DAMEGANG is an original comic book about a group of giantess superheroes.
In the world of this comic book, DAMEGANG, some women grow to be around 9 feet in height; super tall, and extra thick. This happens in the same way, and at about the same frequency, as the way some people become dwarfs. This comes with some advantages, but with a lot more disadvantages than you might think.
In DAMEGANG #1: TALL TALES, we follow 3 of these giantesses; MAVEN, VANESS, and RIO. They gain super powers when they come in contact with an ANCIENT ARTIFACT and try to get answers from an ARCHAEOLOGIST.
The book is 80+ pages with 2 covers to choose from, and comes with 2 trading cards per book and the option of a poster.
Cover A
Cover B
You can read the first 27 pages of this 80+ page book : On the web / Or download a PDF.
More art at DAMEGANG.com and DeviantArt.
This campaign is for book 1, which is part 1 of a of a 3-part story. At the time of the launch of this campaign, I would have outlined and roughly sketched all 3 books. It would take me about a year from the start of the campaign to have each book finished and shipped.