Twelve years ago my wife and I founded the Legacy Gift of Music (GOM) Programs. Since GOM’s inception we have assisted hundreds of deserving and at risk youth stay in school and out of trouble with the law.
I’ve been a Social Worker for over 45 years and became interested in helping young people for very personal reasons. My two older brothers both dropped out of school before grade ten - they both lived much of their lives in poverty and eventually both passed away in homeless shelters.
I was very fortunate to not follow this path, rather I followed my passion to help people by obtaining my Master’s Degree in Social Work…no small accomplishment for someone who wasn’t expected to finish high school.
Through this holiday campaign and the communities generosity we are hoping to raise $50,000 that will support approximately 40 - 50 youth through 2017-18…this support includes instruments, lessons, workshops and long-term mentoring alongside the associated program coordination, evaluation and administration costs.
Legacy Gift of Music has become an incredible labor of love for my wife and I and many others. Helping young people stay in school and completing their education and staying on a “positive life path”, all through music and long-term mentoring, has become our life’s passion - we are thankful for the incredible support that we have received over the years and we continue to be in awe of how successful this program is.
By offering instruments, donated by the community, as well as individualized weekly music lessons and workshops in schools and service agencies, we have been able to consistently assist 80% of our youth in completing their education, while at the same time offering them an opportunity that would have most likely never been possible.
I love music! I have absolutely no musical talent but I do know how powerful music is and I’m well aware of the importance of having someone in your life who cares about you and who is going to be there for you, to help you succeed. These people are our instructors, most who have been involved with the same youth, in the same location, for 7-8 years. I can’t begin to tell you how important this is for a young person who is in dire need of this type of relationship and interaction, and who is struggling to keep it all together and stay in school... I feel very fortunate to be doing what I’m doing and I see every day the difference our program is making in the lives of children, youth and families. I Hope you take time to get to know us by following our campaign. I know the young people, who we are here to serve, would very much appreciate you taking the time
It’s no secret that these are difficult times in Alberta with many families struggling and basically losing everything. For these families this type of programming for their child is not within reach, especially when you’re struggling to put food on the table or keep a roof over your head. More than ever these families and youth need us – this is a critical year for Legacy and unfortunately many of the 120 youth we support will have to be cut from the program next year, unless we can find necessary funds to keep them engaged. This economy has not been kind to anyone and charities are definitely feeling the brunt.
Will your contribution, no matter how large help? Absolutely!!!
Did you know:
143,200 children live in poverty in Alberta - 1 in 10.
It can cost parents $800 - $1,600 per year (10-12 months) for one child to be involved in music lessons.
In Calgary 3000 youth leave school every year, at an estimated cost of $16,000 per youth, per year, or $48,000,000 annually in total.
For the majority of inmates in adult penitentiaries the average education for 75% of the prison population is grade 7, with an annual price tag of 10 billion dollars plus annually…is there a correlation between educational achievement and crime? I would say yes! Could these circumstances have been prevented? Again I would say yes!
Thank you for your support in making a difference by investing in the lives of both Calgary and Alberta's future.
If unable to make a monetary donation you can help us immensely by simply sharing our campaign with others, please help us spread the word to Give the 'Gift of Music' this holiday season!
Darryl Wernham, MSW
Chief Executive Officer
The Legacy Children's Foundation - Alberta
Phone: 403-244-3074
One hundred years from now it will not matter
what my bank account was, what sort of house I
lived in, or the kind of car I drove ... but, the world
may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
**Special Credits to: Harm Productions (Calgary, Ab) for the amazing film.
The great people who participated in the interviews.
Our talented students and instructors.
Axe Music for the partnership and support.
Alberta's Promise for all that they do and did for us during this campaign.
As well as each and every person + organization that has helped fund the program over the years.
**Charitable Donation Tax Receipts will be sent for all donations $50.00 or More!**