ANNOUNCEMENT: We have just decided that as a stealth stretch goal for reaching over $300K, ALL LEATHERBOUND BOOKS will now have GILDED PAGES!!! That awesome look on books where the edges of the pages are gold? Now that's a sweet bonus everyone who backed a leather tier will be getting!!!
Shadow of the Conqueror is the breakout success, beloved, and controversial debut novel by Shad M. Brooks.
The tale of a deposed tyrannical emperor who embarks on a journey towards redemption, becoming seventeen years old and obtaining the mythical powers of the legendary Archknights. He must battle his inner demons, his violent and cruel inclinations, and enemies both old and new, in the hopes of pushing back much of the darkness he brought to the world.
Shadow of the conqueror is based in one of the most well-crafted and unique fantasy worlds the genre has seen in many years, and fans of the novel have been craving to see the world depicted visually.
Now, Shadow of the Conqueror is coming to you in an epic graphic novel adaptation with the incredibly talented art of Mike S. Miller. This will bring its dark, challenging story to the fans and new readers alike in another wonderful format, making the story more accessible than ever before, and enabling fans to enjoy it in new ways.
Mike is a 30-year veteran of the comic book industry, famous for his work on DC comic’s Injustice series, and George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones comic book covers and related graphic novels.
Injustice: Gods Among Us. The most iconic scene from the comic book series, by Mike.
"And Rhaegar Died", the first officially licensed Lithograph from the Game of Thrones books, by Mike in 1993!
The author of Shadow of the Conqueror, Shad M. Brooks, has been a fan of both comic books and Mike’s work for many years and is thrilled to be working with him to make the Shadow of the Conqueror Graphic novel to the highest standards possible.
The book will be separated into four graphic novel volumes, this first one entitled, Enemies of Self, has forty-eight pages of stunning art, visualizing the amazing and unique world of Everfall with some of the best work Mike has ever done.
Separating the book into four volumes gives a great opportunity to adapt more of the work, and even add new content not seen in the original novel. Far from being given secondary regard as a token adaptation that doesn’t accurately represent the source material, the graphic novels are being made with the intent to form a crucial part of the Everfall story, revealing fascinating aspects to the characters and world not found in any other format.
As of the launch of this Indiegogo campaign, everything is ready for pre-production on this book, from the pencils and inks to the colors and letters and even the formatting it is all but ready to go to print. This means the graphic novel will be in your hands much sooner than many other crowdfunded projects and the producers can guarantee its production in the first quarter of 2023.
With special collector edition covers, this is your one and only chance to secure these special versions of this phenomenal epic fantasy Graphic novel.
Just because the mainstream comic book industry is declining in both quantity and quality, doesn’t mean we still can’t make great graphic novels for those who love them and attract new fans to the format. Please share this Indiegogo campaign with as many people you feel would be interested and who would love to enjoy such a visually stunning and emotionally riveting story as this, Chronicles of Everfall, Shadow of the Conqueror, volume 1: Enemies of self.
Preview pages:
'The Light' cover by Mike S. Miller Colors by Sunny Gho
'Daylen' Cover by Mike S. Miller colors by Sunny Gho
Caanan White cover colors by Sunny Gho
McGrath cover
Also available in this campaign for the very first time, a very special edition of the Chronicles of Everfall: Shadow of the Conqueror second edition novel as a hardback collectors edition! To date, all of the first edition softback novels have been digitally produced on demand. This is the very first set, limited print run of this epic fantasy novel. Covers have been reformatted from the graphic novel to make these unique collectors items even more exciting!*
McGrath cover hardback novel
Mike S Miller 'Daylen' cover hardback Novel
Caanan White edition hardback novel
Mike S. Miller 'the Light' hardback novel
And just in case that wasn't enough for the hardcore Shadiversity fan out there... Behold, we have made available in very limited quantities signed, leatherbound collectors editions of both books!*
Hardback leatherbound graphic novel
: Hardback, leatherbound novel
Unsigned editions will also be available in limited quantities. What else could we possibly offer the Shadow of the Conqueror hardcore fans? HOW ABOUT IMPERIOUS!?!?*
Imperious letter opener
Yes, Imperious, the greatest light-forged weapon ever made, has been re-imagined as a fully functional letter opener! Made in a very limited run, this bonus is available as a free bonus in several of the collectors' tiers, please check the perks for availability!
Stretch goals will be announced as the campaign progresses.
*NOTE: Preliminary concept designs. Final version may differ
Are you new to Shad M. Brooks and Mike S. Miller? Here's some more info on our creators, and how to follow their other work!
Shad M. Brooks is the creator of the hugely popular YouTube channel, Shadiversity, where he does excellent videos on a variety of subjects, but with a nearly fanatical obsession with medieval weapons, armor, and lore.
His official website, where you can find links to his books, shirts, and other assorted goodies:
Mike S. Miller can also be found on YouTube with weekly live drawing competitions and chatting on livestreams at Blacklist Universe:
You can read a FREE e-book of Lonestar #1 here: