Our Story
Eurydice is a labor of Love by Secretly women productions fearless leaders Joey Bothwell and Missy Cross. We are two Artists drowning in the sea of actors in Vancouver starving for work. So we create our own. Unfortunately unions don't necessarily make that an option. I found out the hard way. Not only am I paying to produce a show so I can get myself on stage, I also have to pay someone to give me permission to do so!
The Canadian Actors equity association required me to pay them $767.62 to join their union and then pay myself (and them) to be an actor in my own show before I could even start rehearsing. Well, to this out of work, trained FIlm and TV actress, that's a huge bill to add on top of the cost of putting up a show.
Secretly Women Productions (who's last show was nominated as one of Vancouver's 10 Best Theatre Productions) is proud to present Eurydice; a modern retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus (Patrick Spencer) and his wife Eurydice (Joey Bothwell). This adaptation is written by the award winning playwright Sarah Ruhl, who has been described by the MacArthur Fellowship as “a playwright creating vivid and adventurous theatrical works that poignantly juxtapose the mundane aspects of daily life with mythic themes of love and war”. Eurydice focuses on the title character's decent into the Underworld, where she reunites with her Father (Greg Bishop).
This particular production has been a labour of love for everyone involved. Producers Missy Cross and Joey Bothwell have enlisted the help of their mentors and teachers to come into the rehearsal process and workshop the show, with the intention that this show be a vehicle for all to grow. David C. Jones (Status and Body Language), Adam Henderson (Labaan Movement, Accents), Brad Gibson (Voice), Trilby Jeeves (Bafooning) and Sheanna B. James (Greek Mask Movement).
Presented at Studio 16, Eurydice is directed by Missy Cross and features a passionate cast of those listed above, with Michael Barry Anderson, Anna C. Robin, Tirra Dent and Veenu Sandhu. Creative team: Elise Allen, Veronika Rudez, Alberto White, Lola Polnik, Jimi Cuell, Jon Ebrell, Steve Benson, and Sandra Cross.
Eurydice by Sarah Rhul - Studio 16. Previews May 23 & 24. Runs May 25th – June 3rd @ 8pm Ticketstonight.ca $20
The Impact
We are the under dogs and believe in being a voice for the "little guys" in a city of giants. Theatre in Vancouver is dominated by companies with money and the actors within those circles. Enthusiasm is contagious and love is being spread by creating work for the experience of being a part of something honest. This company is looking to hopefully break even and give the audience the best we can of a beautifully written play about love, death and family.
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking for People/ companies to Advertise in our play bill as well. a minimum donation is required to advertise* please email secretlywomen@hotmail.com for more info.* may 13th is the cut off for advertising as playbills must be printed!!!
Here's a small list of what we need:
Theatre rental $2500
Union Fees $767.62
Set: $1200
internet and newspaper Advertising: $482
Transportation/Moving fees: $120
Promotional material posters/ Playbills: $350
Pay for cast and crew: ideally $50/ show
7 cast members
9 crew members
Other Ways You Can Help
Come see the show!! ticketstonight.ca $20 may 25th - june 4th at studio 16 Granville and 7th! You could always post to facebook and like us! or just send us some good vibes!