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Female Erasure

What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights

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Female Erasure

Female Erasure

Female Erasure

Female Erasure

Female Erasure

What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights

What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights

What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights

What You Need To Know About Gender Politics' War On Women, the Female Sex and Human Rights

Tidal Time
Tidal Time
Tidal Time
Tidal Time
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$27,154 USD by 583 backers
$27,067 USD by 581 backers on Jul 20, 2016

YOU are invited to bring this book to the public by ordering your copy(s) of this book (in soft cover and/or Kindle version) during this fundraising campaign.  You can also support this project by sharing information about this anthology with your friends, family, and communities  through personal contacts and social media. All the material for this anthology is already written and being prepared for publication this Fall.

Together we will raise awareness to  help  the public understand the deeper issues involved in the gender identity political debate and its impact on us all.

Ruth Barrett, Anthology Editor and Project Weaver


This book bears witness and exposes the current trend of gender identity politics as a continuation of female erasure as old as patriarchy itself.  

This anthology brings together voices of forty-six contributors celebrating female embodiment while exploring deeper issues of misogyny, violence and sexism in gender identity politics today, demonstrating the intentional silencing and erasure of living female realities.

These perspectives come at a time when gender politics and profits from an emerging medical transgenderism industry for children, teens, and adults inhibits our ability to have meaningful discussions about sex, gender, changing laws that have provided sex-based protections for women and girls, and the re-framing of language that erases females as a distinct biological class.


In my introduction to the anthology, I suggest that origins of female erasure in Western culture was propagated by the framing myth of Adam and Eve, and continues to affect a majority of people on our planet, regardless of whether an individual practices a religion based on this mythology.

The cover image is intentionally complex and multi-layered in its meanings. This classical image of Eve in the Garden of Eden is consistent with her portrayals in Renaissance art as a white European female. Our understanding of genetics today confirming human origins evolving out of Africa, the original “Eve” would surely have been a dark skinned female. Clearly the image does not represent all women in our glorious diversity of color and size. There is a double meaning intended in the cover image as the “white” Eve in the Renaissance portrayal has already been erased of her African origins, and continues to disappear even as she reaches for the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.

In the Genesis 2 myth, a male God gives Adam, the first man, the power to name all the creatures of the earth, including Eve, the first woman. Adam is given the power by God to name her, and thus given power over the female sex, and given the power to define the very nature of woman. The male's empowerment by God to name the female is intentional and significant. The woman does not name, and thus define, herself. Her nature is literally man-made. The power of naming is a magical act with cultural significance. The power to name ourselves has been historically usurped from women, and over time we have forgotten that we ever had this power to begin with. Female erasure continues to be propagated through gender identity politics today and continuing efforts to define and enforce oppressive gender constructs on the female sex.

The cover for this anthology was created as a gift from my oldest and dearest friend, renown photographic artist Claudia Kunin.


Through researched articles, essays, first-hand experiences, story telling, and verse, these voices are needed to ignite the national conversation about the politics of gender-identity as a backlash to feminist goals of liberation from gender stereotypes, oppression and sexual violence.

This book is broken down into different topical sections including: 

Biological Erasure by Gender Ideology, Re-Framing Reality and the Language of Erasure, The "Violent" Female Body, A Room of Our Own, Personal Stories from the Belly of the Beast, and Resistance to Delusion. 

Here are some of the titles (not in a final order):


  • In The Beginning We Were All Female - Monika Sjöö & Barbara Mor
  • The End Of Gender: Revolution, Not Reform - Rachael Ivey
  • The Difference Between Sex and Gender and Why It Matters - Kathy Scarbrough
  • Female Erasure, Reverse Sexism, and the Cis Theory Of Gender  - Elizabeth Hungerford
  • Transgender Rights: The Elimination of the Human Rights of Women - GallusMag
  •  “Transgender Equality Verses Women’s Equality: A Clash Of Rights? Written Evidence Submitted To The Transgender Equality Inquiry – Shiela Jeffreys
  • My Disservice To My Transgender Patients - Kathy Mandigo, M.D.
  • Exiles In Their Own Flesh: A Psychotherapist Speaks- Lane Anderson
  • An African-American Woman Reflects On The Transgender Movement -Nuriddeen Knight
  • Female Erasure: A Sampler - Ava Park 
  •  In The Absence Of The Sacred:  The Marketing of Medical Transgenderism and The Survival Of The Natural Child  - Mary Ceallaigh and Jennifer Bilek
  • Eve Was Framed - Ruth Barrett
  • On Language & Erasure - Hypotaxis 
  • The Erasure of Lesbians - Alix Dobkin and  Sally Tatnall
  • Mothers’ Day: A Story – Joan F. Archive
  • Pseudoscience Supplants Female Athletes' Olympic Dreams - Kathy Crocco
  • Patriarchy In Drag: Sexual Imperialism In Africa, And Delusional Revisionism In The African-American Community - Luisah Teish
  • Transgenderism and the Male Power of Naming – Julia Long
  • The Girls and the Grasses - Lierre Keith
  • The Period Poem – Dominique Christina
  • Mother – Patricia Monaghan
  •  Song For Menopause – Ila Suzanne Gray
  • The Universe Is Her Form - Vajra Ma
  • A Revolutionary Love Letter To Menarche - Monica Asencio
  • The Attack On Female Sovereign Space In Pagan Community - Ruth Barrett
  • Why Women’s Spaces Are Critical To Feminist Autonomy - Patricia McFadden 
  • Females Need Our Spaces For Development Of Feminist Consciousness - Carol Downer
  • Transparent: Spitting On Michfest’s Grave – Phonaesthica
  • Ground Zero: The Clash Of Gender Identity Protections And Women's Space - Cathy Brennan
  •  The Undoing Of A Unique Sisterhood - Mara Lake
  • #ApologizeToMichigan - Sara St. Martin Lynne
  • Reclaiming Female/Speaking Back – Crash
  • “Neighbor Boy” - Temple Ardinger
  •  I Am Not A Waste Of A Woman - Max Robinson
  • The Goddess of Autonomy – Devorah Zahav
  •  Destruction Of A Marriage: My Husband's Descent Into Transgenderism - Sharon Thrace
  • Gas Mark SixJackie Mearns
  • The Bathroom - Falcon River
  • Social Work Professor Speaks Out On Behalf Of Her FtM Autistic Daughter – Dr. Kathleen “Kelly” Levinstein


  • Gender, Patriarchy, And All That Jazz - Mary Lou Singleton
  • The Surgical Suite: Modern-Day Closet For Today’s Teen Lesbian - Marie Verite
  • Yes All Women - Sara St. Martin Lynn
  • The WANTED Project - Nedra Johnson
  • Females Need Our Spaces For Development Of Feminist Consciousness -Carol Downer
  • Into the Mind of Kosilek: Grace’s Daughter – A Book Review – GallusMag
  •  Radical Embodiment And The Reproduction Of Resistance - Mary Ceallaigh
  • A Creed For Free Women - Elsa Gidlow


This anthology encourages readers to consider how and why our female bodies matter, and how our bodies inform our everyday lives. Contributors shed light on how the language of gender-identity politics has been purposely used to reframe and replace specifically biology-based realities, reinforcing the destructive hierarchy that objectifies and harms women and children. 

Some contributors connect the momentum of female erasure to the ways we treat our Mother Earth. Others share their personal struggles with being gender nonconforming women, with some sharing their journeys from living as trans men and their choice to de-transition. Some discuss political struggles and triumphs arising from providing female-centered spiritual spaces, reclaiming their female bodies as a source of power and significance, and why it is so important for all of us to consider asking deeper questions about how misogyny, violence, and sexism are being enacted in this issue. 

Contributors come from a wide variety of backgrounds in terms of race, class, religion, sexual orientation, and age (ranging from twenty to eighty-three years old), and live in the United States, Zimbabwe, Australia, and the United Kingdom.  They are lesbian feminists, political and spiritual feminists, heterosexual-womanist women,mothers, scholars, attorneys, poets, medical and mental health providers, environmentalists, and women who chose to de-transition, all providing perspectives that are ignored, silenced, vilified, or underrepresented in the popular media and disregarded in discussions promoting legal protections for transgender persons at the expense of women and girls. Some contributors wrote under pseudonyms to keep their teaching jobs or to protect their children from harassment. 


Ruth Barrett is an ordained elder Priestess, seasoned ritualist, and teacher in the Dianic tradition where the Goddess and the female body is the central religious metaphor, and rituals exclusively celebrate the female life cycle and support healing and liberation from gender oppression. Ruth has provided rituals and classes in sacred female-sovereign spaces for women and girls for four decades.

Ruth Barrett received her B.A. in Folklore and graduated with honors from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 1976. In 1997 Ruth was honored as recipient of the L.A.C.E. award for outstanding contributions in the area of Spirituality from the Gay and Lesbian Center in Los Angeles. Ruth co-founded Temple of Diana, Inc, a national Dianic Temple, with life partner, Falcon River, where she co-facilitates a women’s mystery school.

