is a rotoscope animation feature (think Fire & Ice/Heavy Metal meets Filmation) from Brett Kelly, the cult director of movies like Jurassic Shark, My Fair Zombie and more. It is written by Robert Freese (author of the Splatter University and Galaxy Warriors novelizations as well as writer for It Came From Hollywood and Videoscope Magazine).
It is the story of a Warrior Woman who must rescue a Prince from an evil Princess and her Wizard. Two adventurous elves come along for the ride.
What We Need & What You Get
I'm keeping the goal small in order to achieve it, but the more we get the better and quicker the project will be. I have to film the movie, then animate it, which is essentially making a movie twice. You can help make the process smoother. Get yourself a dvd or other media right at the start so that you can be among the first to see the finished movie!
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