Jónó Mí Ló | End Of Light | US Tour
:Jónó Mí Ló (Born; Jonathan Milu Lockhart°1982, Dayton, United States) is an artist who works in a variety of media.He's is an experimental musician, artist,micro-blogger and video producer.Who works mainly in the underground internet music scene.Currently living in Detroit,MI. Words that come to mind, in no
particular order, include psychedelic, digital, ’80s, and surreal ; Mí Ló creates work in which a fascination with the clarity of content and with an uncompromising attitude towards conceptual and minimal art.
Teamm Jordann - Stadium
His work
explores absurdism, sexuality, darkness, and internet culture.
Coyote Clean Up - Awesome Luv (100% Silk)
Over the past nine years He's worked,produced,collaborated on a number of projects and,has become some what of a pioneer in what is now known as the internet micro genre "Vaporwave",by working online besides artist such as:
情報デスクVIRTUAL side project/moniker of Macintosh Plus & Vektroid
Saint Pepsi
Exo Tapes
Daytime Television - Dreamstate ("Youth With Skull I | Exo Tapes 2013)
Orange Milk Records
I Had An Accident Records
Life Like Tapes (Imprint of Fred Thomas of City Center + Saturday Looks Good To Me)
T.E.A.M.S. as (Teamm Jordann)
and Internet Club
In 2013 his friends from all across the Internet and beyond came to his rescue and,created one of the best underground music compilations titled #FREEJONO
He now has set to plan a series of dates promoting his newest release "End Of Light" and is embarking on his first ever US tour and NEEDS YOUR HELP to make his dreams possible again.
What I Need & What You Get
So. . Let me break it down for you guys:
- The funding goes to promotion,travel and general expenses for day to day during the tour.
- As always I have a ton of collaborative work lined up! So who knows they'll be tons of surprises plus cool give-a-ways,live sets you can download for contributing.
- If my goal isn't met I'll still set out across the country and document the tour through social media.
- Not to mention the physical release of "End Of Light".
LOL - CRYING SHAME (Daytime Television + Police Academy 6)
Allowing to be able to perform live across the country has many benefits:
- It will continue to solidify a place for internet musicians and artist of all mediums..
- There's nothing better about the internet then the tried and true IRL/URL meetup.Come say HI! The ability to interact one on one with projects like these are key.
Other Ways You Can Help!
Some people just can’t contribute, and that's ok but that doesn't mean you can't help!:
- Spread the word through social media and share this campaign w/ your friends and other producers/designers/artists and musicians
- If you know any press outlets that might be interested in covering this story that would also help!
- Listen, download and share my music. Positive vibes sent my way are always welcome :)