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Galactic Circus The Series

The comedic misadventures of an eclectic group of arcade employees

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Galactic Circus The Series

Galactic Circus The Series

Galactic Circus The Series

Galactic Circus The Series

Galactic Circus The Series

The comedic misadventures of an eclectic group of arcade employees

The comedic misadventures of an eclectic group of arcade employees

The comedic misadventures of an eclectic group of arcade employees

The comedic misadventures of an eclectic group of arcade employees

Will Chan
Will Chan
Will Chan
Will Chan
1 Campaign |
Melbourne, Australia
$1,240 USD $1,240 USD 22 backers
1% of $87,060 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Press Start!

Miss the excitement of arcade games? That rush of winning the jackpot, the neon lights, the catchy tunes and the funky prizes? Well look no further! Relive all the nostalgic feels, while being a backer of the comedy web series, Galactic Circus.


The Epic Quest

When a group of eclectic employees close for the night, they find something terribly wrong… they’ve been locked in with no means for escape! They soon learn that this is a ploy devised by their immature general manager, Herbert, for their annual staff party. As he watches over them in a make-shift, Saw-like Escape Room, the staff members realise that they're truly in a Time Crisis and their quickest way out will be to play along with his ridiculous games. Each with their own reasons to escape (or not to), the staff members must attempt to work together if they have any hope of saving their Big Basses.


The Series

The overarching story carries the universally relatable themes of family, loyalty and finding a sense of belonging. Each of our lead characters, although misfits in RL, are drawn to the venue in one way or another, but more importantly their fellow colleagues. Embracing diversity and screen representation, we hope that our characters will be people that our audience want to befriend.


Select Your Characters

HERBERT: The incompetent general manager, who loves the limelight. He’s a little over dramatic and has an excuse for everything.


STACEY: The more level headed person, and although only 2nd in charge, is the go-to manager to get things done. She’s no nonsense and fair, but has a weakness for food.


MADYSON: Our aspiring influencer currently has over 7k followers and 65k+ realtime views. She knows how to twist things around and get it her way.  Check out her Instagram and YouTube Channel!


ESPEN: Is super meticulous in everything he does and longs for recognition. He’s a hard worker but with borderline OCD tendencies.


GRACIE: She always sees the best in people and is a huge source of encouragement. As a cult escapee, she’s experiencing all that life has to offer!


BEAU: Beau is a champion gamer and Herbert’s best friend. He lacks confidence when it counts, but is very loyal to his friends.


TOM: Slick, suave and the coolest guy in GC. He is low-key super observant but likes to stick to the status quo.


The Overlords 

Co-creators Taysha McFarland and Tristan Braines have gathered over a decade of experience working in busy arcades and theme parks. Combining this with the many years of collaborating on multiple projects together from award winning short films to even more ambitious productions, the creative duo are excited to merge these experiences together in order to bring this series to life. 

Together with the help of an incredible team and talented cast, we plan to bring you an authentic, heartfelt comedy about friendship, work life and finding a sense of belonging. Littered with gaming Easter Eggs, GC will be wacky, weird, loveable yet strangely relatable. Inspired by what was once a real venue, Galactic Circus is a reprise of its glory days (or not so glory days).


Before You Press Start

Taysha and Tristan first met each other at the original Galactic Circus venue in Melbourne as employees, where they developed a strong friendship. This continued on for years until they combined creative forces and became unofficial collaborative partners in 2014, and it was whilst in the midst of everyday workplace dramas and encountering strange characters, they asked themselves, "What if there was a comedy series based on all of this?" Who wouldn't want to know about all the crazy things that happen here?" From failed Justin Bieber moments to exploding popcorn machines, they realised all the never-ending stories that could be shared. This was the moment that Galactic Circus, the comedy series, began.

(Galactic Circus Stock Room circa 2010)

Inspired by the very real friendships, diverse customers, workplace shenanigans and the wholly unique environment of an arcade, they realised how special the atmosphere of Galactic Circus was. Equally influenced by some of their favourite comedies including Brooklyn 99, Community, Futurama, Malcolm in the Middle, Modern Family & Schitts Creek, and realising the common themes these particular series possessed (especially the concept of misfits united by a common circumstance coming together), they got to work creating the idea of Galactic Circus as a comedy series.

Drawing on the real personal experiences and stories, they crafted a group of original characters and with those came the ideas for the story. Even after the original venue of Galactic Circus closed down in 2016, they have kept the vision of bringing Galactic Circus the series to life. With a strong emphasis on nostalgia, home-grown content, normalising diversity, comedy and entertainment value, the development of the series has always been about capturing the essence of that special chapter in their lives, that was Galactic Circus.

Since its initial inception, and with the ever changing landscape that is online streaming content, the idea for Galactic Circus has evolved into its current format, which is to be a 8 x 6min episodic web series. However getting to this point was a thorough and challenging journey. Very early on, Taysha and Tristan knew that one of the most paramount aspects of the show would always be the colourful characters, and the need to have talented and charismatic actors to bring them to life.

Casting for the series began in 2019 and continued well into 2020. From acting workshops and improv meetings to casting auditions over zoom, they were able to assemble a diverse cast of local talent, who have continually stuck by the project and are ready to bring these eclectic characters to the screen. And it's not only the incredible cast who continually support Galactic Circus, but the immensely hard working crew who have consistently risen to the call of duty in bringing the vision alive.

Earlier this year, the cast and crew helped produce a major stepping stone for the series, when we shot the Proof of Concept episode over several weeks. The Proof of Concept episode was the first substantial time that the cast fully encapsulated and brought the characters to life. It resoundingly confirmed to all involved how much potential the series has going for it.

(Behind the Scenes Photography by Melville Quilliam (Fotografi Group))

Press X to Continue

Now armed with a Proof of Concept episode, a complete scripted season, drafts for future seasons, a dedicated production team and a great ambition to make the series fully realised, we are ready to begin the next major stage of the Galactic Circus journey.

Deep into the pre-production planning for the first season, we are passionate at bringing the series to you in 2022, but we still need all the support we can get, which is why we're launching this Indiegogo campaign in order to get the name of Galactic Circus out there and to raise some funds to help bring the project to you.



We are always striving to meet that industry standard and maintaining a professional working environment for all our productions, and Galactic Circus is no different. Galactic Circus is by far the biggest production we have undertaken and like any creative project has come with its own challenges.

It's these challenges that push us to become stronger and more resilient film makers, to create quality content for everyone and create a community by bringing them together. We want to get this content out to everyone but we cannot do it without you.

Biggest challenge is the delivery and we really want to bring the content to your screens!
Even if mentioning this campaign to people by sharing to your friends and families will mean so much to all of us.

Meet the Players

DEAN GUNERA as Herbert Gruber

Dean is a supremely versatile actor who has played a wide range of wonderful characters over his many years in acting. From award nominated performances as Salvador Dali with STAG, to numerous years studying under Peter Kalos at the Melbourne Actors Lab and Impro Melbourne, Dean will always go the extra step to craft the best possible performance. His amazing dedication to acting brings a certain dramatic flair to the fun and zany role of Herbert, making it a true match made in heaven.




KIM KO as Stacey Chan

Intelligent, witty and charming, Kim is the perfect fit for misunderstood or complex characters, consistently bringing a great gravitas to all her performances. It is only natural that she embodies the character of Stacey Chan so well. A medical professional by training and trade, she is multilingual in seven languages, musically trained in singing, dancing, and instrumental plus being an accomplished author. Multi-talented is definitely a very apt description for her, which enables her to nail the performance of Stacey at every opportunity.



FELISE MORALES as Madyson Joyce Madlangbayan

Always sticking by her Filipina Australian roots, Felise began pursuing acting in 2017, after completing her graduate year as a Registered Nurse. Success soon followed in commercial acting, presenting and modelling. She found her acting groove in comedy, studying Clowning with Fabio Motta and featuring in multiple comedy skits and shorts. Her natural charisma and commitment to acting makes her the perfect Madyson. Her great contribution of ideas and vision for the character makes bringing the character to life effortless.



TYLER JENKINS as Espen Argus

Tyler has trained both musically and dramatically from a young age both in theatre and film, and has become a true globe trotting performer. From touring Italy as a TIE performer, to working & studying under the tutelage of renowned casting director Jodi Rothfield in the US, to also travelling domestically with Australia's largest theatre-in-education company, Brainstorm Productions. As a multi-talented performer, we are always excited to unravel his many skills and quirks, which he's always prepared to apply to the quiet delight that is Espen.



LARA DEAM as Gracie O'Neil

Lara is an exceptional actress with over 10 years industry experience in both Australia and Canada. She has appeared in numerous TV commercials, live broadcasts and multiple short films and feature films. In 2018, Lara took home the Best New Talent award at the Oz International Film Awards, winning the award for her role in the independent mumblecore feature film, ‘Friends, Foes and Fireworks’, now on Amazon Prime. Broadly recognised for her talented skills in character acting, Lara brings the excitable energy required to portray the peppy, unique and wonderful character that is Gracie.



JESSE BUTLER as Beau Blackburn

Graduating drama school in 2009, Jesse has been working in the performance industry in a multitude of roles as actor, director, writer, comedian and voice over artist. Currently in a role as a children’s entertainer in hospitals, he is an indigenous artist born in Adelaide, who recently made the move from Melbourne to Darwin. Whether we’re laughing, crying, buying, selling or just having a yarn with Jesse, he always brings his A game when delivering a performance. His nuanced and effortless approach with the character of Beau, never fails to leave a multitude of laughs and heart in its wake.


SUNNY WALIA as Tom Kelly-Banks

A highly prolific and well known local talent, Sunny has not only trained at Brave Studios and TAFTA, he also possesses 5 years experience working as a Rifleman in the Australian Army Reserves. One of his most recent accomplishments was his win for the AACTA pitch competition, where his performance was labelled original and truthful by the judges. With consistent calm and professionalism, Sunny always brings the screen presence and charm needed to elevate the cool and suave character that is Tom.


The Coin

Wonder where your coins are going towards? This is where we bring the arcade comedy series to reality with your help with the power to combine forces!  As you may know, a there are many different costs that come in to play with film productions and ours is no different.  The funds raised from this campaign will go towards our:

  • Location Hire
  • Equipment Hire
  • Insurance and Legal Fees
  • Catering
  • Cast 
  • Crew
  • Post Production
  • Marketing and Distribution
  • Indiegogo Fees, Perk Costs and COVID-19 Safety


Currently we are looking to raise a minimum of $8,000 to cover our legal costs prior to applying for more funding.  This is the most up to date quote, received from our legal representation, which will cover our Chain of Title documents, Solicitor's opinion letter, cast and crew contracts and location contracts for example.  Before we can apply for government funding, we will need to provide these documents in order to have the chance of being successful.  You can be a part of that!

The budget we have set in this campaign is the bare minimum we would need to independently produce this web series.  Our hope is to raise enough funds to cover our initial costs prior to applying for government funding for the full series.  At award rates, our total budget would equate to upwards of $400,000.  Failing to be successful with our application, we will be looking to independently produce Galactic Circus using a reduced budget of $137,646.  

Below is a percentage breakdown of total costs for an indie budget:


Your Contribution Counts

Every contribution made to this campaign helps us get closer to our goal.  No matter the size of your contribution, each "backer" is a part of this journey and a huge support to strengthening our application.  

While we understand that times are difficult and we may not reach our full funding goal, we do have an urgent need to raise the legal costs in order to apply for more funding.  This means it is essential for us to raise a minimum of $8,000.  

If we are unsuccessful in reaching this, we will still be determined to make this series.  We will then take some time to reassess our production and decide what we can and can not do.  We have already spent over 7years working and developing this project and truly feel that this is the opportune time to make this series and share it with you!  Not meeting our minimum goal would mean we would have to push back production yet again.

In the very fortunate chance that we will raise more than 100% of our independent budget in this campaign, we will jump straight in to production and will be able to keep to our current schedule of filming in early 2022, with a release later that year.

Perk Info

What is included in the Galactic Circus Showbags?

Standard Showbag includes: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo and a small mystery prize

Deluxe Showbag includes: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo, a Galactic Circus T-shirt and a Medium Mystery Prize

Premium Showbag includes: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo, Galactic Circus T-Shirt, GC Hoodie and a Large Mystery Prize

For a size guide, including measurements for T-Shirts, Hoodies and caps, check out our Merchandise store.

T-Shirts: "The GC Basic Tee" available in multiple colours.  Sizes from Small to 5XL

Hoodies: "GC Staff Hoodie" available in multiple colours.  Sizes from XS to 5XL

All filming will take place in Melbourne, Victoria.  Please note, for perks including events and on-set experiences, you will need to organise your own mode of transport.


Meet the Coders

Writers, Producers and Directors: Taysha McFarland & Tristan Braines 

Excutive Producer: Cindy Pritchard

Associate Producer and Marketing Director: Will Chan

Line Producer: Vikki Blinks 

Co-Writer: Sarah Baker

Director of Photography: Samuel Vella 

Camera Department: Sal Hicks & Bree Horwood

Production Designer: Bianca Milani

Music Composer: Chris Tuazon 

Sound Design: Khang Nguyen

Editor: Mark Davenport

Animator and Conceptual Artist: Nikki Wong

Makeup Artistry: Nikki Di Matteo, Kristal Garcia, Renee Louise and Shonal Kumar

Stills Photography: Melville Quilliam

Promotional Stills Photography: Kevin Long

Thank You!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Shout us a Coffee!

Shout us a Coffee!

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 AUD
For being such a pro and support the Galactic Circus family, you’ll get an access link to the proof of concept (a standalone episode.)
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
Estimated Shipping
August 2021
1 claimed
Feed the Artist!

Feed the Artist!

Currency Conversion $13 USD
$20 AUD
Recharge our energy levels with an extra boost! Support the brain food of our starving artists and get a Link to our Proof of Concept (a standalone episode.)
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
Estimated Shipping
August 2021
5 claimed
The End of the Beginning

The End of the Beginning

Currency Conversion $19 USD
$30 AUD
Show your support and we’ll show you ours! You’ll get your name in the Thank You credits at the end of an episode of Season 1.
Included Items
  • Episode Thank You Credit
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
1 out of 50 of claimed
Beta Testers

Beta Testers

Currency Conversion $32 USD
$50 AUD
A bigger support from you and getting a little something back for a little sneak peak: Proof of Concept Access, Thank you credit at the end of a season 1 episode and VIP early access preview of the series before official release.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
2 out of 800 of claimed
Beta Tester Plus

Beta Tester Plus

Currency Conversion $47 USD
$75 AUD
Be a beta tester of our series and get a sneak peek to the season before public release. You'll also get access to our Proof of Concept, "Thank You" credit at the end of a season 1 episode, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Galactic Circus Poster!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • GC Poster
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
0 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
High Scorer

High Scorer

Currency Conversion $63 USD
$100 AUD
Hit the high score and support us more! For your incredible support, you'll get Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and the Standard Galactic Circus Show Bag with: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo and a small mystery prize!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Standard GC Showbag
  • GC Poster
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
4 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Combo Breaker

Combo Breaker

Currency Conversion $95 USD
$150 AUD
Support the production and receive the very limited Galactic Circus Baseball Cap from us! Get: Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Standard Galactic Circus Show Bag with a Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo and a small mystery prize!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Standard GC Showbag
  • Limited Edition GC Cap
  • GC Poster
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
1 out of 75 of claimed
Be a Star in a Distant Galaxy

Be a Star in a Distant Galaxy

Currency Conversion $126 USD
$200 AUD
Be part of the set and meet the crew and cast by being in a scene! Get: Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Standard Galactic Circus Show Bag with: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo and a small mystery prize with the experience of being in a scene!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Standard GC Showbag
  • Be a Background Actor on Set
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
1 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Be a Mega Fan

Be a Mega Fan

Currency Conversion $126 USD
$200 AUD
Get your name called by us in one of our promotional videos and we let people know how you helped us! Also get: Proof of Concept Access, a Thank You credit, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Standard Galactic Circus Show Bag with: Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo and a small mystery prize.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Standard GC Showbag
  • A Shout-Out!
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Champion Gamer

Champion Gamer

Currency Conversion $158 USD
$250 AUD
Let's upgrade you to the next level and become the Champion! Also get: Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release, "Thank You" credit in an episode and a Deluxe Show Bag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo, a Galactic Circus T-shirt and a Medium Mystery Prize!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Deluxe GC Showbag
  • GC Poster
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
1 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Fan's Guide to Galactic Circus

Fan's Guide to Galactic Circus

Currency Conversion $316 USD
$500 AUD
Grab the limited "Guide Book of Galactic Circus" in the palm of your hands which will be signed by the cast! Also Get: Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Deluxe Show Bag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo, Galactic Circus T-shirt and a Medium Mystery Prize!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Deluxe GC Showbag
  • Fan's Guidebook Signed by Cast
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Art Collector