She is author of Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries – Intuitive Ritual Creation (Llewellyn, 2007), and has contributed to several anthologies, including Stepping Into Ourselves – An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses (Goddess Ink, 2014), Foremothers Of The Women’s Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries (Taneo Press, 2015), and contributed to Women in World Religions: Faith and Culture Across History (ABC-CLIO, Inc., forthcoming 2018)

Ruth is also an award winning pioneering goddess-centered folk musician, mountain dulcimer artist and singer whose numerous recordings beginning in 1981 have been among the pioneering works in the Goddess Spirituality Movement. In 2011, Ruth was honored as recipient of the Jane Schliessman Award for outstanding contributions to women’s music from Women in the Arts.

She was director of the Candlelight Concert at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival from 1993, until the festival’s close in 2015. Ruth was honored to be a presenter and performer at the Parliament of the World's Religions held in Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015.

Ruth started Tidal Time Publishing LLC to produce this anthology and future projects.


How The Funds Will Be Used

  • Professional Copy Editing: $5000
  • Cover design: $1500 
  • Interior book design, layout,  printing, permissions: $10,000
  • Marketing and IndieGogo fees): $4,000
  • Technical Support for web development $1000
  • Legal Fees: $3,500

Our initial goal of $25,000 will cover the investment we have already made in bringing this book to the public and to its publication. We are looking forward to launching stretch goals for translated editions, and other exciting related projects. 

The book will be out in the world this Fall!

If you don't see your country in the shipping options, please contract us so we can expand it to the global community.

Other Ways You Can Help

Every contribution of any amount is deeply appreciated and will help us reach our goal. This is a grassroots campaign and  word-of-mouth support is also a vital element to our success. 

  • Please tell your friends about this book and campaign. 
  • Spread the word about the book on your social media sites, email and blog if you have one! 
  • Post a message on your Facebook page and post a link to the campaign video.

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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
With your generous donation you are helping the courageous women who have come forward in this anthology to share their insights, personal experience, and well-cited research. This is a grassroots effort to create conversations and share information that is being suppressed. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female. Thank You!
19 claimed


$20 USD
This is the Kindle version of the book
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
101 claimed


$25 USD
With your generous donation you are helping the courageous women who have come forward in this anthology to share their insights, personal experience, and well-cited research. This is a grassroots effort to create conversations and share information that is being suppressed. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female . Thank You!
4 claimed

The Book

$30 USD
Get a signed copy of the book by the anthology editor, and a special door hanger thank you gift!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
231 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Printed Copy and Kindle

$45 USD
Get a signed copy of the book by the anthology editor, a Kindle, and a special door hanger thank you gift. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female. Thank You!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
18 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia


$50 USD
A signed copy, a Kindle copy, 1 CD by Ruth Barrett, and special door hanger. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female. Thank You!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
40 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Sovereignty Supporter

$70 USD
Two signed copies of the book by the anthology editor, a Kindle copy, and three special door hangers as a thank you gift. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female .
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
18 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Torch Bearer

$100 USD
Two signed copy of the book, 2 CDs by Ruth Barrett, special door hangers. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
23 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Patriarchy Smasher

$250 USD
Signed copy of softcover, 3 CDs by Ruth Barrett, 3 special door hangers. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female .
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
3 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia


$400 USD
Get 10 signed copies of the book by the anthology editor, a Kindle, ten special door hangers as a thank you gift and 3 CDs by Ruth Barrett. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female .
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Sovereign Queen

$500 USD
Four signed copies of the book, 2 Kindle copies, 4 special door hangers, and 4 CDs by Ruth Barrett. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female . Thank You!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
1 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia


$1,000 USD
For this very generous donation you will receive two signed softcovers and two Kindles, 5 CDs by Ruth Barrett, and a special door hanger. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
2 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Amazon Queen

$2,000 USD
With your generous donation you will receive four signed copies, four Kindle copies to share with your Tribe, the special door hangers, and five CDs by Ruth Barrett. Thank you for being a torch bearer in our effort to stand for women and children against the silencing of our voices and the erasure of the female.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

Amazon Warrior

$5,000 USD
You are a friend for life and a card carrying Amazon warrior. You will receive 5 signed books, 5 Kindle copies, lots of Ruth's CDs, special door hangers, and your name in the eternal Amazon hall of fame.
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia

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