The project continues to move forward, and we find ourselves in the city of Guaranta Do Norte, going over details of a property that has been offered for our use. A very generous land owner has offered approximately 3000 acres to be home of the Elephant Sanctuary Brazil. We are here to look at the land, soil, location, etc..to make sure that it will truly work for the long-term care of elephants. If the details can all be worked out, we hope to begin construction very soon, to be able to begin accepting our first elephants within 6 months.
If you would like to follow our progress, please go to our website www.globalelephants.org for more information, updated blogs, and the ability to donate and support a new sanctuary for elephants throughout South America.
We are currently in Brazil-
Because of the urgency of this project, and the speed in which things are moving forward, the decision was made to go to Brazil without the entirety of funding. From what was raised, here and on our website, the expenses for the trip were able to be covered, but we still need to raise money to be able to continue planning when we arrive home. At this point, no one is getting a salary, but in order to dedicate ourselves to this full-time and make this happen, we have to be able to pay the bills. Please continue to donate to make the next step possible-each step gets elephants in South America closer to the life they deserve.
OUR PROJECT: Elephant Sanctuary Brazil
Presently there are an estimated 35-40 elephants residing in Brazil, 23 live in primarily sub standard zoo facilities while another 17 are known to be traveling with circus or already sequestered to a remote life of chains and severe confinement. Outside of Brazil we already know of one elephant in Chile, one in Paraguay and one in Argentina that are waiting to be relocated to a better living situation as soon as an appropriate option is created. Our goal is to provide these elephants with the life they deserve, one of dignity, encompassed by nature, as a member of a herd.
The ultimate goal of Elephant Sanctuary Brazil is to develop an expansive, natural habitat sanctuary for captive elephants from South America, a refuge where elephants can find comfort and security, where they can heal from wounds decades old and thrive with others of their own kind. This project is for the next step towards making this a reality- an exploratory trip to Brazil.
This phase of development is for Scott and Kat Blais to join team members Junia and Luciano, on the ground in Brazil to finalize plans moving forward, and to gather the basis for a sanctuary prospectus.. While in Brazil, they will:
· Meet with government officials in congress and the department of agriculture
· Assess identified properties for potential development
· Visit some of the elephants in desperate need of sanctuary
· Investigate construction options to allow us to formulate long term financial needs
Elephants are highly intelligent and socially complex animals, providing them with an opportunity to heal and recover requires a very dynamic solution. Not just any space will do, the right property is vital, starting with expansive acreage, with varied topography, natural water sources and diverse vegetation, ideally located in region that allows elephants to live outside all year round. Brazil can meet all of these requirements and more but providing sanctuary goes further. We have to offer the resident elephants an understanding of their natural state of being, honoring the true extent of their capabilities and we have to understand the psychological and emotional damage caused by traumas they’ve endured in captivity. We have the knowledge and compassion to make a difference; we can help elephants return to a life as close to natural as available in captivity. But, it all starts with the right piece of land!
Finding the right property is one of the most pivotal steps in the process. It not only needs to meet the inherent needs of the elephants as individuals and as a herd, but the right property can save thousands of dollars and grossly reduce the time before we can accept our first resident.
In captivity elephants continue to suffer from the effects of extreme confinement, isolation from proper social dynamics, and grossly limited diets. We know that sanctuary life can make a profound difference to the health and well being of captive elephants. The simple ability to just walk away, to choose who they socialize with and who they do not, mends many social issues seen in captivity. Once elephants begin to feel secure, and realize that they no longer have to live in fear, and begin to rediscover what it is like to just be an elephant, a profound change comes about them. We have seen, through our past experiences, elephants that were labeled as autistic become affectionate and loving members of the herd. Those that were once thought of as extremely aggressive, become relaxed, comfortable and confident. There are elephants that have been said to be “unsocial”, “unable to adjust to a herd dynamic”, or “people elephants” relish in their bonds formed with other herd mates. The harsh and ignorant labels that are give to many captive elephants are just the perceptions of who the elephants truly are, it is the manifestation of extreme behavior that is a direct result of human dominance, confinement and isolation., Sanctuary allows them the opportunity to feel safe, to find autonomy, to release the fear and unveil who they truly are.
