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Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Get access to the top lessons from the world's greatest entrepreneurs compiled into a beautiful book

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Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Foundr V1.0: Lessons From Proven Entrepreneurs!

Get access to the top lessons from the world's greatest entrepreneurs compiled into a beautiful book

Get access to the top lessons from the world's greatest entrepreneurs compiled into a beautiful book

Get access to the top lessons from the world's greatest entrepreneurs compiled into a beautiful book

Get access to the top lessons from the world's greatest entrepreneurs compiled into a beautiful book

Foundr Magazine
Foundr Magazine
Foundr Magazine
Foundr Magazine
1 Campaign |
Melbourne, Australia
$214,679 USD by 2,036 backers
$200,589 USD by 1,862 backers on Dec 15, 2016 with another platform
Starting a business? Thinking about it? Startup veteran? Or are you just looking to improve your company? Right now we’re living in the golden age of entrepreneurship where the rules of the game have changed — there has never been a better time in history to start or be building a business. But with so much noise on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur and build a successful business, it’s so hard to know who to follow and what to trust.




Starting a business? Thinking about it? Startup veteran? Or are you just looking to improve your company?

Right now we’re living in the golden age of entrepreneurship where the rules of the game have changed — there has never been a better time in history to start or be building a business.

But with so much noise on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur and build a successful business, it’s so hard to know who to follow and what to trust.

And it just so happens that we’ve interviewed them, wrote everything down and we’ve been slaving away to put it all together for people like you.

Foundr Version 1.0 is a beautifully designed coffee table book that contains nothing but actionable tips, strategies and advice from world-changing individuals like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington and Seth Godin just to name a few.

Just awesome. We know. We know.

 (Share our Kickstarter Campaign and get 3 FREE EBOOKS!)

Foundr Version 1.0 features 7 comprehensive chapters covering everything from starting a business, building a team, raising capital and more from over 30 game-changing entrepreneurs — we’re not talking a simple collection of mumbo-jumbo interviews where you dig for useful little nuggets of gold: we’ve broken it down to deliver the stuff you actually need to know immediately.


For the past three years, Foundr Magazine has interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs in our digital magazine that have disrupted every industry possible from Food to Media to Meditation! We’ve compiled the best bits to share with you.

Find out why and how the best in the world got to where they are today. We take a look at not only multi-million dollar companies, but companies that have changed the world as we know it and put them under the magnifying glass. We find out for you that pivotal moment, that pivotal step that made them what they are today.

Learn how Joel Gascoigne took an idea to a product with paying customers in just seven weeks, and went on to hit 1 million users.

Zipcar created a revolutionary business model in the early days of the sharing economy and challenged the concept of car ownership, rising to become a world leader in transportation.

Since Foundr was nothing more than a laptop balanced on Nathan Chan’s lap, we’ve experienced our own fair share of ups and downs on our journey to success. We know what it’s like in the trenches and to suffer those inevitable setbacks and failures every entrepreneur goes through. But one thing became clear — getting through was only possible because we could learn from the best in the world. More than anyone else, we understand the value of learning from the experiences of others and how to stand on the shoulders of giants.

Since March 2013, we we’ve been dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and startups of all shapes and sizes achieve their potential. We’ve had the privilege of interviewing some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our generation and are proud to share knowledge that’s by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

As an entrepreneur your most important resource is time — and you can’t be wasting it searching through hours and hours of content to find what's right for you. We’ve done all the hard work and compiled all of the best information from over three years and hundreds of interviews.

We want to give you access to not only the same lessons that have led to our success, but the same lessons that have led to the rise of world-changing companies like AOL, Virgin Group, Huffington Post, Zipcar, Y Combinator, and so many others!


 “Foundr’s the perfect platform for the new generation of entrepreneurs who don’t know where to go or what to do. Aspiring entrepreneur looking to start your business? I highly recommend checking out Foundr – an invaluable resource to help get your business off the ground.”

Daymond John, Founder of FUBU

“If you’re looking for a great resource to hear the stories of today’s successful entrepreneurs and learn what’s needed to be successful yourself, Foundr is where you should be allocating your time.”

