The Game Will Release in February 2017!
Short Summary
- Hey I'm Mark and I run a two man indie group
- We want to basically make a simulation putting someone in a certain situation (this apocalyptic setting) and see how they react to it, you have to do what you have to do to survive!
- If this gets to its goal we can finally achieve the dream we had! We can make it bigger than originally planned!
What We Need & What You Get
- We'll need 200,000! Yes I know it seems like a big number but this will be going towards the office and the team as well as the Development! The stretch goals go all towards the development! It would be great if a company funded us with money passed our desired goal/stretch goal, because if that happens we will be able to truly create and immersive experience for everyone to enjoy! Release date is in February 2017!
- The perks of this is the reward system from shirts to in-game starter kits to graphic art
! There's tons of loot you can receive from helping! - The funds will go towards the team and the game we will have to release an early alpha and update it from there but the updates will be extremely slow
The Impact
Feel free to explain more about your campaign and let people know how the difference their contribution will make:
- It basically brings out the true nature of people
, it shows you what lengths you go to for self preservation and the safety of others. - This is our first project
- It can help you survive in a real life situation if something were to happen, there's many challenges to complete and stories to unlock
Risks & Challenges
People value your transparency. Be open and stand out by providing insight into the risks and obstacles you may face on the way to achieving your goal.
- We are a two man indie team with low budget computers
- This kickstarter can help us alot with the game
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Please spread the word using twitter and facebook
- Use indiegogo as well!
In the year 2024 america has made multiple breakthroughs in technology and military advancement, they have produced advanced rank of super soldier serum "Reptile" that gained regeneration abilities, super strength, speed, agility, and stamina but they'll need to take a special vaccine "Chronos" to keep their DNA in check or bad things happen. Soon people started getting their hands unto the serum and its been in circulation on the streets which caused crime to raise greatly in urban areas. After a heated war began to break out between the middle east the U.S funded a a science branch to look into tectonic technology (the power to cause man-made earth quakes) after a while many machines were manufactured and prepared to be shipped through the sewer system and out to sea with multiple convoys. But something happened one of the convoys was assaulted and the machine was activate prematurely setting off all of the machine miles away under the u.s causing massive earthquakes everywhere, chaos rained as the government fell in a failed attempt to still hold society they soon became known as the "Historians" who still try to restore america to its rightful place. The allied powers took notice to the destroyed america and dropped them with no aid at all, the super soldier serum without the special vaccine "Chronos" their body began to deform and morph into lizard like humanoids with great height and resiliency. The only downside of the new humanoid species "Raptors" is to the main variation they are blind in daylight and only will attack at night, their very stealthy and can attack an unsuspecting survivor and perform ambushes. Soon survivors rise from the ruble of destroyed america and began building a society but with every good thing comes evil....many factions have been established to further separate america. From slavers to trafficking the earth quake wasn't the only thing that turned america upside down, fifteen years awake in new york with no memory of who you are. Your only tasked with one goal...survive by any means necessary. The destroyed city your in is New York all boroughs are open...there are camps and some settlements to visit, the streets and some buildings are full of looters and bandits. Not all looters are enemies but that doesn't mean they'll be nice to careful as "Raptors" are the tyrant of the night so it is recommended that you find someplace to sleep or stay for the night rather than being out at night. There is many activities to associate yourself with from small games or fights there are no side missions only events that are essentially times from minutes to hours to days, to drive vehicles you have to fill the gas tank with them and repair them doesn't man their yours its game for anyone even npcs to take em'. Armor needs to be taken care of or it breaks so does weapons if you manage to find any with ammo. Ammo and weapons are scarce despite that there's alot present in the city from melee to ranged, the world moves without you people get old and die as seasons have to eat, hydrate, and sleep to survive. Creating a character is very in depth from proportions to race you have alot of options for your character meaning no character will look alike, from height to weight to age! 15-55 is the age and your age determines how people see you as a liability or as a partner, changing your weight is also relevant as it changes the way you move but running or doing continuous activity can fluctuate your body type and some of your skills. You have a set of skills Stamina, Strength, Speech, Machine Gun, Small Gun, Long Gun, Perception, Stealth, Agility, Speed, Driving, Intelligence, Survival, and Lung Capacity when you raise one skill it decreases another skill which can affect the perks you get unlocked in that skill. Also your size and strength also effects how good you wear armor and how you carry items. Once you die you lose everything but you can get them back if you return to your death point, you can choose your spawn point by laying down a flare. There are millions of wild life running around the jungle like city some docile some predators, you can use some of their body as an appearance piece. You'll have to hunt. scavenge. kill, hide, craft, and build to survive! There's lots of races to choose you can even mix two races!
-------------------------------------------Enemies------------------------------------------------ Griefers- People who will do ANYTHING to survive, the most ruthless evil men. They hunt people, raid camps, and plan various ambushes to survive and are known cannibals. Most of them mainly reside in city island a basic hive mind a haven for "Griefers and hunters alike". They are extremely dangerous and brutish but not so cunning even the simplest of man can outsmart them in certain situations their hostile to mostly adults and will take pity on children sometimes. These guys come in all shapes and sizes.
Raptors- The bane of the apocalyptic world their main variation is known to hunt at night, they are known to hunt and scavenge in small packs eating rats and trash of the like if they cant find a survivor to feed on. Their skin is callused and leathery acting as an armor, they have hawk like vision at night but are basically blind during the day this is why their home is the now flooded train system and sewer system which is sudden death for any survivor who finds themselves under there. You know of their presence by the clapping of their claws on the ground and their red eyes they have a medium high screech. Other Variations are the day-walkers who are very pale have less armor but has incredible speed and climbing skills they can come out night and day and are typically seen in 5 creature packs they have a high screech. The titan variation is a tall brutish lizard being with alot of armor slow speed but a great deal of strength able to pick up cars and street lights and fling it at survivors they also have the loudest and deepest screech almost to the point of a roar (The raptors are afraid of cats)
Scavengers- Basic quick sneaky scavengers, most are neutral and will not attack unless provoked. But some are cruel and will attempt to ambush the player usually seen alone or in four person packs. Their main weapons are climbing and prying gear but will usually attack the player in hand to hand combat as they are very quick but weak they are how ever very hostile to children seeing them as prey. (Coming foe for children)
Lunatics- People who have lost their way and fell pray to the apocalypse they've gone completely insane and travel alone, due to being psychopathic they have no remorse and can mess with people mentally. They have also been known to eat people and can gather a large group of people in a short amount of time, they like blunt and sharp objects and have been known for their speed but due to being insane its easy for them to be tricked. Most of them you encounter are deformed (badly) from missing chunks of skin to burns to welps and sores, etc. or either covered from head to toe in tattoos.
Predatory Animals- Various animals looking to prey on anything and everything.
Historians- Neutral Enemies do not get too close to them they might attack or arrest you and put you in a quarantine zone with other people for you're own safety!
-----------------------------------------------People-----------------------------------------------Survivors- Just normal survivors trying to survive some built territories while some travel around in a nomadic way in groups, or alone. They will only attacked if provoked.
-------------------------------------------Tamable animals------------------------------------ Dogs-Help the dog in anyway
Baby Wolf-Find a den kill the pack take the wolf
Cat-Very hard to find, feed the cat for 3 days it will be yours
Bird-Raise it from an egg (very difficult) (tamable animals so far)
The player can become addicted to these listed items Liquor- Numbs the pain but leaves you drunk after a couple of drinks.Your choices in conversations go form unintelligent answers or aggressive answers, Delayed reflexes, random events of tripping, vomiting, You will hallucinate, your screen will shake, and your sleep will go down faster than normal (withdrawal)
Beer- No buffs lowers strength and charisma after withdrawal
W00zie- A numbing drink that can basically make the play "invincible" and greatly increases your speed and some strength in some ways but you can become addicted and will need it or your body deteriorates and you will hear the name of the drink randomly. (More soon)
--------------------------------------crafting items----------------------------------------
You can collect various items to craft homemade items and weapons but the homemade items and weapons aren't as good as the factory made ones that are more difficult to find and repair. As well as homemade weapons have a lower durability level than factory built. Metal Scraps, Wood, Plastic, Stone, Dirt, Flowers, Nails, Plank, Screws, Glass, Metal Pipes, Wrench, Broken Blade, Buzz saw, Broom, Stick, Grains, Aluminum, Car Parts, Muffler, 8-Ball, Metal Sheet, Sulfur, Copper Sheet
, Elastic Wire, String, Gun Powder, Sugar, Fishing Hook, Fishing Rod, Feather, Animal Bones, Human Bones, Pot, Wood Scraps, Conductive Wires, Needle, Spool, Thread, Towel, Napkin, Liquor, Rubbing Alcohol, Sleep Pills, Novocain, Chloroform, Rifle Pieces, Pistol Pieces, Bottle, Ring, String, Match, Lighter, Grass, Tree Bark, Torch, Flash Light, Batteries, Tape, Grenade, Guns, Cloth, Animal Fat, Meat, Brain, Heart, Melee Weapons, Leather, Cow Hide, Wolf Hide, Animal Hide, Talons, Water, Flask, Bricks/Stone And Many More!
