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Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Expand patient and provider education, inspire new researchers, and increase advocacy.

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Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Fibromyalgia Fights On - #SupportFibro

Expand patient and provider education, inspire new researchers, and increase advocacy.

Expand patient and provider education, inspire new researchers, and increase advocacy.

Expand patient and provider education, inspire new researchers, and increase advocacy.

Expand patient and provider education, inspire new researchers, and increase advocacy.

Support Fibromyalgia
Support Fibromyalgia
Support Fibromyalgia
Support Fibromyalgia
1 Campaign |
Sierra Madre, United States
$1,808 USD 22 backers
18% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
#SupportFibro is a nonprofit organization bringing the Fibromyalgia community together through education, research, and advocacy. With millions of patients worldwide it's time for a new era of change! Through your donations, we will expand patient and provider education, build stronger local fibromyalgia communities, increase our advocacy, and inspire new researchers and clinicians to join the field. This is not a journey for a select few, but for all of us. Fibromyalgia Fights On!


Our local leaders come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We lead with collaboration and are an inclusive network of women, men, parents, teens, young adults, Veterans, caregivers, families, advocates, providers, and researchers. Our vision for a better fibromyalgia future includes filling in the gaps for the following:

  • Patient-Centered Education
  • Healthcare Providers and Medical School Education
  • Fibromyalgia Research Coalition
  • Advocacy Training 
  • Affordable Complementary Medicine

Local Community Collaboration

Join us in fostering a greater connection to improve quality of life, but also build our capacity to create and take action together in order to save lives. We need your support to build a patient-centered and empowered community with free workshops, free educational materials and support for local leaders.


Your donation will help make a difference in the following areas:

Families & Fibromyalgia

Help us fund our School Advocates and Wellness Program to ensure success for our fibromyalgia teens, young adults and families through their academic years. 

We will recruit School Advocates and Health & Wellness Experts to work with our team around the country and provide one-to-one coaching, workshops, health circles, and online workshops.

Medical Education

Help us expand medical education and outreach through our new partnerships at Universities and healthcare centers nationwide. By supporting this campaign we can ensure more doctors and health professionals provide compassionate and knowledgeable care to our fibromyalgia community.

Fibromyalgia Tour

Help us contribute to local fibromyalgia communities! On the tour, we always provide free workshops, meetups, educational materials and training to local leaders. Our Fibromyalgia Tour continues to raise awareness with healthcare providers, Universities and researchers. Help others in local communities get the resources they need!

We are always looking for sponsors for the Fibromyalgia Tour. Full tour or local event packages available. Please contact us if you're interested! 

Research Coalition

Help us inspire a new generation of researchers to join this field!

With your support, we can create a Fibromyalgia Research Coalition that will expand research, improve upon clinicians summarizing the latest science, create conferences, and build new partnerships.

Advocacy Day 2019

Help us provide free advocacy training and support to local leaders headed to Washington, D.C. in September. We're mobilizing patients and allies to advocate for more investment in research, public awareness, and medical education. This campaign will help start a comprehensive plan of tools for local organizers, grow our network, support our events and online initiatives.

We are still looking for a couple more sponsors for Advocacy Day 2019 in Washington, D.C. Please contact us if you're interested!  


Other Ways You Can Help - SHARE or VOLUNTEER

We understand if you are not able to donate financially. You can #SupportFibro by sharing this campaign on social media or by email, tell friends about it, or create a Fibromyalgia Tour event!

We will be forever grateful. Together the fibromyalgia community FIGHTS ON! 

*Please note that colors on perk items may vary

Where to find us:


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Choose your Perk

The Advocate

The Advocate

$20 USD
Thank you for supporting Fibromyalgia Advocates everywhere! With this donation, you'll get the official 2019 Advocacy Day shirt and we'll be giving you a shoutout from Washington, D.C.!
Included Items
  • Advocacy Day (T-Shirt)
  • Shoutout from Advocacy Day!
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
0 out of 300 of claimed
Ships to United States of America


$3 USD
Thank you for building a better fibromyalgia community with us! With your donation, your name (or the name of a loved one) will be included on our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 claimed


$10 USD
Thank you for building a better fibromyalgia community with us! With your donation, your name (or the name of a loved one) will be included on our website and you'll get a special mention in our group social media shoutout.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Group social media shoutout!
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
0 claimed
From The Road

From The Road

$10 USD
With this perk, you'll get a handwritten postcard from a city on the Fibromyalgia Tour, and your name (or the name of a loved one) will be included on our website. Thank you for being a part of our community!
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Tour Postcard
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Share Washington, D.C.!

Share Washington, D.C.!

