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Flite Test - World of Flight

Building The Future Home of the FliteTest Community

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Flite Test - World of Flight

Flite Test - World of Flight

Flite Test - World of Flight

Flite Test - World of Flight

Flite Test - World of Flight

Building The Future Home of the FliteTest Community

Building The Future Home of the FliteTest Community

Building The Future Home of the FliteTest Community

Building The Future Home of the FliteTest Community

Josh Bixler
Josh Bixler
Josh Bixler
Josh Bixler
1 Campaign |
Minerva, United States
$377,600 USD 2,308 backers
188% of $200,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Be a founding member of the new Flite Test headquarters, a World of Flight where families, friends and hobbyists can get together to explore every aspect of the world of flight. It's a big dream and we need your help make this a reality.

These stretch goals are about one thing; accelerating the timeline so that this can become the World of Flight as soon as possible. We will constantly be making improvements to the grounds and adding to the vision but these stretch goals put gasoline on the fire and allow these goals to happen much, much sooner. 


FT Club House Building
Hobby Store and Maker Space
Passing the $500,000 Mark

  • STEP FOUR: Create a hub where our community can not only gather but also create, innovate, and connect.  We want to build a hobby shop of tomorrow! This will be not only a place to get all your RC needs met, but a place to build.  This build area will have everything you need to complete your projects: build tables, tools, expert knowledge and friendly team members. 

That covers the building and creation, but we also have a plan for innovation.  For those who need public use tools like:

  • 3D Printers
  • Laser Cutters
  • Design Lab
  • Router Tables
  • Vinyl Cutters

This location will meet all your needs!  Education and skill building is very important to us.  This New Building will have a beautiful multipurpose room for Training, build nights, STEM events, Birthday parties, Quad build workshops, and many other great activities that will both grow and connect others.  


Airfield One & FPV Center
Passing the $300,000 Mark

After making the headquarters habitable and functional, our first stretch goal is to place a 700ft runway, pilot stations and pavilions on the grounds right in front of the HQ. This initiative will also include a seperate area for FPV flying, racing, and exploring that will allow those pilots an area to pit and congregate.

These stretch goals are the most exciting part of this whole campaign! We get to fly and fellowship with YOU! With successful funding, it will be possible for us to make the land ready to be enjoyed much sooner.  Family nights, open flying, community content, and quad racing will all be available right after renovations are complete.  Our goal is to have free access and flying 80% of the time.  Meeting these goals will help make that a reality!


At FliteTest we love all things flight!  But our passion is people.  We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to combine everything that makes FT special into one location that opens the doors to not only amazing content, but the opportunity to engage and create with our incredible FT Family.  This world of Flight will house every aspect of aviation.  

As FliteTest opens a new chapter we have come to a very important crossroads.  Our time at our current shop is coming to a close and we need to make a decision about the kind of location to which we move.

  • We can acquire a similar location to what we have now where we can create fun engaging content and plan fun flight events and conduct day-to-day operations.


  • Create a location where we can do all of that, but to experience it with you!  This awesome community deserves a home and we need your help to make that happen.

​Flying events, family nights, workshops, training, STEM, community content, camping, and every other aspect of both flight and RC will come alive at the World of Flight.  But this dream simply is not possible without you.

Our heart is to not only grow the World of Flight, but to change lives along the way.  You have an opportunity to be part of not only creating an exciting location for you and your family to visit, but to also bless others looking to connect through flight and fellowship.

Thank you for being part of this special family, and thank you for your contribution.

             Josh Bixler
             President, Flite Test


Your Contribution goes directly to making this vision a reality.  We want you to see this dream become a reality and celebrate it every step of the way:

  • STEP ONE: With the initial goal met, we will be able to move all operations (offices, content, product development) of FT to this new location.  This will start the process of transformation from a golf course to a destination of flight. 

The renovations needed to be made to the white building are not just to make them fit for offices, production studio and product development, but there is also a substantial amount of work needed to meet safety code. Before it was a golf center it was actually a barn! So in addition to remodeling, it will require a lot of safety code updates. 

