Please be aware that some perks may not be delivered until the entire season has aired, however we will keep you updated and informed of any and all delivery times. For on-site perks, you will be responsible for your own transportation and accommodation. Additional paperwork may be required to fulfill some rewards. On-camera appearances or mentions onscreen require signed legal agreements to protect both parties. You must be over the age of 18 to appear on camera and/or attend any of our events. If you are under the age of 18 and wish to attend the table read, photo shoot, or visit the set, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (We apologize, but those under the age of 18 are not eligible to be on camera for the Bar Scene Extra Perk).
Bar Scene Extras Perk: Filming date TBD. Shoot will take place in King City, ON, Canada. Must be 18+.
Table Read Perk: Table read date TBD. Table read will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Set Visit Perk: Filming dates TBD. Shoot will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Photo Shoot Perk: Photo shoot date TBD. Table read will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Executive Producer Perk: Production dates, table read date, and photo shoot date TBD. Filming, table read, and photo shoot will all take place in (or around) Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.