$15 USD
Thank you for supporting advocates everywhere! With this donation, you'll get a social media shoutout from Washington, D.C. and a printed team 4x6 photo from Advocacy Day 2019. Your name (or the name of a loved one) will also be added to our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Shoutout from Advocacy Day!
  • Printed Advocacy Photo
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Swag Pack

Swag Pack

$15 USD
Thank you for supporting fibromyalgia awareness! For this donation, you'll get a campaign button pack, fibromyalgia wristbands, stickers, a thank you on the website, and a social media shoutout.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Fibromyalgia Wristbands
  • Campaign Buttons
  • Group social media shoutout!
  • Fibromyalgia Stickers
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
3 out of 300 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Digital Wellness Pack

Digital Wellness Pack

$25 USD
Enjoy this digital wellness bundle! Get a copy of Brandi's smoothie ebook and the first ever Biohacking Fibromyalgia 101 starter handbook. You'll also get a social media shoutout, and your name (or the name of a loved one) will be included on our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Smoothie ebook by Brandi
  • Group social media shoutout!
  • Biohacking 101 Guide
Estimated Shipping
August 2019
1 out of 200 of claimed
Support Fibro (T-Shirt)

Support Fibro (T-Shirt)

$25 USD
Thank you Fibromyalgia Warriors for fighting for a better community! With your donation, you will receive a Support Fibro t-shirt. Your name (or the name of a loved one) will be included on our website and we'll give you a social media shoutout.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Support Fibro (T-Shirt)
  • Group social media shoutout!
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
6 out of 300 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Road Warrior

Road Warrior

$45 USD
Thank you for supporting the Fibromyalgia Education Tour! With this donation, you'll get our 2019 Tour Shirt, fibromyalgia wristbands, campaign buttons, a handwritten postcard from the road, a social media shoutout, and your name (or the name of a loved one) will be added to our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Road Warrior (T-Shirt)
  • Fibromyalgia Wristbands
  • Campaign Buttons
  • Group social media shoutout!
  • Tour Postcard
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Advocates Kit

Advocates Kit

$100 USD
Thank you for supporting Fibromyalgia Advocates everywhere! With this donation, you'll get access to 1 (one) private Director's Advocacy group call, advocacy training materials, an Advocacy Day shirt, fibromyalgia wristbands, shoutout from Washington, D.C., and a printed 4x6 photo from the event.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Advocacy Day (T-Shirt)
  • Fibromyalgia Wristbands
  • Shoutout from Advocacy Day!
  • Printed Advocacy Photo
  • Directors Advocacy Call
  • Advocacy Training Materials
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
3 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Team Fibro

Team Fibro

$250 USD
Thank you Fibro Warriors! With your donation, you'll gain access to 1 (one) virtual two-hour group call with our health coaches covering topics like sleep, nutrition, and fatigue. Also included: Advocacy Day shirt, Support Fibro shirt, wristbands, stickers, and buttons. Your name (or the name of a loved one) will be added to our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Support Fibro (T-Shirt)
  • Advocacy Day (T-Shirt)
  • Fibromyalgia Wristbands
  • Campaign Buttons
  • Fibromyalgia Stickers
  • Health Group Call
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Virtual Pantry Makeover

Virtual Pantry Makeover

$250 USD
Thank you for supporting a healthier fibromyalgia community! This is your chance to work with one of our health coaches on a virtual pantry makeover and learn to read nutrition labels. Get 2 (two) one-hour appointment sessions with handouts and a copy of Brandi's Smoothie ebook.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Smoothie ebook by Brandi
  • Group social media shoutout!
  • Virtual Pantry Makeover
Estimated Shipping
August 2019
0 out of 4 of claimed
Social Media For Your Business

Social Media For Your Business

$350 USD
Thank you for supporting the fibromyalgia community! With this donation, you'll get 4 (four) virtual one-hour social media coaching sessions and walk away with a plan you can implement right away. Work with Melissa Talwar from Nerdy Connections. You'll also get a shoutout on social media and your name on our website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Thank you on social media
  • Social Media Coaching
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
1 out of 3 of claimed
Ultimate Warrior

Ultimate Warrior

$500 USD
We'd like to thank you for your support with a personal phone call from our #SupportFibro President, unlock the President's resources, get our Support Fibro and Advocacy Day t-shirt, fibromyalgia wristbands, stickers, buttons, a 4x6 printed photo from Washington, D.C. and more!
Included Items
  • Support Fibro (T-Shirt)
  • Advocacy Day (T-Shirt)
  • Fibromyalgia Wristbands
  • Campaign Buttons
  • Shoutout from Advocacy Day!
  • Fibromyalgia Stickers
  • Printed Advocacy Photo
  • President's Phone Call
  • President's Resources
  • Advocacy Training Materials
Estimated Shipping
August 2019
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Health & Wellness Coaching

Health & Wellness Coaching

$500 USD
Thank you for taking care of your health while you support the fibromyalgia community! With this donation, you will get 6 (six) virtual one-hour health coaching sessions, plus 1 (one) virtual one-hour Essential Oils coaching session. You'll also receive a digital copy of Brandi's Smoothie ebook, a social media shoutout, and thanks on the website.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Smoothie ebook by Brandi
  • Group social media shoutout!
  • Health & Wellness Coaching
Estimated Shipping
August 2019
0 out of 4 of claimed
Biohacking Fibromyalgia

Biohacking Fibromyalgia

$500 USD
Thank you for taking care of your health and the fibromyalgia community! Join the biohacking club with 8 (eight) virtual one-hour functional medicine health coaching sessions. We'll dive deep into the world of fibromyalgia, learn to biohack, get the latest research and updated resources.
Included Items
  • Thank you on our website
  • Biohacking 101 Guide
  • Functional Med Health Coach
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
0 out of 4 of claimed

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