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Couple-ish Season 2

A Streamy-nominated LGBTQ web series about dates, mates, and faking out the government!

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Couple-ish Season 2

Couple-ish Season 2

Couple-ish Season 2

Couple-ish Season 2

Couple-ish Season 2

A Streamy-nominated LGBTQ web series about dates, mates, and faking out the government!

A Streamy-nominated LGBTQ web series about dates, mates, and faking out the government!

A Streamy-nominated LGBTQ web series about dates, mates, and faking out the government!

A Streamy-nominated LGBTQ web series about dates, mates, and faking out the government!

The Couple-ish Team
The Couple-ish Team
The Couple-ish Team
The Couple-ish Team
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$47,058 USD 1,142 backers
104% of $45,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
You probably noticed we said Kickstarter in our pitch video instead of Indiegogo, and that's because we intended to Kickstart S2 just like we did S1! But after comparing both options, we chose to go with Indiegogo. There are a few reasons why, but a big one is that Indiegogo doesn't require everyone to pay by credit card, instead allowing other options such as PayPal. This means that even if you don't have access to a credit card, you can still get your hands on some amazing Couple-ish S2 Perks!



Please be aware that some perks may not be delivered until the entire season has aired, however we will keep you updated and informed of any and all delivery times. For on-site perks, you will be responsible for your own transportation and accommodation. Additional paperwork may be required to fulfill some rewards. On-camera appearances or mentions onscreen require signed legal agreements to protect both parties. You must be over the age of 18 to appear on camera and/or attend any of our events. If you are under the age of 18 and wish to attend the table read, photo shoot, or visit the set, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (We apologize, but those under the age of 18 are not eligible to be on camera for the Bar Scene Extra Perk).

Bar Scene Extras Perk: Filming date TBD. Shoot will take place in King City, ON, Canada. Must be 18+.

Table Read Perk: Table read date TBD. Table read will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Set Visit Perk: Filming dates TBD. Shoot will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Photo Shoot Perk: Photo shoot date TBD. Table read will take place in Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Executive Producer Perk: Production dates, table read date, and photo shoot date TBD. Filming, table read, and photo shoot will all take place in (or around) Toronto, ON, Canada. Must be 18+, or accompanied by a parent/guardian.


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Choose your Perk


Download S2 With Commentary!

$25 USD
After the airing of the season 2 finale, you will receive a private link enabling you to download high-quality HD video files of the entire second season so you can re-watch it even when you're offline- but wait, there's more! We'll also be including an exclusive commentary track on each and every episode that you'll never hear on YouTube! That's two hours of Couple-ish commentary, featuring Kaitlyn Alexander and Sharon Belle! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
326 claimed

Couple-ish Thanks You!

$2 USD
Thank you very much for your support! Your donation takes us one step closer to a second season of Couple-ish (a show where no one dies)!
28 claimed

Season 2 Blooper Reel!

$10 USD
Thank you for donating! After the airing of the season 2 finale, you'll receive a private link to the season 2 blooper reel, chock full of forgotten lines, missed marks, and behind-the-scenes hi-jinx!
162 claimed

Exclusive Original Song

$10 USD
Both Sharon Belle and Kaitlyn Alexander will be writing & performing an original track made exclusively for the show, and you can download it! You'll be able to laugh, cry, and dance to this melodic piece, and yes, you can definitely expect a lot of love being thrown around.
101 claimed

Twitter Follow & Shoutout!

$25 USD
The official Couple-ish Twitter account, @Coupleish, will follow you and give you a shoutout for being so fantastically generous and unbelievably awesome! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
27 claimed

Signed Digital Pic of Deechel!

$25 USD
No, "Deechel" isn't some new character being introduced in season 2, it's Dee and Rachel's ship name! And you could get a high-quality, super-exclusive digital image of the couple to do with what you like! Signed by Kaitlyn Alexander and Sharon Belle! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
45 claimed

Personalized Thank You Video!

$40 USD
Trust us when we say Kaitlyn Alexander and Sharon Belle truly appreciate your support in backing the second season of Couple-ish! They appreciate it so much, in fact, that they want to tell you personally in the form of a thank you video! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
66 claimed

Sharon's Homemade Bracelets!

$80 USD
Here's a little known fact about Sharon Belle: she's secretly an arts and crafts wizard! And we want to show you just how brilliant she really is. "But, how are you going to do that?" you ask? Great question, and boy do we have the answer! With this Perk we'll send you an incredible handmade bracelet crafted by Sharon herself! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
18 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Signed BTS Polaroid Photo!

$125 USD
In honour of our newest character Cal's passion for photography, we're offering some fantastic Polaroid behind-the-scenes photos! Taken on set during production, these BTS photos will all feature candid moments of the cast for your amusement! Not only that, but each and every photo will also be signed by the entire cast, as well as Cal herself! (Perk also includes: Download Season 2 With Commentary, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
Only 2 left
Ships worldwide.

