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Good Girl Syndrome

Being the "good girl" Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

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Good Girl Syndrome

Good Girl Syndrome

Good Girl Syndrome

Good Girl Syndrome

Good Girl Syndrome

Being the "good girl" Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

Being the "good girl" Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

Being the "good girl" Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

Being the "good girl" Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

Julia Isaksson
Julia Isaksson
Julia Isaksson
Julia Isaksson
1 Campaign |
Brisbane, Australia
$422 USD $422 USD 10 backers
73% of $574 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


My name is Julia Isaksson and I'm the writer and director of the film "Good Girl Syndrome".

My passion has always been to tell stories and I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Going to JMC Academy, I now have the opportunity to make them come alive.

The inspiration for this story came to me when I went home for the summer. It reminded me of what it was like going to school back then and the pressure you were under. A story tarted to take form in my head and here it is;

It's the last day of high school, Sara has graduated with top grades. She nearly suffocated under the pressure, but she made it through without losing control. But what do you do when it's all over, when what you worked so hard for finally is achieved and all you get is a piece of paper?
The answer is live. Sara goes to her graduation party, drinks, smokes and almost get kissed. However there is someone holding her back, someone that's trying to keep her inside the frame she built for herself, that the expectations built. Letting go ends up being a lot harder than she thought with the good girl acting as a voice of reason and even fiscally holding her back. Being the good girl Sara has to step outside her comfort zone to figure out who she is.

I have a team of really wonderful film students helping me make this story come alive, but we need help.

That's where you come in.

I ask you to help me and my wonderful crew make this story come alive. If you could find it in your hearts to make a small donation this will help us make this film look as beautiful as it possibly can and also feed our crew so we will have the energy to make this  film into something that you will love. To make this happen we need 900 dollar, to make "Good Girl Syndrome" a reality.

I sincerely hope that you can contribute to this passion project of mine that's just the beginning of many more stories for you to enjoy.

I understand that donation money may be difficult, but if you still want to show your support please share this page with your friends family and bus driver.

Your support means a lot!

Julia Isaksson


"Good Girl Syndrome"


Jag heter Julia Isaksson och a författare och regissör för filmen "Good Girl Syndrome".

Jag har alltid älskat att berätta historier och har skrivit så länge jag kan minnas. Jag går nu på filmskolan JMC Academy i Australien som gör att jag äntligen har möjligheten att få dem att komma till liv.

Inspirationen för den här historien kom till mig när jag åkte tillbaka till Sverige efter att ha bott utomlands under en längre period. Det fick mig att tänka på hur det var att gå i skolan förut och vilken press man var under. Det här är historian som formades i mitt huvud;

Det är sista dagen på gymnasiet, Sara har gåt ut med högsta betyg. Hon kvävdes nästan under pressen, men hon kom ut på andra sidan under att tappa kontrollen. Men vad gör du när det är över, när vad du jobbat så hårt för är uppnått och allt du har att visa för det är en bit papper?
Svaret är att leva. Sara beslutar sig för att göra något utanför sin confort zone. Hon far till sin student fest, dricker, röker och blir nästan kysst, men det är någon som håller henne tillbaka, någon som försöker hålla henne innanför ramen hon byggt, som förväntningarna byggt. Att släppa taget visar sig vara svårare än hon trott med den "duktiga flickan" där som hennes inre förnuft och som till och med fysiskt håller henne tillbaka.

Jag har ett team med fantastiska film studenter som hjälper mig få den här historian komma till liv, men vi behöver eran hjälp.

Jag ber er hjälpa mig och mitt otroliga crew göra den här historian verklig. Om ni kan finna det i era hjärtan att ge oss en liten donation kommer det att hjälpa oss göra den här filmen så bra som bara möjligt. Det kommer också mata oss alla så vi kan hålla energin uppe och göra det här till en film ni kan älska. För att lyckas med det här ber vi om 5 500 kr (900 dollar), det kommer hjälpa förvandla "Good Girl Syndrome" till verklighet.

Jag hoppas att du kan bidra till mitt passion projekt som bara är början på många fler historier i framtiden.

Jag förstår att det kan vara svårt att donera, men on du ändå vill visa ditt stöd, dela den här sidan till din familj vänner och brevbärare.

Dit stöd betyder mer än du anar!

Julia Isaksson


"Good Girl Syndrome"

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Thank you for your support!

Currency Conversion $1 USD
$2 AUD
We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 claimed

Video thank you!

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 AUD
You will receive a video thank you from the cast and crew. We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed

Social media shout out!

Currency Conversion $6 USD
$10 AUD
Thank you for your support! We will give you a shout out on our social media platforms and you will receive a video thank you from the cast and crew. We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
0 out of 50 of claimed

Exclusive early screening!

Currency Conversion $16 USD
$25 AUD
Thank you for your support! We will give you a shout out on our social media platforms and you will receive a video thank you from the cast and crew. To show our appreciation you'll be send and early screening of the film. We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
2 out of 30 of claimed

Special thanks and credit!

Currency Conversion $32 USD
$50 AUD
Thank you for your support! We will give you a shout out on our social media platforms and you will receive a video thank you from the cast and crew. To show our appreciation you'll be send and early screening of the film. You will also receive a personalized thank you message from the director and producer as well as a special thank you credit at the end of our film. We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
1 out of 15 of claimed

Executive producers credit!

Currency Conversion $64 USD
$100 AUD
Thank you for your support! We will give you a shout out on our social media platforms and you will receive a video thank you from the cast and crew. To show our appreciation you'll be send and early screening of the film. You will also receive a personalized thank you message from the director and producer! For your incredible donation you will receive an executive producers credit in our film. We really appreciate your support!
Estimated Shipping
November 2015
1 out of 5 of claimed

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