If you want to buy Egloo can do it on our official e-commerce: www.eglooinfo.it
Egloo is conceived for contrasting continuous waste of electricity used for warming domestic environment, offering, as a option, a candle-powered way that provides a cheaper and more ecological energy, taking advantage of features of terracotta that stores the heat and slowly and gradually releases it by radiation, even after it blows out.
Egloo is composed by four elements: the base, the grill and the two domes.
The base offers a space for the positioning of the candles that, once you light them up, will warm the domes up.
There is a metal grill placed on the base, serving as a support for the domes. It makes a space to let the air in, necessary for the combustion of the candles.
For the well-functioning of the Egloo only four candles are needed. With an average duration of five hours they are enough to warm up a 20mq environment.
The thinner dome, placed centrally on the base, stores a high rate of heat, that is conveyed to the external dome; the dome's air intake facilitate the outgoing of the warm air stored between the covers, allowing thermal exchange with the environment.
In the design process, the very first step was the idea of a shape through sketches, so the best model, in terms of aesthetical attractiveness, could be conceived.
With the second stage, the modeling, the study of the shapes was refined, evaluating volumes and testing the gestalt of the whole, to reach the most precise model, ready for prototyping.
In the third stage several physical hand-made prototypes were made for testing and improving the features.
After evaluating the proper changes and further refining the model we made the matrix through 3D printing.
From the matrix we generated the mold for the definitive realization of Egloo. Egloo is available in various versions: Natural, Coloured and enamelled.
Using Egloo is simple. It takes only the positioning of the four Ikea tea candles on the base and the insertion of the grill on which the domes must be placed.
After only five minutes Egloo is ready.
We are in the final week of the campaign with fantastic news, just for this week are available new versions of Egloo ||| Metal and textured |||
Egloo has a simple and compact shape. It can adapt to every kind of place, with a overall weight of 1 kg.
Egloo is a useful utensil to warm average rooms up with a very restrained cost, needs 4 candles for a complete refill, enough for warming up a 20mq environment. Each refill has a life of 5 hours with less than 10 cent.
Once you light it up, Egloo needs 5 minutes to get to the right temperature. Once the candles are lighted up, they will warm up before the thinner chamber storing a high rate of heat (between 140° and 180° degrees). The warmth is then conveyed to the external covering (between 30° and 50° degrees).
The air intake of the external dome facilitate the outgoing of the warm air stored between the covers, allowing thermal exchange with the room environment.
After only 30 minutes the temperature of the environment surrounding the Egloo will be increased between 2° and 3° degrees.
Terracotta is a non-metallic, very ductile inorganic compound used for heat-resistant covering dued to its chemicophysical features and its high melting point.
Terracotta is a material particularly suitable for Egloo because the heat, rapidly stored, is slowly and gradually conveyed to the environment by thermal radiation.
Which candles should be used?
I recommend using the classic " Ikea tea candles" available in convenient packs of 100 at a famous Swedish furniture supplier.
Advise against using candles of low quality or with different characteristics, because some types burning release substances harmful to the structure of Egloo and for the individual.
Using candles will never be the same, Egloo is available in various versions: Natural, Coloured, Enamelled, Textured and Metal.
When you select a Perk remember to add shipments : 15$ for EU, 20$ for US, 30$ for everywhere else.
The first prototypes were built handcrafted, in order to assess the efficiency according to the shape and volume, and then be painted and glazed by hand. We are already in contact with the various suppliers, for the production of individual parts, and with a network of international shipments, which will not go beyond the deadline. In large scale production the final color will be directly mixed with the terracotta da fiamma to the liquid state in order to have a perfectly homogeneous coloring and more resistant components to high temperatures.
It's advisable to use a maximum of 4 candles to avoid that concentrates a high level of temperature in the lower part. Do not use candles of low quality because of possible emission of harmful substances into the wax.
Keep away from children when Egloo is in operation: the temperature of the outer dome reaches temperatures between 30-50 C° degrees. We recommend Egloo handle with care and do not move when in use.
Thank you so much for checking out our project!!!
Remember if we don't reach our goal then we won't get funded, and no one will get use Egloo. So please share with your friends and family!