Christmas Slay for its BBFC classification.
With the exception of casting our remaining roles, all our locations are now in place, and we are ready to get this film finished, if we are able to raise the required £5000 we will be spending the funds on paying for our locations, transportation, feeding our cast and crew, costume, make up and prosthetics and post production.
All Cast and Crew involved in the production have kindly agreed to work free of charge, this enables us to place every penny ( dollar ) raised in to production in front of the camera, giving CHRISTMAS SLAY the highest possible production value.
People backing this project will have access to a variety of amazing perks including:
-A signed POSTER
-A signed copy of the SHOOTING SCRIPT
-The chance to be CAST IN THE MOVIE ( as an extra)
-Access to footage before ANYBODY ELSE
-Wrap party tickets
-London World premiere tickets And MUCH MUCH MORE
Other Ways You Can Help
If you like what we are doing with CHRISTMAS SLAY then please share this campaign by Spreading the word via Twitter and Facebook using the SHARE TOOLS embedded onto this page... It may not seem like much, but just by doing this helps us enormously. Thank you.
TWITTER: @KENTindieFILM @XmasSLAYmovie FACEBOOK:www.facebook.com/christmasslaymovie