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CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

Help us build the first #NoSpyProxy datacenter out of NSA reach!

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CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

CyberGhost VPN NoSpyProxy

Help us build the first #NoSpyProxy datacenter out of NSA reach!

Help us build the first #NoSpyProxy datacenter out of NSA reach!

Help us build the first #NoSpyProxy datacenter out of NSA reach!

Help us build the first #NoSpyProxy datacenter out of NSA reach!

Robert Knapp
Robert Knapp
Robert Knapp
Robert Knapp
3 Campaigns |
Bucharest, Romania
$157,328 USD by 1,789 backers
$134,981 USD by 1,568 backers on Nov 4, 2014
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Update: The Campaign is now InDemand!

[UPDATE: The campaign is now InDemand!

Our initial goal was met in the first month of our campaign and we closed at 193% funded. Indiegogo put us on the IN-DEMAND program so you can still pledge. 

We will continue raising funds to keep the #NoSpyProxy datacenter up and running for many years to come. You can get a perk or donate starting from right now. Let's keep the internet private and free! ]

Here is what we achieved together:

  • NoSpyProxy datacenter is fully functional and spy-free since December 2014
  • Dedicated generator that keeps the datacenter running with 99,99% uptime
  • 100+ New Free servers 
  • 24/7 secured location using cameras with motion detection 

Thank you for helping us build the first #NoSpyProxy in the world!

We are not only exposed to hackers and data thieves; now everybody is also under attack from government surveillance agencies, sometimes with the help of your own local internet service provider.

But we know the solution: Encryption is the only way to assure internet privacy and security. No matter where you are, at home, work, school, travelling, or using a public WiFi network - our service, CyberGhost VPN, encrypts and secures your connection and protects your privacy online. CyberGhost VPN is internet privacy at its best.

Our military grade 256-AES encryption prevents cybercriminals from stealing your personal passwords, bank account, credit card details and documents. With CyberGhost VPN no one can get hold of your identity, location or IP address. We replace your personal IP address with one of ours, so you become truly anonymous on the web- undiscoverable, unidentifiable and fully secure. We constantly improve our product and offer solutions for Windows PCs, Apple Macintosh, iOS and Android devices.

Now we want to take things to the next level and improve even more our proxy servers! As a global player, CyberGhost provides plenty of VPN servers all over the world in many countries, and taking care of these servers is a crucial part of our daily work: The hardware needs maintenance as the software does. But most important of all: Technicians have to make sure a system has not been compromised – a task so important it needs to have a proper schedule. And while built-in alerts and remote check-ups are sufficient enough to make sure the software has not been overtaken, a hardware check will always lack the times ‘in between’. If the secret service takes a chance on intruding a server for the time between two hardware checks, they will go uncovered for exactly that period of time – and they could do so, because there is no direct control over the servers by CyberGhost.

And that’s exactly what the company is doing right now: Investing in hardware under our direct control to offer all our users the most secure and anonymous service. Furthermore, our developers team will keep on researching for new ways to add more security layers and securing your online life. 

Perks for our Contributors

CyberGhost is free and will always be free, because many of the people most in need for a encrypted internet connection that is secure against government surveillance are also the ones least able to pay. 

If you are new to CyberGhost and have no Premium account yet:

The Priority Boarding perk is quite a good deal for you. You get a Premium Plus subscription (with instant access to our 550+ servers) in the current worth of $109.99 plus priority access to our 48 #NoSpyProxy servers worth  $79.99 (together $189.98) for just $97.00 (Early Bird).

If you are an existing CyberGhost user with an active Premium account:

Go for the Priority Boarding perk and upgrade your existing subscription to a 1-year Premium Plus subscription including access to the #NoSpyProxy servers (current upgrade price $29.99 Premium Plus + $79.99 #NoSpyProxy = together $109.99) for just  $57.00 (Early Bird). 

What do you get out of the CyberGhost #NoSpyProxy datacenter?

The internet as we know is no longer a secure place. There is a technical war going on and the targets are all of us; the ordinary internet users! Hackers, data thieves, and government surveillance agencies have advanced technical skills and nearly endless financial resources to infiltrate the core basic infrastructure of what we call "the internet". They infiltrate services, software, websites, devices, routers and also servers to monitor everything we do online. We believe that encryption is the antidote for this kind of contamination happening in our lives.

