Hi! Thanks for stopping by to learn about this project.
My name is Dr. Debra Durham and I am a wildlife biologist. I started working with chimpanzees in Uganda in 2010. I fell in love with the animals, made some great friends and quickly realized that Uganda is one of my favorite places on the planet. I continue to be part of wildlife projects there and have been back several times, most recently in May 2013.
Smart + Heart: In addition to being a scientist, I also happen to be committed to a life of compassion. That's how Compassion in Action became part of the project name. I think the best solutions to the world's problems are kind to people, animals and the earth.** Projects for wildlife are no exception!
This is my campaign for (drumroll, please...)
the Compassion in Action Mushroom Project, or CAMP for short.
CAMP is a brand new program that will help women build sustainable micro-businesses growing and selling mushrooms. CAMP promotes alternative sustainable livelihoods in conjunction with chimpanzee conservation.
Why CAMP for chimps?
A smart program to reduce human-wildlife conflict and protect wildlife recognizes that empowering people and communities is vital. This is one of the reasons why alternative sustainable livelihoods projects are so important for protecting wildlife, including chimpanzees in Uganda.
I first learned about the possibility of this project back in November 2012. I was in Uganda meeting with colleagues at Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust (CSWCT). As you can see, working for chimps is work we all love:
It's Summer 2013 and I haven't been able to stop thinking about the mushroom project idea for months. I finally decided I wanted to do what I could to just make it happen. That's why I put together this funding campaign to ask other smart, compassionate folks to get behind the project with me. I hope that will include you.
Here's why I'm so excited about CAMP:
- Green: Small footprint. Solar drying. No impacts on the forest habitat.
- Healthy: Mushrooms are not only delicious, they are nutritious!
- Compassionate: No animals are harmed, no conflict with wildlife.
What CAMP needs and what it will do
The plan for CAMP has two phases that will take us about 8 months.
Phase 1: Piloting the project
The pilot project will provide training and materials to women so they can grow, preserve and sell mushrooms. Business development support will also be offered.
- After women are recruited to participate in the pilot, CAMP will buy materials and labor to construct mushroom sheds
- CAMP will provide each woman with supplies to start her mushroom micro-business.
- CAMP will fund one or two solar dryers at a local education center.
- Training and ongoing support for growing, preserving and marketing mushrooms will be provided through CAMP funds.
Other CAMP funds will help put boots on the ground to get the ball rolling, keep things moving forward and adjust course as needed. We want to be smart and responsive as we work so the project can pivot to meet needs and opportunities along the way.
Phase 2: Building on our success
After 6 months, we will go over the project data to figure out what worked best and what needs to be tweaked (or just scrapped) so the project can get better and grow in the future.
What you get for supporting CAMP
In recognition of your compassion and support, I've come up with a range of perks, from gorgeous chimpanzee photos to exclusive online project diaries or even a fun, original chimpanzee-themed thank you song composed and recorded just for you.
Cue Moulin Rouge theme song: "Voulez-vous manger des champignons avec CAMP?"
For those who can drop a bigger chunk of change, a special project wrap dinner party is a fabulous option. It will include a delicious, homemade, mushroom-themed dinner for you and a guest at Chez Deb. (You must be able to come to Seattle. See other details for this perk, too).
Are you absolutely in love with CAMP? Super special perk alert!
You can adopt this project! Whether it's because you love chimps or champignons, or just think that a cool vegan project deserves a chance, your support will be rewarded with the most special of perks: a chance to join us in Uganda to be part of CAMP activities. You will also get to enjoy some delicious, nutritious mushroom dishes (say that three times fast!) at a CAMP team dinner in the field! Please see other special details for this perk.
CAMP is a great project all around
Reduces human-wildlife conflict
Promotes livelihoods for women and families
Plus, mushrooms are yummy!
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can’t contribute right now, you can still make a difference for the chimpanzees and the Compassion in Action Mushroom Project (CAMP):
- Help get the word out and build interest in this compassionate project. It's easy: just use the Indiegogo share tools! That’s all there is to it.
- Eat more mushrooms (and other fruits and veggies).
- Learn about Uganda and chimpanzees. Tell others about what you have learned.
- Practice compassion toward people, animals and the earth.
**Doctor Deb's notes about why she favors the approach embodied by Compassion in Action:
Approaches that trade the lives of some animals for others, but expect a positive net improvement in the world don't make much sense to my head or my heart. The science is in on this: more animal agriculture and more animal-based foods aren't real solutions because they aren't green, sustainable or healthy. That's why I think it is so important to find and develop solutions that are smart and kind at heart, like CAMP.
Administrivia: I know that it would be possible to start a non-profit and file the various paperwork so CAMP support could count as charitable donations. That's a later step in my mind. What needs to come first is a pilot that can be tested in the field and help us figure things out sooner rather than later. Once things are tested and proven so the project can scale, then new infrastructure and administration can be put in place or other organizations could take over funding efforts, etc. I'm aiming for quick and agile so we can make a difference while we learn.
A pilot makes good sense, but it isn't free. I don't want to delay. Human wildlife conflict is a serious risk for chimpanzees - TODAY. Alternative sustainable livelihoods are needed - NOW. I want to see this pilot project get started ASAP! Thanks for your help making that hope a reality.