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Crinkly Clashes

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Crinkly Clashes

Crinkly Clashes

Crinkly Clashes

Crinkly Clashes

Script Wizard
Script Wizard
Script Wizard
Script Wizard
1 Campaign |
Dallas, United States
$3,986 USD 102 backers
56% of $7,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Ever since forever, I've wanted to see someone make an ABDL-themed fighting game. That dream is becoming a reality now! I've put 160 hours of coding into this project so far, and think it's time to share my progress.

Cushy is a turn basedonline multiplayer, card game/fighting game mashup. Two players, each controlling a tag-team of cushy combatants, battle it out for ultimate Cushy superiority. The game does not end until one player's combatants have both been humiliated, and taken out with a class-themed finishing move. The last player with a fighter still standing wins.

Sam & Brittany battle it out while Jesse & Levi wait in the wings

Combatants are grouped into three archetypes: AB, DL, and Caretaker. Each archetype comes with its own unique move set, along with a globally shared set of Double Trouble tag-team attacks.

To attack, like inputting a combo in a fighting game, you chain together specific cards from your hand. Cushy combatants use just about every trick in the book to humiliate and defeat their opponents.

The game runs using WebGL 2 in modern web browsers. This is brand new tech. Firefox and Chrome only added support for it to their browsers in the past few months. I'm pushing the limits as far as they'll go here.

Awesomely, local to your particular game room, you'll be able to provide your own art for a selected class! For the duration of that particular game, you can play the game as your own character! This is completely different from the rewards tiers which bake your character directly into the game for everyone to see.

Missed your chance to back during the campaign? Card didn't work on IndieGoGo? We gotcha covered with a paypal-backed support page!


Cushy Artists

Cushy is love letter to the entire ABDL community, so of course its art will be just as varied as our community is. I've reached out to as many exceptional artists, and have collected an elite group of stellar artist to bring Cushy to life! All twelve classes are accounted for.

  • BabyStar - Magical Girl
  • RFSwitched - Skunky Wrestler
  • BlackRoseSeduction - Momma Moo Cow
  • Merunyaa - Splash Fiend & Sissy Maker
  • Carotte - Cute Clown
  • Servas - Spoiled Princess
  • NormalDeviant - Dolly Dresser
  • Tato - Dr. Mom
  • ZombiNeko - Dungeon Lover
  • CSheriff - Big Bully
  • WonderingWolf18 - Playground

    Cushy Programmer

    My name is Ryhn! I've been programming things for the ABDL community for about seven years, mostly focused in on the Second Life slice of the world. Outside of our community, I'm a Senior Software Engineer, working every day to build unique systems from scratch for varying businesses.

    Cushy Modeler

    Tonky, my partner in all things Puddlepants, will be joining up with me on this project! He has already delivered a handful of 3D models on display in my alpha build. Tonky is a real pro, and will be able to deliver the kind of low-poly, stylish assets I'll need to keep this game running well inside of web browsers.


    Cushy features 12 playable classes which can be mix-and-matched to form your team before each game starts. The classes are grouped into three categories, with four classes under each category.


    • Sissy Maker
    • Momma Moo-Cow
    • Dr. Mom
    • Dolly Dresser

    Diaper Lovers

    • Big Bully
    • Dungeon Lover
    • Skunky Wrestler
    • Cute Clown

    Adult Babies

    • Magical Girl
    • Splash Fiend
    • Spoiled Princess
    • Playground

    What Cushy Needs & What You Get

    Minimally, Cushy needs 96 unique pieces of art to be completed. Depending on how funding goes, I may be able to expand the scope to include extra poses for characters. Breaking it down, we need art for:

    • 12 Classes (1 Pose)
    • 6 Special Attacks per Class
    • 1 Finishing Move per Class

    Funding this game, depending on what level you choose, will get you:

    • $1 Access to the finished game (Indiegogo exclusive!)
    • $15  Beta access to WIP builds
    • $50  A cameo appearance for your OC in the crowd, watching the match unfold
    • $100 A cameo appearance for your OC in a special attack/finishing move
    • Slots are first come first serve, ordered by Funder #

    Funding Overview

    I'm budgeting $70 per picture for this project. My minimal artistic implementation of the game require 8 pieces of art per class (not including alts, which are generally free).

    This works out to $6720 to get the entire roster and their attacks drawn. My ambition is to go further than this, but this is the bare-bones requirement.

    My stretch goal is to reach 11 pieces of art (not including alts) per class, which works out to $9240 total.

    This level of detail will allow for characters to visually display their diaper status as the game progresses, and change poses while said status changes, without relying entirely on one-off particle effects and debuff icons.

    Risks & Challenges

    Worth repeating, the game will be completed regardless of funding, at my own expense. This project is far too important to me to leave undone.

    The number one challenge to this project's completion is gathering all of the art required to bring it to life. Every $2500~ shaves about a year off of my internal art acquisition timeline.

    If anything is going to delay the full release, it'll be because I'm chasing down art. Ideally, for artistic consistency, I would like for a single artist to handle an entire class. This means gathering 8 commissioned pieces per class, from each artist involved in Cushy.

    Additionally, while I'm an experienced server programmer, high performance game servers are new ground for me. I spent a lot of time doing research before I began coding my server, but nothing reveals scaling issues like actually scaling up. If the game is very popular, and has high enough traffic, I may have to do some extra refinement on the performance of the system.

    Other Ways You Can Help

    Spread the word! The better this campaign does, the more money I'll have for spending on premiere, top-shelf artists! The art is the lifeblood of the game, so I don't want to skimp here in the slightest.


    The answers to some common questions!

    • Are furries allowed?

    Cushy is furry friendly! The game is for the ENTIRE community. At least a couple of the core classes with be of the fluffy variety.

    • How do I contact you?

    Top right of the campaign, "Ask a Question" or email drizzleraincloud [at]

    • How will you monetize the game?

    The game will only cost $5 after release. I only care to charge enough to keep the servers running. The only planned pay-for features right now are the ability to fully customize the look and feel of a class with your own custom art, and cushy combatant DLC which will add new fighters to the roster. As long as one player in your game room has purchased the content, everyone has access to it.

    Replacing a combatant with your OC is free.

    Replacing special attacks and finishers with your own art will be a premium feature.

    • Balance?

    I've built the game from the ground up to be easy to balance, and rebalance. If one strategy is too strong, or another too weak, I am more than equipped to address this without much coding effort on my part.

    • Will the game support playing offline?

    This is an area in which I still have research to do. Theoretically, I could magic something up, but I might be fighting my tech stack the whole way there. Worth mentioning, though, is that I designed my game to be playable with physical game pieces. Depending on the success of Cushy, you may find me selling physical playsets at conventions and online.

    • Will there be any male Cushy Combatants?

    I plan to have at least one male combatant, if not more. I want a mix of genders, though there's likely to be more female fighters than male when all of the classes are done!

    • Can I use my YCH slot for a licensed character?

    Sorry friend, no. I don't want anything in the game that could cause me trouble with the law. Hope you'll understand!

    • Where can I find a list of special attacks for YCHing?
    You can also find a tracker for my hours spent on the game, as well as the currently taken YCH slots in various tabs. (Click them on the bottom left corner!)


    All characters depicted in this game are 18+

    Everything about the game is subject to change. Like any software project, as systems mature and the game is play tested, I'll be making changes here and there for the betterment of the project.

    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
    Need more information
    Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

    Choose your Perk


    Beta Tester

    $15 USD
    Those of you who cannot wait to get your hands on the game can guarantee themselves early access to my work-in-progress builds as the game progresses. I'll set up an exclusive Discord server for us to hang out in, and discuss the game. Feedback appreciated.
    Included Items
    • The Game
    • Beta Access
    33 claimed


    $1 USD
    I dislike charging for my work, but I gotta keep the lights on. Cushy will never cost more than $1 to purchase. This game is a love letter to the community, and I don't want to shut people out.
    Included Items
    • The Game
    18 claimed

    One with the Crowd

    $50 USD
    Cushy is a spectator sport, and every spectator sport needs an audience! Purchase this pledge to secure a randomly-chosen spot in the stands for your character. Depending on popularity of this option, I may randomize the characters which show up in the stands, too!
    Included Items
    • Crowd Member YCH
    • The Game
    • Beta Access
    5 claimed

    Be Special!

    $100 USD
    You get to show up in the game! As long as you provide character references, I'll make sure you show up as a victim to one of the main classes's 84 special attacks!
    Included Items
    • Special Attack YCH
    • The Game
    • Beta Access
    23 out of 84 of claimed

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