Along with emotional growth and healing comes physical healing as well. The simple act of walking on natural substrate, the dynamic body movements from climbing hills, digging up roots with their feet, grazing 20 hours a day on natural and diverse forage, immersing themselves in water, lying down to sleep, these all bring about a healing their bodies desperately need. Their feet will soften, their nails will wear naturally, and most foot issues (which are the leading cause of death in captive elephants) will begin to heal. Natural grazing will wear their teeth properly and ensure their digestive system works the way it is supposed to, digesting small amounts, throughout the day. The pressure that is put upon their joints by standing on cement is relieved and some elephants will lie down to sleep for the first time in their lives. As their soul begins to come back to life, their body follows in step, feeling renewed and supported. When you see an elephant who once wore an emotional hardened shell play in an uninhibited manner with an undeniable smile or one quietly leaning against another member of the herd, gently touching trunks, there is no question as to why sanctuary.
Although freedom is the best option for elephants, it is not possible for most captive elephants, and sanctuary is the best we can offer them, it’s what we wish for captive elephants everywhere, and what we are specifically working towards for those in South America.
Elephant Sanctuary Brazil is the result of a coalition of efforts, beginning with ElephantVoices and volunteers in Brazil, providing support for pending legislation in Brazil to end the antiquated practice of performing elephants. A connected strategy was the exploration for the development of an elephant sanctuary in Brazil. Through these efforts ElephantVoices united with Scott Blais, internationally renowned expert with progressive captive elephant care and his partner Katherine Blais, elephant caregiver and veterinary technician. Our collaborative work has lead to the founding of a new US based non-profit organization, Global Sanctuary for Elephants. Dedicated to improving the well being of captive elephants internationally, GSfE will provide pivotal knowledge and funding while playing an active, hands on roll spearheading the development and operation of Elephant Sanctuary Brazil.
Scott Blais: Co-founder of The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, with 20+ years of managing elephants, staff, and overseeing the development of a 2700 acre facility, Scott is also the Co-founder of Global Sanctuary for Elephants
Katherine Blais: Long time veterinary technician with advanced knowledge of holistic medicine and former lead caregiver and medical liaison at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee
Dr. Joyce Poole: One of the world’s foremost authorities on elephants, studying the social behavior and communication of African elephants for over 30 years. Co-founder of ElephantVoices.
Petter Granli: Co-founders of ElephantVoices and a major conservation project in the Maasai Mara, Petter has been working for the interest and conservation of elephants for over a decade.
Junia Machado: Elephant advocate, volunteer for ElephantVoices and fundamental volunteer spearheading the efforts for Elephant Sanctuary Brazil
Jill Moore: Long-term nonprofit consultant, working with rescue and animal organizations, specializing in grant writing, nonprofit administration, start-up and donor campaigns.
Luciano Tessare Bopp: Graduate of UNESP college of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine with vast experience with organics, native species, restoring degraded areas, and floristic survey.
Global Sanctuary for Elephant is a Tennessee state registered nonprofit. GSfE has submitted our 501c3 application to the IRS and due to government backlog, are awaiting approval. Funds raised through this campaign are not tax deductible.
The budget for this initial phase is $30,000, ElephantVoices has already committed $10,000 and another $3,500 has been raised from supporting animal welfare groups. We need to secure the remaining $16,500 ($18000 minus fees through indiegogo processing) to expedite the first phase toward helping elephants in South America find sanctuary.
The $30,000 covers:
· Travel cost associated with 6 week stay in Brazil
o International airfare for two
o Domestic travel within Brazil to explore regions already isolated for possible development
o Living accommodations and meals
· Salary for 2 weeks final preparation, 6 weeks of travel and 6 weeks for follow-up research, summary and planning the next step forward.
We know that our efforts require substantial support, professional services, monetary donations, volunteers and vocal advocates, some of you we’ve crossed paths with previously, others that we have yet to meet, either way, welcome to our family. There are many ways to help us make a difference, share your knowledge, donate a skill (we have many needs), and spread the word of the plight of captive and wild elephants.
Ivory poaching is approaching an all time high, recent confiscations indicate that poachers are targeting younger and younger animals. The crisis is in a critical stage, if poaching does not subside, some suggest that wild populations could be eliminated within the next 20 years.
The network and coalition for positive change starts with everyone of us, share the truth with friends and family to influence an end to an animals being used as a source of entertainment for people, sacrificing their entire lives for mere minutes of oohs and aaahs. Use your voice to help put an end to poaching and aid in the survival of wild populations. Try and change your perspective, ask yourself, what you can do each day to make a positive difference for the life of another, explore the difficult questions about the true impact each of us has on the world and lives around us and encourage others to do the same. Please do not go to circuses using animals, do not visit zoos with lone elephants or small enclosures lacking in natural substrates, and do not buy anything containing ivory.
To learn more about Elephant Sanctuary Brazil and Global Sanctuary for Elephants visit:
Our facebook page