Valentine M. Smith+Couple-ish!

$125 USD
Valentine M. Smith has designed an incredible comic book cover for a pivotal episode in the upcoming second season! She's an illustrator who works in both digital and traditional inks, and she takes inspiration from screen printing and other printmaking methods. Each and every print of this exclusive, limited-edition artwork will be signed by Valentine M. Smith, Kaitlyn Alexander, and Sharon Belle! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
12 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Matt Kapetaneas + Couple-ish!

$125 USD
Matt Kapetaneas is an incredible concept artist and freelance illustrator, and we've been lucky enough to have him design a fantastic comic book cover for the series premiere, season 1 episode 1! Each and every print will be signed by Matt Kapetaneas, Kaitlyn Alexander, and Sharon Belle! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
3 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Paris Alleyne + Couple-ish!

$125 USD
Paris Alleyne is a phenomenal comic book illustrator who has worked with numerous independent publishers, and we're offering 25 prints of his exclusive Couple-ish comic book cover for the season 1 finale, episode 22! Each and every print will be signed by Paris Alleyne, Kaitlyn Alexander, and Sharon Belle! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
3 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Backers-Only Google+ Hangout!

$125 USD
You'll be part of an hour-long backers-only Google+ Hangout with Kaitlyn Alexander and Sharon Belle, nerdy awesomeness absolutely guaranteed! (Perk also includes: Twitter Follow & Shoutout, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
9 out of 15 of claimed

Dee's Original Prop Canvases!

$250 USD
Dee's been hard at work painting and illustrating, and the proof is in the collection of canvases that'll be seen throughout season 2. And you know what? We just don't have room to keep them all! We're offering real, one-of-a-kind, original artwork that will be featured throughout season 2 signed by the entire cast, as well as Dee themself! Each and every piece will be shown onscreen! (Perk also includes: Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
6 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Bar Scene Extras!

$275 USD
An extremely pivotal scene in season 2 takes place in the bar, and believe us when we say we want witnesses! That means this Perk gets you on set and on screen to watch wide-eyed as all the drama unfolds, you'd better come prepared for your closeup! (Please see Perk disclaimer). (Perk also includes: @Couple-ish Twitter Follow, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
5 out of 10 of claimed

Photo Shoot With Cast!

$275 USD
We're going to be doing lots of brand new promo photos for season 2, and we want you be there with us! Actually, scratch that, we want you to be there in front of the camera! Come hangout at the photo shoot, have an exclusive meet and greet, and get a signed photo of yourself with the Couple-ish cast! (Please see Perk disclaimer) (Perk also includes: Twitter Follow & Shoutout, Download Season 2 With Commentary, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
1 out of 3 of claimed

Attend The Table Read!

$375 USD
Attend the one-and-only Couple-ish Season 2 table read and get an exclusive meet and greet with the cast afterwards! (Please see Perk disclaimer). (Perk also includes: Twitter Follow & Shoutout, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
2 out of 6 of claimed

Visit Us On Set!

$800 USD
In our opinion, this might be the most exciting Perk of the season! Come hangout on the set of Couple-ish, where you'll not only get to watch the actors act, the crew work, and the lights light, but you'll have every opportunity to raid the craft table and stand beside the director at the monitor as she yells "action!" and "cut!" (Please see Perk disclaimer) (Perk also includes: Signed Script, Twitter Follow & Shoutout, Private S2 Blooper Reel Link!)
2 out of 5 of claimed

Couple-ish Executive Producer!

$1,125 USD
The most extensive Perk of S2, becoming an EP means getting every single Couple-ish experience you could ever want! Attend the table read, visit us on set, and get a signed script? Yes! Come to the photo shoot, get a photo with the actors, and have your name in the credits? That too! You'll be part of the crew, and we'd be thrilled to have you! (Please see Perk disclaimer) (Perk includes: Set Visit, Photo Shoot, Table Read, Signed Script, Twitter Follow & Shoutout, S2 Bloopers!)
1 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Sharon's Personalized Poems!

$35 USD
30 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Sharon's Thank You Cards!

$35 USD
30 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Sharon Draws Your Portrait!

$40 USD
30 out of 30 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Non-Binary Flag Knitted Hat!

$60 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

"Couple-ish" Logo Hat

$60 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Watch Episodes 1-6 Early!

$75 USD
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

More Knitted Hats!!

$80 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

One-Of-A-Kind Signed Script!

$150 USD
22 out of 22 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Virtually Part Of The Show!

$150 USD
6 out of 6 of claimed
sold out

Three Important Props!

$375 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Couple-ish Season 2 Slate!

$375 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Couple-ish Executive Producer!

$1,125 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
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