How This Began:
This anxiously awaited Guided Meditation CD was born from students in my classes wanting to practice their breathing and meditation practice at home, with guidance.
I've been teaching meditation classes and workshops across the country after my own journey of finding stress relief and deep healing through meditation and yoga. The classes are so very profound but I started to realize that this was the only time my students were really able to relax. Giving them simple breathing exercises as homework helped a little but it was really only after recording guided sessions they could listen to at-will were they able to fully develop their own practice. My students are my greatest teachers and it is because of them and for them that I'm creating this series of CDs.
The Impact
We live in a world full of stimulus and sometimes it's simply too much
to ask to quiet the mind with so much going on around us. Using breath
work and my voice, students as well as seasoned practitioners can have a
tool that allows them to melt the world away and experience stress
relief as well as increased love and confidence. In each of the CDs, people will learn how to use breath as focus and how to release stress and increase healing through guided meditation.
If you've ever tried to meditation and haven't found a way to "clear your mind", this CD is for you. Through it you will learn that it's not necessary to clear the mind as much as it is to increase focus. This is about changing the relationship with the breath and the mind and with those changes we help create more joy in people's lives.
Joining forces with fellow practitioners and teachers, I'll be creating a series of guided meditation CDs as tools for deeper focus.
What is it?
This CD focuses on love and confidence and is the first in a series of guided meditations that allow for deep healing through focusing on the various energy centers of the body. By tapping into your inner self, you will open up a way to achieve and become the greatest person you can be and increasing joy in your life. The funding helps us not only create the first CD, it also sets us on the path to create more.
Each of the CDs will have tracks with only the guided meditation but some will have powerful background music to help with breath work.
Some of the what's coming up in the series:
Creating & Inviting Love
Chakra Balancing
Spiritual Detox
What We Need & What You Get
1. Here is a list of the "stuff" your contributions will help us buy:
Equipment for recording
Materials to build a small sound room
CDs and eco-covers
2. Here's a list of the people your contributions will help us hire (after all, let's help build the economy while we're at it):
Artist for cover art
The techies (the ppl that make the real techie stuff happen)
The perks are plentiful so be sure to check them out and contribute with love. We have perks for each of the major energy centers of the body, so tap into what speaks to you the most!
Other Ways You Can Help
1. Send the link: Have a stressed out friend? Send them the link! They can get in on the peace inducing action too.
2. Spread the word: Use the "share" tools to add this to your FB page, Twitter and LinkedIN accts.
3. Spread the peace: Send us some good energy as we embark on this journey of fulfillment. The more people we help the better off we'll all be.
More About Jess
is a Holistic Wellness Expert, Yoga Therapist and meditation teacher who blends
ancient healing practices with modern-day science to create a practical
approach to holistic health. Her background in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
and extensive training in holistic medicine gives her a unique perspective on
how alternative healing works to aid the body’s innate self-healing
capabilities on a level that stretches beyond the mainstream. She has given
lectures, taught classes, workshops and private consultations on holistic
healing, meditation and yoga across the country. Jess is a contributing expert
for several online publications including Yogamint and Ecomii.
Jess lives and practices in Los Angeles where
she gives lectures, workshops and classes on herbal/naturopathic healing,
breathing exercises, energy work, meditation and yoga. She specializes in PTSD,
body image issues, and helping people create more joy in their relationships.
She’s currently recording an anxiously awaited meditation CD and working on her
new workbook about creating
more joy through a practical, holistic approach.
Check her out on her blog, FB and Twitter.
More About Kellie
Lewis is an illustration and development artist, writer and animation creative with a
rich history in children's publishing, tv and feature film. She is
currently in development several independent
animation films. Check her out on IMDB , FB and her website.