----------------------------------------------------Playing----------------------------------------- The parkour is a similar mix of Mirrors Edge and TitanFall where the player can move more fluently and easily as they increase their movement skill. Hunting is like playing a whole different game, where you have to track whatever your hunting and work to get a kill off of it, track its blood and tracks and hunt it down. The more better you get at it the more things are highlighted and scents are visible. Farming is complex as well as seasons change throughout the world from winter to summer to fall to spring. Collect seeds from grass or sometimes dead birds and plant em in soil you raked and constantly water em and take care of em and soon your farm skills will increase unlocking the ability to know when the plants will be fully grown and what seasons will come at what time. Building is simple just keep building and crafting items it will increase the time it takes to craft something and some less resources but you will still need to find schematics to craft many other things Sneaking is not so difficult just sneak, get around the most difficult situations, steal things successfully, perform successfully timed take downs, and create distractions your sneak skill increases the amount of time a player looks a you and see's your name it also makes you harder to spot as you will slowly fade in the shadows as it increases. Your noise level decreases and you can soon perform sneak rolls. (This lowers strength) Targeting is not so difficult either pull of nice kill shots and almost never miss if you want this since you start off with no reticule a faded one will slowly show on screen as this skill goes up and once you increase to your first level you get to aim down your sights! It also will automatically soft lock in someones general direction (whose attacking you) when maxed out. Strength how much damage you can deal and take it also changes your characters build making him/her more "bulky" this also puts fear into someone but this lowers sneaking. Health How much health you have this is increased by taking medicine that you can become addicted to and too much of it will deteriorate every skill but it increases health Hunger- Starve yourself then eat this will increase your hunger level but decrease your strength and bulkiness Hydration-Don't drink for awhile then on the third day drink to increase your hydration level warning you fatigue faster when not drinking. Intelligence- Being able to hotkey items to specific buttons and figuring out the best tactics to a situation highlight environment weapons and objects that can be used to your advantage, talk your way out of a situation or to get information. Read Books or Get out of a difficult situation, fail at something but survive can increase your intelligence. Fighting- Some new fighting moves and better dodge and react time during fights being able to take down multiple enemies, increased by winning fights and dodging and countering correctly. And much more....
In servers you can kill certain npcs of importance like the ones that gives you tasks but in single player you cannot
-----------------------------------------------HUD-------------------------------------------------- There's no Real HUD except for a hydration, hunger, and sanity meter the more things you do from murder to stealing decreases your sanity but if you look at something majestic like a sunset or some nice non-hostile animals it increases it. The screen shows your health but will stay red for awhile then regenerate or if your bleeding it will get bloodier and bloodier until you use some bandages or eventually bleed out. -
Starter Kit ------------------------ Bandages, Baton, Tape Scissors, Axe And compression pad, chest plate, Small Back Pack (Carry up to 10 items with 20 pounds) Find more backpacks around to increase your carry size. But level up to increase carry weight. You can hotkey one item so when you die you spawn with it but it has to be melee or a healing item once you reach the max level of 300 you can hotkey 4 items! How long can your character survive? A in-game month is a month in real life! The goal is to get your character to old age to see how long you can survive and pass on to your other generation. But your character ages very slowly.
------------------------------------------Destructible Environment------------------------------- Almost everything is destructible from bridges to buildings you can blow down walls and such to get to something or create a makeshift cover for a quick second. Blow down entire walls to buildings using the right things completely level a block or even destroy an entire bridge! But these things are very difficult to pull off and can cause a domino effect in society doing things can role onto many events happening or ceasing to exist.
