Autism is the one of great challenges of our time.
Here’s why: 1 in 68 babies born today in America are diagnosed with autism… in the not-too-distant future, that percentage has been predicted to rise to 1 in 2!
Who can deal with the incredible burden this will present?
Our nation as a whole, our educational system?
Actually, it starts much closer to home: First of all, it starts with those children’s parents.
Mothers and fathers are the ones who must make a critical, life-changing choice… to either institutionalize their son or daughter, or to change their own lives in order to devote themselves to their child, much more so than they would have done otherwise.
But YOU too can make a difference… starting right now.
Our film seeks to change the way people look at autism… not as a death sentence, but as a creative challenge to deal with.
Autism in a child does not mean that the son or daughter is retarded. It means that they have a DIFFERENT kind of intelligence. Think of Raymond in the feature film "Rainman." He was anything but stupid; he had genius-like mental abilities even his brother (played by Tom Cruise) didn’t have.
Autism is an intelligence that must be cheered, uplifted, emboldened… and especially, motivated. In short, AUTISM in a child is a unconventional way of thinking that must be carefully nurtured to be all it can be.
Motivating children with autism been done before. Many times.
Some extraordinary parents, entirely on their own, have found a creative path to the other side.
Here in this film are the inspirational stories that show you just how they did it. Through all the good and through all the bad. All the drama and the emotion.
You’ll cheer these stories. They may transform you. We examine not just young children with autism, which is where most of the focus has been up to now. But we also look at what happens to those with autism in young adulthood, in mid-life and in older people… to see those have succeeded in everything they aimed for. Despite the label of “Autism.”
Here are people with autism… who have solo art exhibitions, who compose music with their jazz bands, who have books published, who earned advanced degrees, even Ph.Ds. These are incredible stories.
THESE are the stories parents need to see.
The Impact
Here's one of our stories: Kimberly Dixon-- who had autism-- was locked inside herself without any way to express what was going on in her mind. That's until her parents saw an invention on a news program, an invention that changed Kimberly's life. Her parents made an extraordinary effort to find the key that allowed Kimberly to show everyone that she wasn't stupid, and she wasn't mentally retarded. In fact, she almost immediately began composing poems... at the age of six!
Please help us tell these stories.
We ask that you join us in our campaign to make this film. We need not only your financial support, we need your hearts and minds. Your own creativity.
Please be part of a changing world. One where people with autism are not separate from our world, but a necessary part of it. Our hope is that our film can illustrate where the path for all of us leads.
What We Need & What You Get
Up to now, we've done all the filming with our own funds but there's still more travel and more filming to be done. So we've turned to crowdfunding to get our film finished. You can be part of the solution.
We're offering a series of rewards for whatever contribution you can afford to make.
But everyone can help with the most important contribution: spreading the word. Please share this site and our commitment with your friends and family.
Risks & Challenges
We’ve produced many other documentary films, and therefore from those experiences we understand that the release of our film could be delayed by circumstances in the production process that we couldn’t foresee. In that case, we will keep our donors and producers updated through emails and newsletters so you will know when to expect our film’s release.
If one or more of our subjects or autism experts are unavailable for filming on the dates we currently have them scheduled, that could delay our film’s completion.
Our music composer will be working on the film’s score simultaneous with our filming process, but if there are delays in his writing or recording, then the completion of the film may have to be slid back on the calendar.
We are having each of our subjects sign a depiction release giving us permission to use their voice and likeness in the film, and our film’s budget includes errors-and-omissions insurance, but if there are difficulties with legal rights to any of our subjects, our film’s release could be delayed until the problem is resolved.
We have a timeline and deadline for our film's completion, so any of these challenges may slow us down, but we are committed to finishing this film by this fall, 2017.
Our Commitment, and Our Thanks
We’ve made a commitment with our time and our own funds to produce and direct the most influential film that we can about autism. Now we need your help. Together we can make a difference.
We think that there is no substitute for seeing exactly what has happened in these remarkable families. That’s the reason we're making this film. To illuminate, and to inspire.
So we thank you personally for your commitment, and we thank you on behalf of people with autism everywhere.
Please spread the word.