To ensure seamless encryption with CyberGhost VPN, we have to be in control of the whole process: Login-system, encryption protocol, key management and finally also the server itself. We do that right now by renting or buying dedicated servers with root access that are packed with its own anti-spy tools  to make sure they are not intercepted.

But, frankly speaking, the only way to make sure that no NSA agent or hacker had physical access to one of our servers is to build an own data center with the designated use to be a #NoSpyProxy node.

The CyberGhost #NoSpyProxy was setup and now is being taken care of by our Certified Security Specialists and is serving to protect people all around the world from mass surveillance, hackers, data and identity theft.

This first #NoSpyProxy is the prototype for a new model of data center. It is ironically not a "data" center -  it is a "no-data" center, a new generation of a working technical unit that is built to protect people's privacy and security online. It is the blueprint for a bunch of small #NoSpyProxy nodes that we can roll out in the future in every country and region. It's easy to handle, and most importantly: NSA-proof!

CyberGhost in the press

Why CyberGhost needs your help?

Primarily, the leak from Edward Snowden made us understand that a NSA-proof #NoSpyProxy data center is needed. We simply don’t want a world where everyone is monitored all the time. People have a right to be private and this is our way of ensure more privacy and security for everyone.

The way of financing a "Privacy as a Service" company like ours is an important factor of the game. If we would raise money for equity, we would accept money "with strings attached". It is also the wrong way to finance the service with advertising. If you are not paying for it, you become the product. Privacy and ad-based services don't go together. 

The best way for us is to ask for money directly from our users: you! As long as we work directly for you, we will do everything we can not to fail in our mission. Making a business out of security and privacy is a good way to hand over control to our most powerful controller: our customers! Or in other words: "He who pays the piper calls the tune."

We want to raise at least €50,000 from our German community (click here for the German Indiegogo campaign) and right here $70,000 from our international community. For all your contributions, we’ve prepared some special perks. This way, you will get prior and exclusive access to this NSA-proof #NoSpyProxy data center and enjoy the advantages of being a premium subscriber.

What will be done with the funds?

We want to raise €100.000 in two different campaigns: $70,000 here and €50.000 from our German speaking community. This will give us enough money to buy enough hardware to host a minimum of 48 #NoSpyProxy servers and pay for the necessary connectivity (bandwidth) for one year.

The money gives us the peace to get the #NoSpyProxy servers out of beta and introduce Premium accounts or upgrades for our existing users. With some luck, we can start to build a second #NoSpyProxy data center somewhere abroad as another thorn in the side of the NSA. ;-)

Meet CyberGhost’s Team

...and ask us questions!

We’re young, energetic and aiming to change the whole world. We’re a team of 30 privacy and security passionate boys & girls, located in Romania and Germany.

We really take things seriously and we’ve got the best security experts among us. Together with marketing specialists, innovative product managers, effective happiness engineers and super-smart web developers, we continue to work on building a great security product.

We’re all rock stars and we seek to be the best at what we do. Find more details about us on our team page.



How can I contact CyberGhost?

You can find us on all the popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit. Drop us a ‘Hello’, and we’ll get the party started!

For questions related to the Indiegogo campaign, feel free to email us at

You can also write to our support team directly, just drop them an e-mail at

When will my Perks be delivered?

Your instant access to our CyberGhost Premium Plus servers will be delivered as soon as possible. First, your donation must be confirmed by Indiegogo and then we will manually send you the activation key (please note that we ship the keys on Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

All of you will get to enjoy our Premium Plus pack and its many servers, but If you're one of the regular boarders ("Regular Boarding" perk), you'll get to enjoy the perks of maximum privacy when our proxy will be out of beta, while the lucky few out there who got to fly in the first seats, will have access also to the beta version ("Priority Boarding" perk).
Why Indiegogo? Why are you going with the Gogos?

CyberGhost VPN is right now available all over the world –just like Indiegogo. We have users in America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Our company is founded by some Germans, but we are located in Bucharest, Romania. Right now, we speak eight different languages in our company and we are fans of that international family thing. So we decided for a platform that is available all over the world and supports PayPal and regular Credit Cards payments to make the audience for that campaign is as wide as possible.

