The Background
Trout Unlimited Canada is a registered Canadian not for profit organization. Our mission is to conserve, protect and restore Canada's freshwater ecosystems and their coldwater resources for current and future generations.
For more than a decade, Trout Unlimited Canada, in partnership with Alberta Environment and Parks, and our amazing volunteers and partners have been conducting an annual fall Fish Rescue to save fish from draining irrigation canals.
To date over 850,000 fish have been rescued and returned to their home waters!
The project has historically been funded by Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP). This year AEP and Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC) are carrying out a study to investigate the ways in which fish utilize the canals. The information gathered will help us understand the number and rate at which fish are entering these canals and provide insights on how the problem might be mitigated. Since resources that typically go towards a large-scale Fish Rescue are being allocated to the study, TUC needs to find the funding to carry out the Fish Rescues which we have typically carried out. Due to the volunteer intensive nature of this project we hope crowdfunding can provide the answer.
Fish in Irrigation Canals?
The fish we rescue from the canals enter through the headgates throughout the irrigation season while water is being drawn into the canal from the river. The headgates are the large structures which control flow into the canal from the river. Although some canals have screens to prevent fish from entering, many canals allow fish to be drawn into the canal from the river or reservoir that feeds them.
Why do They Need to be Rescued?
At the end of the irrigating season (May - October), the water supply to the irrigation canals is gradually decreased before eventually being shut off. With no way to return to the river from which they came, the fish are trapped in the canal while the last of the water drains away or freezes. Because these fish can't return to the river they are lost from the population.
In addition to returning these fish to their home waters, the rescue also provides a great opportunity for the public to get involved and gain hands on experience handling and identifying our amazing aquatic neighbors. Species, length, and weight data gathered during the rescue also adds to the ever-growing body of knowledge for these species.
How You Can Help
This is your chance to help Trout Unlimited Canada, and the Bow and Oldman River chapters save fish stranded in irrigation canals in Southern Alberta.
By donating to the Fish Rescue you are helping to fund this great volunteer based conservation and education project. Our funding goal is to raise $8200 towards the project. These funds will be used to support the biological staff needed to plan and implement the project as well as the costs of equipment rental and field costs.
Tax receipts can be provided for donations of $20 and higher.
If we are unsuccessful in raising our target funding amount, or exceed our funding goal; the lesser or additional funds raised will be used towards other on-the-ground conservation projects taking place across Canada.
To learn about some of our past and current projects please click on the website link below!