The Art Collector

Currency Conversion $474 USD
$750 AUD
Get your very own anime-styled, GC artwork print by our animator Nikki Wong. You'll also get Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release, and the Deluxe Show bag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo, Guidebook, Galactic Circus T-shirt and a Medium Mystery Prize.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • Episode Thank You Credit
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Deluxe GC Showbag
  • GC Guidebook
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • GC Artwork Print
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $632 USD
$1,000 AUD
Only some legends become legendary. And today is your day! Roll up and claim your high end prize! You will receive Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and the Premium Show bag including GC Poster, GC Temporary Tattoo, GC Guidebook, Artwork, GC T-shirt, GC Hoodie and a Large Mystery Prize!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • GC Guidebook
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
  • Thank You Credits for Season 1
Estimated Shipping
November 2022
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Acting Spotlight

The Acting Spotlight

Currency Conversion $949 USD
$1,500 AUD
Be an official cast member! This is your chance to get an IMDb credited speaking role in the series with permission to use this footage in your showreel. You'll also get Proof of Concept Access, VIP early access preview of the series before official release and a Premium GC Showbag with high end goodies.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Supporting Actor Package
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
VIP Live Streamer

VIP Live Streamer

Currency Conversion $1,265 USD
$2,000 AUD
Come join us on set as a VIP guest! Meet the cast and crew and watch the story unfold right before your eyes in this first-hand experience. You'll also receive VIP early access to the series and the Premium GC Showbag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo. Galactic Circus T-shirt, GC Hoodie and a Large Mystery Prize.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • VIP Guest Experience
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
  • Thank You Credits for Season 1
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 7 of claimed
Silver Business Sponsorship

Silver Business Sponsorship

Currency Conversion $1,265 USD
$2,000 AUD
Have your brand exposed to our audience, by having your business name appear in the credits or optional negotiated Product Placement. You'll also receive a Social Media shout out and the Premium GC Showbag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temporary Tattoo. Galactic Circus T-shirt, GC Hoodie and a Large Mystery Prize.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Optional Product Placement
  • Business Name in Credits
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Gold Business Sponsorship

Gold Business Sponsorship

Currency Conversion $2,214 USD
$3,500 AUD
Have your brand exposed to our audience, by having your business name or logo appear in the credits and optional negotiated Product Placement. You'll also receive curated social media shout outs and the Premium GC Showbag including Galactic Circus Poster, Galactic Circus Temp Tattoo. Galactic Circus T-shirt, GC Hoodie and a Large Mystery Prize.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Curated Social Media Shout Out
  • Optional Product Placement
  • Business Name/Logo in Credits
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Platinum Business Sponsorship

Platinum Business Sponsorship

Currency Conversion $3,162 USD
$5,000 AUD
Have your business exposed to our audience, by having your logo appear in the credits and optional Product Placement. You'll also receive a specific unboxing or promotional video for Madyson's YouTube Channel, exposing your brand to more potential customers. Also receive special curated social media shout outs and a Premium Showbag.
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Unboxing/Promotional Video
  • Curated Social Media Shout Out
  • Logo in Credits
  • Optional Product Placement
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Master Escape Artist

The Master Escape Artist

Currency Conversion $3,162 USD
$5,000 AUD
Spend time with the cast and directors in a fun Escape Room Experience right here in Melbourne. Let's work together as a team to win our freedom! You will also receive an Associate Producer credit on IMDb for season 1, VIP early access to the series and a Premium Showbag with high end goodies!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Escape Room Experience
  • Social Media Mention/BTS
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
0 out of 2 of claimed
King or Queen of Pop Singstar

King or Queen of Pop Singstar

Currency Conversion $3,162 USD
$5,000 AUD
Sing your lungs out with us at a karaoke bar in Melbourne with the cast and directors! Not only can you choose your favourite song, but we will sing along with you. You will also receive an Associate Producer credit on IMDb for season 1, VIP early access to the series and the Premium Showbag with high end goodies!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Social Media Mention/BTS
  • Associate Producer Credit
  • Karaoke Experience
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
December 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
The Final Boss

The Final Boss

Currency Conversion $6,325 USD
$10,000 AUD
The Skeleton Key to our Production! Get an Executive Producer credit for season 1 on IMDb. You'll also get an open invitation to all areas of production, secret invitation to any cast and crew events, VIP early access to the series and a Premium GC Showbag with some awesome high end goodies!
Included Items
  • Proof of Concept Access
  • VIP Early Access to Series
  • Premium GC Showbag
  • Executive Producer Credit
  • Ultimate Access
  • Secret Invitation to Party
  • T-Shirt (incl. in Showbag)
  • Hoodie (incl. in Showbag)
Estimated Shipping
March 2022
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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