Gary Vaynerchuk, Founder of VaynerMedia

“If you are looking to learn about entrepreneurship you have to check out Foundr. They have awesome interviews with some of the world’s leading business experts.”

Marie Forleo, Founder of MarieTV

For the better half of a year the Foundr team have been working diligently to bring this book to life. We’ve spared no expense in making sure we deliver the best reading experience.

We’ve painstakingly chosen the entrepreneurs to feature, we’ve finalised the manuscript and we’ve carefully crafted a beautiful design — there’s only one thing left to do:


 EXCLUSIVE to Indiegogo InDemand only.

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$55 USD
You will receive one hardcover copy of "Foundr Version 1.0" + one digital version of "Foundr Version 1.0" (EPUB or PDF) PLUS the PDF bundle of our THREE FAVORITE ISSUES OF FOUNDR MAGAZINE
Included Items
  • Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Book
  • Digital/ePub Foundr V1.0 Book
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
45 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$70 USD
You will receive 1 hardcover copy of "Foundr Version 1.0" + 1 digital version of "Foundr Version 1.0" (EPUB or PDF) PLUS you'll also receive LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION to FOUNDR MAGAZINE This deal has EVERYTHING you'll ever need to take you and your business to the next level for 2017. For the entrepreneurs who are serious about success!
Included Items
  • Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Book
  • Digital/ePub Foundr V1.0 Book
  • Lifetime Access: Foundr Mag
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
124 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$135 USD
You will receive THREE hardcover copies of "Foundr Version 1.0" + THREE copies of the digital version of "Foundr Version 1.0" (EPUB or PDF) + THREE PDF bundles of our THREE FAVORITE ISSUES OF FOUNDR MAGAZINE For you to share with your friends, your family, or your co-founders. Take on 2017 together! (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 3x Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Books
  • 3x Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • 3x PDF of 3 Best Mag Issues
  • 3x Lifetime Access: Foundr Mag
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
6 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$200 USD
You'll receive 5 copies of "Foundr V1.0" + 5 copies of the digital version of "Foundr V1.0" (EPUB or PDF) + 5 PDF bundles of our 3 FAVORITE ISSUES OF FOUNDR MAGAZINE "You're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." - Jim Rohn Create your own mastermind group of amazing entrepreneurs (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 5x Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Books
  • 5x Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • 5x PDF of 3 Best Mag Issues
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 claimed
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$350 USD
You will receive 10 copies of "Foundr V1.0" + 10 copies of the digital version of "Foundr V1.0" (EPUB or PDF) PLUS you'll also receive 10 24-MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS to FOUNDR MAGAZINE Whether this is for your clients, employees or your friends. Inspire everyone around you with the FOUNDR TOOL KIT (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 10 Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Books
  • 10 Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • 10x 24-month Subs to Magazine
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 claimed
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$600 USD
That's TWENTY copies of "Foundr Version 1.0" + TWENTY copies of the digital version of "Foundr Version 1.0" (EPUB or PDF) PLUS you'll also receive TWENTY 24-MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS to FOUNDR MAGAZINE (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 20 Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Books
  • 20 Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • 20x 24-month Subs to Magazine
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 claimed
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$1,500 USD
You will receive 50 copies of "Foundr V1.0" + 50 copies of the digital version of "Foundr V1.0" (EPUB or PDF) + you'll also receive 50 24-MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS to FOUNDR MAGAZINE Reward your community, your clients, your fans with the gift of knowledge from some of the worlds greatest entrepreneurs! (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 50 Foundr V1.0 Hardcover Books
  • 50 Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • 50x 24-month Subs to Magazine
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 30 of claimed
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$2,700 USD
You'll receive 100 copies of "Foundr V1.0" + 100 copies of the "Foundr V1.0" eBook (EPUB or PDF) + YOUR STORY on the FOUNDR BLOG! (100k readers/month) + 50 24-MONTH SUBS to FOUNDR MAG For all conference/event organizers. Wow your guests by letting them tap into the minds of the world's best entrepreneurs. (Must be shipped to one single address.)
Included Items
  • 50x 24-month Subs to Magazine
  • 100 Foundr V1.0 Physical Books
  • 100 Digital Foundr V1.0 eBooks
  • Your Story Told on Our Blog
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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