Check out one of our team members, Euan Ramsay testing the heavy pay loader!!
Example: of 2.2 pound system with spot light and Hi-Res Camera (above)
Exclusive Features
Long Flight Times: We are aiming to reach 30-40 minute flight times to ensure that we can get to the victims, no matter where they are.
Universal Mounting System: We are working with a manufacturer to design a universal mounting component to change equipment faster with more efficiency. So when the situation changes, searchers can unmount and re-mount the proper equipment, without the need for any tools for the job.
GPS Capabilities: We want the drones to not only be able to cover a lot of ground, but the ability to cover it more efficiently using our GPS capabilities. Our system will drop a tracker to the lost person making them visible on mobile apps and the laptop computers at base. GPS is packaged in a water resistant case, in a flood this could be the difference in life or death. If the victim is swept into the water we could track their movements and plan a course to retrieve them more quickly.
Payload Dropper: We are looking to increase our payload capabilities with a pay load dropper that can carry up to almost 9 pounds. We are also using magnet systems that will not interfere with GPS capabilities. (See Below)
Our SAR Drones in the Real World
No one wants to think about what may be the worst day of their lives or the life of someone they love. But the reality is: crises, natural disasters and missing persons happens every single day and there isn't a technology that will ever prevent it, however our technology can severely reduce the fatalities involved.
Disasters, accidents and crises happen everyday:
- Every 40 seconds in the United States, a child becomes missing or is abducted.
- An astounding 2,300 Americans are reported missing every day, including both adults and children.
- In 2013, 357 natural triggered disasters were registered, national casualty annual average: 107,000 people, victims: 268 million world wide.
- On average 53% of victims were from floods, 27 % from droughts and 16 % from storms. The country the most affected was China with 36% of victims, worldwide.
- Each year avalanches kill more than 150 people worldwide but a person found within 15 minutes has a 90% chance of survival.
- People often ask: Can't a helicopter do the same thing? The answer is yes but, at a much higher operating cost. Plus it risk the lives of at least 4 other people, a pilot, co-pilot and two spotters. When our ProSearch EXF UAV can search more cost effectively and save the Helicopter for the actual rescue and pick up.
Our perk listed for Plexidrone is the Plexidrone Pro package with Plexipack Mini.
Contributors getting this perk package will be receiving the following:
1 Plexidrone
1 Plexipack Mini
1 Camera Stabilizer (Gimbal)
1 Plexihub
1 Battery
1 Battery Charger
Plus our GPS Tracker
Plus our DTTR Fleet Commander T-Shirt
But we need your help, we need funding in order to move forward!!
Has graciously donated an Inspire1, to help inspire YOU to share this message with your friends and family. The person that brings in the most contributions after making any contribution can win this great Multi-rotor.
Make Any Contribution, afterwards just share the link as per instructions and your referrals will be track automatically with Google analytics. Who ever makes a contribution and helps the most with this important project and raises the most contributions from the link provided will win one of these great donated prizes.
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