Aren’t you all a bit crazy with to build a "NSA-proof" data center? I mean, that's quite a big thing.

There is a good argument for that.

Is your CEO Robert really wearing a St. Pauli T-Shirt every day?
Um, yes. Kind of.  And we are all happy that he has dozens of them, so he is really wearing  a new one every day.

Can I really get a lifetime subscription for CyberGhost? What does that mean?

We will provide you with a magic serial code. This code will run for 99 years and will always contain the highest subscription level we offer. Like magic…

What do I get when I claim a  business account?

You get your very own private VPN server, together with all other servers in our server park. But this server is your precious; your very special place to be and you can share it with up to 100 employees. That means that you receive 100 Activation Keys from us.

Do you have a BitCoin (BTC) address I can donate to?

Yes, you can get our BTC details here. If you want a perk, email us your details at!

How can I contribute? What payment methods do you offer?

The payment methods offered depend solely on Indiegogo. At the time it is PayPal and various credit cards like Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Note that the type of credit card accepted might depend on the country you live in. Also the payment with credit cards will be handled by PayPal, regardless if you have a PayPal account or not.

For those of you who want to pay anonymously, CyberGhost offers payment via Bitcoin. Please contact for details.

The regular payment provider for CyberGhost products, Cleverbridge, is in no way part of the Indiegogo payment.

Other than contributing, how can I help?

We’d love it if you could spread the word about this campaign and CyberGhost to your friends. The more that people can benefit from online security and anonymity, the better!  

What makes CyberGhost different?

Cyberghost is a VPN startup, with over 5 million users all around the world. We’re here to set people free from all internet restrictions, to help them access blocked content, to protect their privacy, and to be secure while doing online activities. We’re trying to reboot the Internet to the way it used to be in its early days.

No track policy!

Do we log, keep logs, protocol surfing behaviors or record content, visited websites or IP addresses of our users? No! Why? People in non democratic countries (this maybe YOU!) are in real danger, just for expressing their opinions. If we implemented backdoors, deep packet inspections or store information about our users and share those with authorities regardless their origins, we would risk the lives of people.We will not do that! Ever!

Easy to use, everywhere for everyone

Internet security is no longer a privilege only available to geeks and nerds, the so called "computer experts". CyberGhost VPN is super simple to use and delivers security and privacy based on military-grade encryption; quick and easy with just one click! We offer easy to use free applications to download for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Our free anonymous proxy is an immediate solution for easy anonymous web browsing. And finally our free Chrome add-on integrates quick and easy into your browser and offers simple and easy anonymous browsing.

Global network

We have 550+ VPN servers in 44 locations in 31 countries around the world. All servers are encrypted with AES 256-bit and offer fast connections and a wide access to blocked content abroad. Our users can change between them whenever they need to appear in another place.

Blazing fast connection

One of our dreams is to to build a security service that you don't feel while surfing or downloading. That's why we optimize everything on supreme speed AND security. We offer gigabit servers with a cutting-edge hard- and software configuration. Our custom built #NoSpyProxy is the next step to the perfect configuration.

Premium customer support

We offer support to our users by internet and live chat from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM MET.

Security and Privacy made in Europe

We are located in Europe and operate under the Romanian Legislation, which gives us the right NOT to keep logs and protect our users identities. And let’s be frank, we all know there is no chance to run a privacy company on the territory of the "Five Eyes", Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and USA without being forced to store and track data of the users.

"Open Doors" instead of "Open Source"

The security bug Heartbleed was open source software's biggest failure to date. A simple OpenSSL programming mistake opened a security hole in a program that affected hundreds of millions of websites. Open source is also not automatically a attribute for a specific level of security. We believe that transparency and "best practices" are more important. That's why we agree to invite civil rights and net activists or NGO members to our headquarters, to study our source code as well as our locations. Audits and best practices combined are the best way to ensure a good level of security. Here at CyberGhost, we are using the industry's best practices when it comes to the quality of the services offered, which is why we are as a company process certified as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. Our Security Engineers have individual CompTIA Security+ Certificate and are heading now to the next level.

