DEC 31ST, 2016.
Your contributions have so far enabled us to spend several months preparing a rough cut of DREADTOWN - and the campaign has captured the interest of exciting teams and companies all over the world who can help us to bring DREADTOWN to wider audiences.
The definitive Steel Pulse documentary film has been years in the making. Friends, family and supporters have helped the movie get this far without commercial funding. We are funding this project ourselves and need your help to get us over the line.
We still have a long road ahead, and music/footage licensing is unfortunately going to be one of the largest costs coming up for us. But you’ve given us the strength to continue!
Please help us to keep spreading the word!
"You have chosen our path of Universal Love and Justice through music. And because of this we have managed to survive. Please continue to support us and our director Yoni, and the production team through thick and thin."
- David Hinds
‘Dreadtown’ is the long-awaited story of Steel Pulse’s 40-year legacy. I have spent several years with the band and collected hours of unseen archive material from friends, family and fans of Steel Pulse. My good friend David ‘Dread’ Hinds now joins me for the final push to raise the remaining funds I need to bring you the movie I really want to show to the world.
‘Dreadtown’ is a movie about one of my all-time favorite bands and their incredible career. It’s also a movie about their fight against injustice and prejudice that continues to this day. It’s a story that needs to be told, not just for reggae fans but for anyone who cares about love and justice.
We are here because we feel strongly about not involving commercial funders in this movie – we want to keep it pure. Everyone in our network, including Steel Pulse themselves, has dug deep because they care about this project. Now it’s over to you! Your contribution, however large or small, makes a huge difference. Join the Revolution today by picking up one of our exciting fan packages and help us bring this movie to the world!
- Yoni Gal (director, Dreadtown)
Watch the ‘Dreadtown’ teaser below to get a sneak peek of the incredible archive material we’ve collected, as well as the soundtrack we need your help to licence.
They have raged for forty years, cutting a swathe across continents and lighting the fuse of revolutionary thought. From the pressure-cooker ghettos of England to the mighty gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one band has forged an enduring legacy. This is their story.
'Dreadtown' is a feature documentary that tells the story of British reggae group Steel Pulse, who emerged from the racial turbulence of 1970s Britain to become one of the world’s most loved and timeless reggae bands.
I’ve been a huge Steel Pulse fan all my life and became good friends with them a few years ago when I met them in Ghana back in 2006. After producing their music video for ‘Door Of No Return’, which we shot between Senegal and New York, we embarked on this journey to work together on the definitive Steel Pulse documentary.
Steel Pulse has never been documented in such detail and I have extensively interviewed group members, past and present, for the movie. It’s been a great privilege to have access to archives held by group members, as well as friends, family and associates, and to unearth a huge amount of never-before-seen footage and photos.
I believe that 'Dreadtown' will be a significant document in time on the history of one of the most exciting musical genres in the world today.
'Dreadtown' is narrated by acclaimed Hollywood actor and social activist Danny Glover. Interviewees range from Rita Marley to Matt Groening (creator, The Simpsons), Lennox Lewis (World Heavyweight Boxing Champion), Snoop Lion, Alpha Blondy (United Nations Ambassador of Peace), Burning Spear, UB40, John Lydon (Sex Pistols), Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Damian Marley, Ziggy Marley, Chris Blackwell (founder, Island Records), Linton Kwesi Johnson, C. Thomas Howell (actor), Aswad, Billy Idol, The Specials, Michael Franti, Jason Mraz and many more.
Steel Pulse was formed by a group of first-generation Caribbean youths born into the harshness of 1950s Handsworth, a ghetto in Britain’s second city, Birmingham. With the odds stacked against them, they fought against the prejudice of a system riven with racism, police brutality and lack of opportunity.
As punk exploded into the mainstream and Margaret Thatcher prepared to set up home in Downing Street, Steel Pulse opened another front. With their great tunes and provocative lyrics, Handsworth was firmly on the map. Songs like ‘Handsworth Revolution’ and ‘Ku Klux Klan’ were a direct response to the rise of Britain’s far right, as was their active involvement in Rock Against Racism. It led Steel Pulse to become Britain’s first black group to win a Grammy in a blizzard of international acclaim. They were the first reggae band in history to play at the White House when invited to perform by President Bill Clinton.
Now celebrating their 40th anniversary, the group continues to sell out venues worldwide, making their voices heard on key international social issues. Never afraid to speak out, Steel Pulse have often been dubbed “the voice of the voiceless,” a group on a global mission to expose injustice and inequality with their message of revolution through self-empowerment.
It's been over 40 years since Steel Pulse first performed in Handsworth, Birmingham. It’s a good time to reflect on how much our planet has changed over the last four decades.
