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Emoji League Issue #1

In a world where justice is social, we need heroes to fight the warriors! So I'm making comics!

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Emoji League Issue #1

Emoji League Issue #1

Emoji League Issue #1

Emoji League Issue #1

Emoji League Issue #1

In a world where justice is social, we need heroes to fight the warriors! So I'm making comics!

In a world where justice is social, we need heroes to fight the warriors! So I'm making comics!

In a world where justice is social, we need heroes to fight the warriors! So I'm making comics!

In a world where justice is social, we need heroes to fight the warriors! So I'm making comics!

N.O.W.Y. Comics
N.O.W.Y. Comics
N.O.W.Y. Comics
N.O.W.Y. Comics
1 Campaign |
Akron, United States
$634 USD by 9 backers
$634 USD by 9 backers on Jul 6, 2020

Hello Potential IndieGoGo Backers! Welcome to the campaign to fund EMOJI LEAGUE: Issue #1

Emoji League is a superhero-style team-up adventure that imagines "what would it be like if people had emojis as faces?" And what started out as a meme has become a comic book where superpowered heroes save the day! And don't we all need heroes these days?
The plot of issue #1 follows 5 people who live normal lives by day, but at night they defend the earth from giant spider-frog-tentacle robots with cannons for arms, and an army of aliens in flying saucers from Jupiter.
The next issue contains the diabolical story of a mad scientist who wants to enslave the world with his experimental internet gas!
They save the world but can they save themselves?
This is an action-packed comic with heart and humor, that is fun for everyone in the family.
The best way to describe it is if you took 1950's SciFi movies, Super Friends, and the 90's X-Men Cartoons, put them in a blender, and hit the smoothy button. It's a little campy and self-aware but in a good way. I promise it's in a good way ;) 

What's Going To Happen?

I plan to release a graphic novel that is made up of a 3 part series of floppies that will be collected and sold as a 64-page graphic novel.

To get the ball rolling we are releasing Issue #1 as a 21-page floppy, we already have ALL of the pages drawn and inked as of June 20th. And it is going into fulfillment in August.


  • When you back Issue #1 you get an 8-page coloring book for your kids, wife, girlfriend, yourself, whatever you want.
  • When you back Issue #1 you will receive a code to get a discount on your future purchase of the 64-page Graphic Novel.
  • And we have the perks of two beautiful posters as add-ons.
  • We have 5 shirts with sayings and emoji faces on them to choose from.
  • Since the trade paperback is actually 3 individual floppies collected into one book, when the Graphic Novel goes into funding we're including an option to get the three parts as individual floppies along with the Graphic Novel, two posters, and variant covers.
  • I'm also creating stretch goals so that if we exceed certain levels every backer will get additional perks at no cost to them, we haven't figured out what just yet, but think bookmarks, posters, extra books, or additional coloring books.

No-Risk Guarantee

We already have the money set aside to print the first wave of fulfillment, and that is because I'm lucky to work with several authors, and so we already have the printer lined up. And that's thanks to the help of people the award-winning author of the #EmojiBibleProject John Stahl. So I we can guarantee that even if we do not hit the funding goal that the book will be printed and all backers will receive their books even if it is at our own expense. So, if we do not hit the goal I will use what we raised to pay the artists and I'll pay the printer myself. The most important thing is making sure everyone who backs the campaign gets their book, poster, or shirt.

Page Seven from the Emoji League Graphic Novel

It's really important to me to make a comic that all parents can feel comfortable giving to their kids.

The average age of a comic book reader is somewhere in their mid-40s, and many of them are even walking away from comics because of the poor quality and crappy stories. We need to engage the next generation of comic book fans and we do that by making a solid comic that has all the things we loved about comics for the last 80 years and make sure it is suitable for all audiences. That means heroes that are actually good, characters that are relatable, high-quality stories, men and women who look like men and women, and I promise no fuchsia-colored lighting schemes!

Why Emojis? Because they express emotion.

Here's a video where The Christian Nomad, who is doing most of the layouts and inks, explains a little more about why we want to do this comic and how we are using the concept of emojis to bring this idea to life.

Whether You Back Us or Not There Are Many Ways You Can Help

I know times are tough for many, many people out there, so if you just cannot back us financially but you still like the idea:
Go ahead and share this on your social media,
or send a link to someone who you think might be interested or who has children that might enjoy a super hero comic.
They make great gifts or even stocking stuffers, so maybe you don't read comics but have kids, or nieces and nephews, this would make a wonderful present.

And no matter what you decide I want you to wish you good luck, good health, and God Bless!

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Choose your Perk

Emoji League Issue #1

Emoji League Issue #1

$13 USD
Get the beautiful 21-page floppy and a slick 8-page coloring book. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
No Book Just Shirt

No Book Just Shirt

$20 USD
Not interested in the book, but want a shirt? We can do that. Buy this and get just a shirt. These will be fulfilled as we get them.
Included Items
  • Shirt
Estimated Shipping
July 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Emoji League Issue #1 & Poster

Emoji League Issue #1 & Poster

$25 USD
The 21-page comic, the 8-page coloring book, and your choice of a poster. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • Poster
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Emoji League Issue #1 & Shirt

Emoji League Issue #1 & Shirt

$33 USD
The 21-page comic, the 8-page coloring book, and your choice of a shirt. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • Shirt
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Comic & Both Posters

Comic & Both Posters

$35 USD
The 21-page floppy, the 8-page coloring book and BOTH Posters. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • Angst Poster
  • Emojis Fighting Emojis Poster
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Emoji League, Shirt & Poster

Emoji League, Shirt & Poster

$45 USD
The 21-page comic, the 8-page coloring book, your choice of the Angst is Sad Poster or Emojis Fighting Emojis Poster, and one shirt your choice. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • Shirt
  • Poster
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Emoji League and 2 Shirts

Emoji League and 2 Shirts

$50 USD
Get a copy of Emoji League Issue #1, the 8-page coloring book, and YOUR CHOICE of 2 shirts. With 5 designs and sizes small to 5XL you can get one for yourself and your loved one. Plus a special link emailed to you on August 1st, 2020 to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • Shirt (2)
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Two Of A Kind

Two Of A Kind

$75 USD
If you're like me you have two kids and the only way to keep them from fighting is to get two of everything. So this gets you 2 comics, 2 coloring books, 2 posters, and 2 shirts. Choose to get 2 exact duplicates, or two Comics, two coloring books, and get any mix of two posters and two shirts. Plus a link to get a discount on the Graphic Novel.
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1 (2)
  • Shirt (2)
  • Poster (2)
  • 8-Page Coloring Book (2)
  • $4 Off The Graphic Novel
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
One Of Everything!

One Of Everything!

$105 USD
Back at this level and you'll get one of everything, the Emoji League Issue #1, the 8-page coloring book, BOTH the Angst is Sad Poster and the Emojis Fighting Emojis Poster, and their choice of all five shirts or mix and match of 5 shirts, a thank you in the Graphic Novel, and my eternal gratitude!
Included Items
  • Emoji League 1
  • 8-Page Coloring Book
  • Shirt (5)
  • Angst Poster
  • Emojis Fighting Emojis Poster
Estimated Shipping
August 2020
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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