-------------------------------------------World-----------------------------------------------------The game world moves without you people die, trees grow, animals start packs and die, buildings fall, dynamic weather system you can stumble unto random events at any moment which adds an immerse feel anything can go from a caravan being ambushed to walking in on cannibalism and or murder. The ENTIRE city of new york looks like what it would of been if a monstrous earthquake happened there was military testing facilities off coast as well which when the earthquake went off prematurely fired thousands of drones around the country as well as the city already being quaked a few hours during it missiles started to rain down destroying more things. The subway is flooded, powerless, and destroyed completely and many holes around the city directly lead to it, no one can live in it too long due to the fact that the tunnels are full of raptor nests. There is also rumored to have a tribe in the systems who worship the creatures in a god like manner...but anyway who ventured in almost never come out. There's military blockades that have a wall around a few blocks and streets on the shorelines in each borough that's ruled over in a Martial Law fashion where they will hunt down the escaped survivors for their own safety meaning once you go in its hard to get out. They main civilian checkpoint is on rykers island but that island has gone dark the past months. (There are Ten military civilian towns in total) Also the last thing you wanna do is raid these places as they are towns guarded by the old u.s military and some of the law enforcement lead by a still active but destroyed government. If you want to it will take alot of people good quality armor and extremely high stats with weapons and ammo which is in fact very difficult to obtain and get. There is also a group of ships that have the remaining soldiers on it which acts like a back up with the towns so you'll have to destroy that before you get to the towns but there's nothing but soldiers and mortars on that ship they will kill you. The apocalyptic city is riddled with secrets and danger surviving is a big challenge and the reward is living through it.... Depending on the size and weight of an enemy is how long it might take to defeat or evade them if your fighting a bulky guy and you yourself isn't bulky your gonna have a tough time fighting him off but he is easy to evade if your fast enough, if your fighting someone average its easy to fight and evade if your an adult but if your a teen it brings a slight challenge if your not athletic enough to throw down with him but you can evade much easier or use the environment and melee weapons to your advantage. If its a skinny enemy there easy to defeat but hard to evade due to their speed most of em mainly carry blunt to ranged weapons. There are also teen enemies! If you encounter an enemy(s) you cant or having a tough time defeating remember you can use the environment to your advantage. You can hold other players and or npcs hostage if they enter surrender mode or you knock em out you just need rope, tape, strips, or handcuffs but that doesn't mean the player cant escape they have to rapidly press a button for a certain period of time depending on whats holding them but handcuffs are the most difficult to break out of if you don't have your sneak up. Holding npcs hostage as can be worked out as a hostage situation or getting information out of him/her. Parts of the city is controlled by factions who seek dominance from an old mob family, to a corrupt police force/swat team, to a cult, to tribesmen the city is vast with many interesting characters and groups. The main group is the historians due to their powerful weapons and armor factions tend to avoid them but lately alot of them are being attacked by an unknown cult, they seek to bring the world in order in a communist way with tyrannical rules and justice so there's a reason most of the people don't like them. If your asked to do a task your timed at it from hours to days to months etc. If you shrug off the task and the time runs up it could bring dire consequences that can trigger domino effects, so be careful when accepting a task...well the thing will happen whether you want it or not you can either get a full understanding of it or shrug it off but remember domino effect. When in doubt hide and wait it out not every adult can beat every kid but some adults you'll encounter will probably be bigger and stronger than you if you play as a teen so hiding is an option Its kinda a Outlast type thing but more tension and suspense bringing then scary in a way. Even if you play as an adult play it smart you cant go against a group with a few bullets and a gun despite the initial advantages it can end up going badly and can waste precious supplies, Hide and sneak through, use the environment to your advantage. In some groups you meet the main person (leader) will be the only one with the gun and or the strongest biggest one or the smartest most cunning one or the guy who just doesn't give up figure out who she/he is and take them out first.
System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7 64-bit edition, Windows 8 64-bit edition
- Processor: Intel Core i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz (or Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz) / AMD Phenom II X4 945 @ 3.00 GHz or higher
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA
® GeForce® GTX 570 / AMD Radeon 7870 or higher
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX 11 Compatible sound card
- Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection is required for Co-op play.
- OS: Windows 7 64-bit edition, Windows 8
64-bit edition
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce GTX 670 2GB / AMD Radeon 7970 2GB
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 30 GB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX 11 Compatible sound card
- GOALS (In Bulk Not In Detail)
5 Concept Artists
10 Animators (1 3D and another 2D It would be better if they were good at both!)
12 Programmers
8 Lead Environment/UI/Effects artists
Stretch Goals So far
And that's all there is to it.