David Hinds and Steel Pulse grew up in a troubled, divided world, rife with poverty and disillusionment. The philosophies and knowledge that reggae music brought them in their formative years changed their lives – and mine – forever. As history starts to once again repeat itself, so many of the issues that Steel Pulse had to deal with are more relevant and urgent than ever today. Topics like race, immigration and social justice dominate our collective consciousness. We continually seek to learn from history in order to make a better planet for the human race – I want Steel Pulse’s message to reach a new generation and give them the same inspiration and hope they gave me when I was growing up.
'Dreadtown' will be testimony to how the band’s message has empowered people from across the globe to fight against their own forms of oppression throughout the decades. That same revolutionary thought can still continue to grow in the world.
‘Dreadtown’ features a rich mix of live performances, interviews and exclusive archive material to frame the issues of race and police/minority relations from 1970s Britain right through to the present day in America. Resonance with those same issues today requires names, not explanation: Ferguson, Baltimore, and Sanford. The list continues, as does Steel Pulse’s mission to confront injustice and empower communities.
‘Dreadtown’ has been a labor of love for everyone involved in the project. But we still have a shortfall in the budget to cover music licensing and final production costs.
With your funding, we can complete ‘Dreadtown’ and get it into cinemas in 2017. We are nearly there, but we need your help to get us over the line.
Join the Revolution today and help to tell the incredible Steel Pulse story in the most intact, exciting, impactful and uncompromising way possible!
The graphic below shows what we need the funding for:
'Dreadtown' will donate a percentage of funds from proceeds of the movie to the ‘Hold On [4 Haiti]’ campaign.
Director: Yoni Gal: Raised between the UK and Anguilla, a small island in the Caribbean, Yoni has had a lifelong passion for film and studied Film & TV Production at the University of Westminster in London. Since graduating, Yoni has produced a number of projects internationally, focusing at first on music promos for well-established artists in the USA, Jamaica and West Africa.
UK SUPPORTERS please note: as is common with the perks offered in crowdfunding campaigns, an element of the contribution is a donation and will be identified as such on a VAT receipt.
We know that not everyone can contribute. But you can still help us get the movie finished and seen!
Please tell your friends about the campaign and share a link to this page via social media. Every post and tweet helps us get closer to our goal. You can also follow us on all your favourite channels:
'Dreadtown' will donate a percentage of funds from proceeds of the movie to the ‘Hold On [4 Haiti]’ campaign, helping the people of Haiti through supporting solar energy solutions in hospitals and schools through Solar Electric Light Fund and Partners In Health. 'Dreadtown' features Steel Pulse’s first-ever visit to Haiti and to the clinics which have already benefited from the life-changing introduction of solar power.
Steel Pulse also donates all proceeds from their new song ‘Hold On [4 Haiti]’ to the same cause. The song was written by lead singer David Hinds immediately after the January 12th 2010 quake that devastated Haiti. "We wanted to make a difference on the ground," explains Hinds. "That's why we did this song with the Solar Electric Light Fund and Partners In Health."
We are grateful for your support! Contact us with any questions
Q: My perk comes with a stream of the film. When can I see it?
A: The film is not yet finished, although we are now nearing completion. We want everyone to be able to see it as soon as possible! Your contributions will help us complete the music licensing and cover the costs of finishing final touches to the film. Once distribution is confirmed, we will send you the stream of the movie on the same day as the cinema premiere. This should be by mid-late 2017.
Q: When will I receive my perks?
A: Each Perk has an Estimated Delivery month listed in description. You will be notified of any changes to that date.
Q: Does the shipping fee come with insurance for the high value items?
A: Shipping insurance for damage or loss is the responsibility the donor. We can refer you to our fulfillment team to help arrange for it if required.
Q: I live outside the United States. Will the shipping fee cover customs and import taxes?
A: Any customs and import taxes must be covered by the donor upon arrival in their country.
Q: When are the VIP Screenings?
A: We'll give you 2 months notice on the VIP screening date. The VIP screenings will most likely take place in mid-late 2017, but this is yet to be determined.
Q: Is travel and accommodation included in the VIP screenings?
A: These costs are not included.
More questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at
Les Grandes Nouvelles!
Fans de Steel Pulse ! David Hinds se joignent Yoni Gal pour demander votre soutien pour finir le film qui parle de l’héritage laissé par Steel Pulse après quarante années de scène. ‘Dreadtown’ a débuté il y a plusieurs années et les fans attendent son arrivée. Des heures d’archives encore jamais vues et des vidéos provenant des amis, de la famille et des fans.
Nous nous apprêtons à atteindre la ligne d’arrivée et présenter le film au cinéma en 2016. Mais pour cela, nous avons besoin de vous !
Le film sera sous-titré en français pour nos fidèles amis français !
Ils ont fait rage pendant quarante ans, créant une vague à travers les continents en allumant la mèche de la pensée révolutionnaire. Des ghettos agités anglais aux portes majestueuses du 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, un groupe a forgé un héritage qui perdure. Voici leur histoire.
