Elisium has been a full time band for 15 months. We fund everything through our music, by playing shows 5-6 nights a week, and touring constantly. We have managed to stay alive, and even grow as a band tremendously during this time!
It's time for us to make a new record, and though we make enough to keep the van paid for, our phones turned on (most of the time), and food in our bellies, we don't have the means to raise the kind of money it takes to record a professional album.
When we recorded "Becoming", the three of us had jobs and pooled our money together. We no longer have the ability to work normal jobs, and live on the road in the way that is required to push an independent band full time. So, we need help.
We're asking for donations to raise the $10,000 we will need to produce a BRAND NEW, 8 song album! It's our most ambitious studio undertaking to date, and we have some great new music we can't wait to share with you guys. We have come up with some cool ways to get involved, and some neat things to give you for donating to our campaign.
We will keep adding new perks in the coming weeks, and will update everyone as things move forward. We hope you'll join us in this ongoing journey. Our hearts have lead us to here, let's see where we go next...
Nate, Kirb, Junior