  • STEP TWO: Also with the initial funding goal, we are going to be able to have a small community area outside with a patio and firepit and we will be able to ready the grounds immediately in front of the HQ to be more appropriate for flying airplanes as opposed to golf!

These first two steps will enable Flite Test to operate out of this location and to initiate the process of transforming the property to the World of Flight. While we would be immensely grateful to reach this initial goal, we know there may be an opportunity to do more. Transforming from a golf course to a flight destination will certainly take time, but with meeting some of these stretch goals we can 10X the timeline and make it all happen relatively quickly!


These stretch goals are about one thing; accelerating the timeline so that this can become the World of Flight as soon as possible. We will constantly be making improvements to the grounds and adding to the vision but these stretch goals put gasoline on the fire and allow these goals to happen much, much sooner. 

Airfield One & FPV Center
Passing the $300,000 Mark

  • STEP THREE: After making the headquarters habitable and functional, our first stretch goal is to place a 700ft runway, pilot stations and pavilions on the grounds right in front of the HQ. This initiative will also include a seperate area for FPV flying, racing, and exploring that will allow those pilots an area to pit and congregate. 


FT Club House Building
Hobby Store and Maker Space
Passing the $500,000 Mark

  • STEP FOUR: Create a hub where our community can not only gather but also create, innovate, and connect.  We want to build a hobby shop of tomorrow! This will be not only a place to get all your RC needs met, but a place to build.  This build area will have everything you need to complete your projects: build tables, tools, expert knowledge and friendly team members. 

That covers the building and creation, but we also have a plan for innovation.  For those who need public use tools like:

  • 3D Printers
  • Laser Cutters
  • Design Lab
  • Router Tables
  • Vinyl Cutters

This location will meet all your needs!  Education and skill building is very important to us.  This New Building will have a beautiful multipurpose room for Training, build nights, STEM events, Birthday parties, Quad build workshops, and many other great activities that will both grow and connect others.  

Multiple Airfields and Camping Infrastructure
Passing the $700,000 Mark

  • STEP FIVE: This step will allow us to drop in more terrascape runways, a better roadway network, RV water/electric hookups and other pavilions/areas to gather throughout the property. This is one of the biggest steps to making the first Flite Fest at Edgewater Airfield possible.



Naturally we are going to want to do everything RIGHT AWAY!

With meeting all of our stretch goals, this is how we see the schedule unfolding:

2018: Renovations of the new FTHQ will begin immediately!
​When renovations are complete, the FT Team will move into the building and Edgewater Airfield will become our new home. We will use one of the grassy areas in front of the building as a place to shoot our airplane video content.
 With completion of our first stretch goal, ground will also break on the FT Hobby Station! This will be used to support hobbyists that visit us as well as locals that call Edgewater Airfield their new home.

2019: If the stretch goal is exceeded, it is also likely that ground will break on the new community center on the property. There will also be additional runways, FPV racing courses and other amenities installed. This is also the point where we anticipate people being able to visit, camp and spend time at the property!

2020: This is the year we anticipate the full vision of the World of Flight being realized. Full camping amenities, all of the new buildings being completed and fully operational, multiple flightlines and full access for community members. 

Beyond: Obviously seeing too far into the future is difficult but the property will certainly see continuous improvement and installations for years to come. We anticipate the first Flite Fest being held here shortly after the previous timeframes!!



Please share this campaign!

We are going to do everything in our power to make sure as many people as possible see this campaign that would care about it or support it. But our power pales in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of people in our community that can spread the word. 

You can see the reward levels listed: we hope you will support the campaign that works for your level of support and your pocket book. We know that not everyone will be able to give and not everyone will be interested in the reward levels we set up - but if you are, know that your "vote" counts in making this happen. It will not happen without you and your contributions mean the world to us. 

The Founder's Edition Airplane kit is a single engine OR twin engine aircraft! This design will be available to Founder's only until our first Flite Fest event this year where it will also go on sale to attendees. Until then, you can get the kit at a great price and know that when you build and fly this plane you supported an incredible cause!

We are really excited about our Founders Edition apparel! If it's a shirt or a hat, we plan to order some very quality gear that will last a long time and be very comfortable to wear. 

Speaking of hats, you will actually have two different styles to choose from, Flex Fit and traditional ball cap. 

You might notice that a good number of our perks relate to Flite Fest in some way. We wanted to include lots of options for Flite Fest because people are at the core of what we do and our events are the best manifestation of that. The Flite Fest perks range anywhere from a single pilot pass to a lifetime family membership that will grant you and your family access to every Flite Fest ever! 

We also have a Family Flite Fest Pass for a single event, that includes every previous perk plus tickets for up to FIVE family members as well as a camping pass for the duration of the event.

We hope to have a Flite Fest at Edgewater Airpark as soon as possible and we can't wait to host you Lifetime Members from this campaign. 





Thank you!!
-Flite Test Team 

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Choose your Perk

Founders Group - Video Updates

$10 USD
With this perk, you will receive an invitation to a private Facebook group where we are going to keep everyone up-to-date, in great detail, on all of the activities that will make this location the World of Flight! The Flite Test Team will be there to answer questions and hopefully hear some great ideas from the group!
Included Items
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
182 claimed

Name etched on Founders Wall

$35 USD
This is the lobby entrance wall to Flite Test’s new HQ building! We hope to see lots of names there!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
429 claimed

Flite Fest Pilot Pass

$49 USD
This is a single pilot pass redeemable at ANY future Flite Fest! This ticket does NOT expire. Redeemable at any official Flite Fest event. You will receive a coupon code for $49 off your Flite Fest ticket order - it does not have to be a pilot pass, can be applied to spectator tickets or camping passes.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • $49 OFF Flite Fest Code
82 claimed
Bronze Founders Coin

Bronze Founders Coin

$55 USD
You will receive a Bronze Founder's Commemorative Coin. This is a membership coin that shows your dedication and belief in the project from the very beginning. We will only make the exact amount needed, preserving these coins as a collector's item.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
206 claimed
Founder’s Ball Cap

Founder’s Ball Cap

$75 USD
This is a special edition Founder's Ball Cap - wearing at future Flite Fests is mandatory!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
266 claimed
Founder’s Premium T-Shirt

Founder’s Premium T-Shirt

$99 USD
This Founder's Edition T-Shirt is very high quality. It's important to us that this shirt isn't just a token but it's the one you want to wear every day because of how it feels. It has great potential to become your permanent new favorite shirt!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
285 claimed
Ships worldwide.

TWO Flite Fest Passes

$99 USD
This is for TWO pilot passes redeemable at ANY future Flite Fest! These tickets do NOT expire. Redeemable at any official Flite Fest event. You will receive a coupon code for $99 off your Flite Fest ticket order - it does not have to be a pilot pases, and can be applied to spectator tickets or camping passes.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • $99 OFF Flite Fest Code
30 claimed
Flite Fest Pilot Pass

Flite Fest Pilot Pass

$149 USD
1 Redeemable Pilot Pass to any future Flite Fest event (any location). Does not expire.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
91 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Founders Hoodie!

Founders Hoodie!

$149 USD
This Founder's Hoodie is very high quality. It's important to us that this hoodie isn't just something you throw on because its the only thing clean, but it's the one you want to wear every day because of how it feels. It has great potential to become your new go-to hoodie!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Founders Hoodie
88 claimed
Ships worldwide.