Yoni Gal, le réalisateur et ami du groupe, va là où personne n'est encore allé avec 'Dreadtown’. Steel Pulse n'a jamais été montré dans de tels détails et les membres du groupe, passés et présents, ont été longuement interviewés pour ce film. L’accès aux archives détenues par les membres du groupe, ainsi que leurs amis, leur famille et leurs associés, a mis au jour une énorme quantité d’images encore jamais vues.
Pourquoi maintenant?
Alors que 2015 marque les 40 ans depuis que Steel Pulse s’est produit pour la première fois à Handsworth, Birmingham, en 1975, cela nous amène à réfléchir à combien notre planète a changé au cours des quatre dernières décennies. David Hinds et Steel Pulse ont grandi dans un monde difficile et divisé, en proie à la pauvreté et à la désillusion. Les philosophies et les connaissances que le reggae leur a apporté dans leurs années de formation a changé leurs vies à jamais. Comme l'histoire commence à se répéter une nouvelle fois, les questions auxquelles Steel Pulse ont dû faire face sont devenues aujourd'hui plus pertinentes et urgentes que jamais. Des thèmes tels que le racisme, l'immigration et la justice sociale dominent notre conscience collective, et le message musical de Steel Pulse peut à présent être d'une grande utilité aux nouvelles générations, en cherchant à apprendre de l'histoire afin de construire une meilleure planète pour la race humaine.
Nous devons faire appel aux fans de Steel Pulse ainsi qu’aux fans de musique et de cinéma pour nous aider à boucler ce film pour une sortie cinéma en 2016.
ESCUCHEN Fans de Steel Pulse. David Hinds se une al director de la pelicula Yoni Gal, para solicitar ayuda en el acabado de la película sobre el legado de 40 años de Steel Pulse. 'Dreadtown' ha estado en la realización durante varios años y fans han sido esperando ansiosamente su lanzamiento. Horas de archivo invisible y el material ha sido descubierto y procedente de amigos, familiares y fans del Steel Pulse.
Estamos sólo un paso sobre la línea de meta, de poner la película en cines en el 2016. Pero necesitamos tu apoyo para hacerlo.
¡La película será subtitulada en español para nuestros amigos leales españoles!
Han rabiado en cuarenta años, cortar una franja a través de continentes y el fusible del pensamiento revolucionario de la iluminación. De los ghettos de la olla a presión de Inglaterra a las poderosas puertas del 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, una banda ha forjado un legado perdurable. Esta es su historia.
'Dreadtown' es un largometraje documental que narra la historia del grupo británico de reggae Steel Pulse, que emergieron de la turbulencia racial de Gran Bretaña de la década de 1970 hasta convertirse en una de las bandas de reggae más queridos y duraderos del mundo.
Director y amigo de la banda, Yoni Gal, va donde nadie ha ido todavía con 'Dreadtown'. Steel Pulse nunca se ha documentado en tantos detalle y miembros del grupo, pasado y presente, han sido entrevistados extensivamente para esta película. Acceso a los archivos mantenidos por los miembros del grupo, como amigos, familia y asociados, ha descubierto una gran cantidad de material de archivo nunca antes visto y fotos de archivo.
'Dreadtown' promete ser un documento importante en el tiempo sobre la historia de uno de los géneros musicales más emocionantes en el mundo hoy.
Como 2015 marca 40 años desde que Steel Pulse por primera vez actuo en Handsworth, Birmingham, en 1975, podemos reflexionar sobre cómo ha cambiado nuestro planeta en las últimas cuatro décadas. David Hinds y Steel Pulse crecieron en un mundo atribulado, dividido, plagado de pobreza y desilusión. Las filosofías y conocimientos que les trajo música reggae en sus años de formación cambiaron sus vidas para siempre. Han convertido en historia empezar a repetir una vez más sí mismo, muchos de los temas que Steel Pulse tuvo que lidiar con más relevante y urgente hoy que nunca. Temas como raza, inmigración y justicia social dominan nuestra conciencia colectiva, y mensaje musical de Steel Pulse ahora puede ser de gran beneficio para una nueva generación, tratando de aprender de la historia para hacer un mejor planeta para la raza humana.
'Dreadtown' será testimonio de cómo mensaje de la banda ha capacitado a personas de todo el mundo para luchar contra sus propias formas de opresión a lo largo de las décadas. Ese mismo pensamiento revolucionario puede seguir creciendo en el mundo.
Una rica mezcla de actuacion contemporánea, entrevista y archivo exclusivo será el marco para los incendiarios temas de raza y la policía y minorías relaciones 1970 Gran Bretaña derecho a través de la actualidad en América. Resonancia con los mismos problemas hoy en día requiere nombres, no explicación; Ferguson, Baltimore y Sanford. La lista continúa, igual que la misión de Steel Pulse para enfrentar la injusticia y empoderar a las comunidades.