Transparency Report

True to the company's mission to protect its users, CyberGhost VPN has decided to publish a Transparency Report detailing only the number of the requests to disclose individual users' personal data received since its founding in 2011 up to the present day. The requests have been made by authorities, companies and individuals in relation to suspected offenses carried out through CyberGhost VPN. The company has not and could not in any circumstance provide user data to those who request it, because this would be in breach of CyberGhost VPN's mission to protect its users, and because no user data records exist.

Dedication for internet privacy

We like to call him the heart of CyberGhost. Robert Knapp, our CEO and co-founder, has been with the company from its very early days. He has put a lot of passion and time into this project, and helped guiding the team into developing one of the most popular privacy and security solutions worldwide. Robert always keeps his office door open for whoever has questions on privacy. He is also a public speaker, always  excited to speak about the value of online privacy and internet security.

What CyberGhost stands for

The internet was first created as an environment where everybody could express their opinion and have unrestricted access to information while remaining anonymous. And we believe it should stay that way!

Surf privately

CyberGhost VPN encryptes your traffic and hides your IP and replaces it with one of your choice. This way, you surf online anonymously and protect your data from snooping by your internet service provider and visited websites. Moreover, we don't keep logs.

Evade hackers and data thieves

We encrypt your connection and never keep logs, so you don’t have to worry about the security of your personal passwords, bank account, and credit card details - even on public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Access content from any country

With CyberGhost VPN you gain access to censored or geo-restricted content from all around the world and bypass government or workplace censorship of sites like Facebook, Gmail and YouTube.

Share our campaign

Help us spread the word about this big project we’re trying to build! It’s your turn to save the internet. So, do use Indiegogo’s sharing tools!

Don’t just tweet this, shout it out on Twitter! Links need to be changed
Don’t just like this, share it with your friends on Facebook!
Add yourself to our Google+ supporters by clicking +1!
Share our campaign on Skype, Y! Messenger and G-talk and be part of the change!

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Choose your Perk


7 years subscription

$349 USD
You really care about privacy and you're convinced that privacy IS the future and is here to stay. You get Priority Boarding for our #NoSpyProxy and a 7 years subscription to CyberGhost Premium Plus for up to 5 of your devices. We will provide you with a magic Activation Key. This Key will run for 7 years and will always contain the highest subscription level we offer. Like magic… We'll send you an Activation Key after you purchase this perk. (x) For existing users (x) For new users
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
17 out of 50 of claimed

Regular Boarding

$47 USD
Already a CyberGhost VPN user and want to have access to our top-notch #NoSpyProxy servers? You get an upgrade for your existing subscription for another 12 months with: - up to 5 devices - minimum 48 #NoSpyProxy server - unlimited traffic and bandwidth - AES 256-BIT encryption - Access to our 328 Premium Plus servers We send you an Upgrade Activation Key when the #NoSpyProxy servers are out of beta. (x) For existing users (-) For new users
719 claimed

Regular Boarding

$77 USD
You want to support our dream and want to have access to our top-notch Premium Plus service including the #NoSpyProxy servers? You get a 12 month subscription with: - Up to 5 devices protection - Minimum 48 #NoSpyProxy servers - Unlimited traffic and bandwidth - AES 256-BIT encryption - Access to our 328 Premium Plus servers We will send you an Activation Key when the #NoSpyProxy servers are out of beta. (-) For existing users (x) For new users
149 claimed

Lifetime subscription

$999 USD
You really care about privacy and you're convinced that privacy IS the future and is here to stay. You get Priority Boarding for our #NoSpyProxy and a Lifetime subscription to CyberGhost Premium Plus for up to 5 of your devices. We will provide you with a magic Activation Key. This key will run for 99 years and will always contain the highest subscription level we offer. Like magic… We'll send you an Activation Key after you purchase this perk. (x) For existing users (x) For new users
18 out of 25 of claimed

Business Account

$2,350 USD
Be the first to get a CyberGhost NSA-proof #NoSpyProxy server for your business for a whole year! Just say the word and we will send you 100 Activation Keys with direct access to #NoSpyProxy servers. (x) For existing users (x) For new users
2 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

7 years subscription

$333 USD
50 out of 50 of claimed
sold out

7 years subscription

$349 USD
Only -1 left

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