Trevor went to Iraq. Now he's on the street. A husband and wife take him home to their mountain cabin, make him part of the family. It's going great, till somebody gets killed.
FORGOTTEN HERO is a suspense thriller feature film about life - and death - in the Cascade Mountains.
- The film is cast.
- Peter McDivit donated a plane ticket already to fly a crew member in from Austin!!!
- We're scouting locations.
- Paul Bright is finalizing the script. He will direct and edit the film.
Paul Fleck, a former Paramount Pictures Marketing Executive, is handling our distribution marketing.
- Kate Young, with KEY Talent Management in Oregon, handled casting and is securing locations.
- Jack the Garden Cat has a cameo.
Everyone involved in FORGOTTEN HERO (that means you) gets the digital download of the film when it is finished.
You'll notice this is a stunningly tiny budget.
- We have most of the equipment, thanks to donors' previous generosity.
- We have free locations (the mountains).
The actors are making this movie because it is so creepy. They want to make you scream.
We want -
- 3 external hard drives to store the filmed data
- food to keep us warm while we stand in the cold rain
- gas to keep our car engines and heaters running so we can dry off
- a handful of props and costumes that must be purchased
This is a fiscally sponsored project of Fractured Atlas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Thanks for your support, and thanks especially for joining us on this adventure!
- We won't forget you. -