THREE Flite Fest Pilot Passes

$149 USD
This is three pilot passes redeemable at ANY future Flite Fest! This ticket does NOT expire. Redeemable at any official Flite Fest event. You will receive a coupon code for $149 off your Flite Fest ticket order - it does not have to be for just pilot passes, can be applied to your whole registration including spectator tickets or camping passes.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • $149 OFF Flite Fest Code
15 claimed

Engraved Paving Stone

$199 USD
Engraved Paving Brick with your name that will be used at the entrance, for pilot stations and a community patio gathering area!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
  • Engraved Paving Stone
45 claimed
Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit

Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit

$249 USD
Josh has had a special kit in mind for some time that provides a great build experience and has gentle flight characteristics, just for founders! Includes a shipped speed build kit, private access to build plans and private access to build video.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
180 claimed

Engraved Studio Wall

$299 USD
This will be your name or your family's name engraved on a wall that will be visible in most videos that we produce! This will be a fun way to see how you have participated in the new studio project!
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Engraved Studio Wall
73 claimed
Flite Fest Family Pack

Flite Fest Family Pack

$499 USD
For this perk, you recieve all of the previous perks plus a Flite Fest Family Pack of tickets! This includes up to 5 tickets (pilot or spectator) for a single Flite Fest event of your choice. This also reserves one camping space for your family! This year's events will be in Ohio & Texas but you can defer your tickets to 2019 if you wish.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Engraved Studio Wall
11 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Turbo Gremlin Kit

Turbo Gremlin Kit

$499 USD
This Turbo Gremlin Drone Kit will include: Sidewinder Edition Frame, Turbo Gremlin Power Pack, RunCam Micro Swift Camera, HGLRC 20x20 Stack(4-in-1 Esc's, FC, and VTX), Set of HQ 2.5x3.5x3 Props. (*Receiver not included.) This perk will also include all perks before this, excluding the Founders airplane kit.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Engraved Studio Wall
  • Founders Hoodie
37 out of 75 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Founder's Pilot Station

$599 USD
You will have your own pilot station at Flite Test Field! As we expand through the property we are going to have 5 unique model runways. Those runways are going to have permanent pilot stations with a brick pad and a fixed elevated plaque. On this plaque we will have engraved “Founder: Your Name - Short message you want future pilots to see.”
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • 1 Flite Fest Pilot Pass
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Founder's Pilot Station
18 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Lifetime Flite Fest Access

Lifetime Flite Fest Access

$999 USD
You will be mailed a personal Lifetime Membership Card to Flite Fest at any location in perpetuity. This includes one pilot pass and camping spot per event. When you pre-register with your personal code we will coordinate to secure you a preferred camping spot.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Lifetime Flite Fest Access
40 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Family Flite Fest Access

$1,799 USD
Lifetime Access to Flite Fest - Family & Friends Edition - You will be mailed a FAMILY Lifetime Membership Card to Flite Fest at any location in perpetuity. This includes up to FIVE pilot passes and camping spot per event. When you pre-register with your personal code we will coordinate to secure you a preferred camping spot.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Lifetime Flite Fest Access +
24 claimed
Personal Flite Test Experience

Personal Flite Test Experience

$2,499 USD
A Flite Test Experience - We want to welcome you to the current Flite Test shop for a experience of spending time with the group, doing some building, doing some flying and being a part of the team for a day! We will also take you on a tour of the new location and do a little flying there. Travel costs not included. Lunch and dinner are :)
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Lifetime Flite Fest Access
  • Engraved Studio Wall
  • Founders Hoodie
5 out of 7 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Flite Test Pilot Pavilion

Flite Test Pilot Pavilion

$5,599 USD
We will be placing 10 pilot pavilions along the very first flight line in front of the headquarters. We would love to place a display on the pavilion with your name and a story about how flight has impacted your life. This will serve as inspiration to anyone who might fix a plane, seek some shade and make some memories around the pavilion.
Included Items
  • Founders Wall Engraving
  • Founder's Group Video Updates
  • Bronze Founder's Coin
  • Founder's Ball Cap
  • Founder’s Premium T-Shirt
  • Engraved Paving Stone
  • Founder’s Edition Airplane Kit
  • Founder's Pilot Station
  • Lifetime Flite Fest Access
1 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

EARLY Founder’s Airplane Kit

$199 USD
100 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
EARLY Turbo Gremlin Kit
sold out

EARLY Turbo Gremlin Kit

$399 USD
25 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
EARLY: Lifetime Flite Fest Acc
sold out

EARLY: Lifetime Flite Fest Acc

$799 USD
10 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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