You didn't see this coming, did you?
I suppose you’re just as surprised as I am to find Handful of Snowdrops preparing a new album. After all, I did say it would never happen. Many times! So to say that its unhoped for is a major understatement! Nevertheless, here we are, and it’s all the more exciting!
I have been writing intensively for the last year and after a couple of false starts that were rather disheartening, things started to happen. Good things. Call it dumb luck, or an amazing twist of fate but none of it matters, what does is that I managed to get everything back on track and HoS is almost ready to set that new music free, back into the wilderness!
I also assume that you’re just as impatient to hear it as I am to release it, so I’ve decided to once again skip the record label courting stage, because like you’ve probably heard before, there's just no money to be made and small independent artists like HoS are solely doing this out of passion. And passion and patience are all… but synonyms!
Unfortunately, the world hasn’t change so much that all this can be done without funds. So I really do need your help for those last few steps of the production. At this point, the album is at a dead end, and it would be a shame to see it shelved and left to die. Your help is crucial, vital! In fact, so much that I’d rather not call it my project but our project.
But can we pull this off again? We did it once, didn’t we? And I for one believe we can do it. WHAT DO YOU SAY?
How will it work?
As you can see, I have decided to use a fix funding campaign instead of the flexible one most artists are using. Why? Because, the amount you see at the top is the precise and minimum amount I need to secure our project. If we don't reach that objective, we won't be able to put out the album the way it deserves to be. I don't want to keep your money if there is no chance for the album to be released. It just wouldn't make any sense to me. Simply put, if the goal is not met, the album will be shelved, but at least, you will all get your money back. This is not some Wall Street venture investment! You are not taking any risk.
What will the funds be used for?
• Indispensable gear that, hopefully, won't fall apart before the end of the project!
• Professional Mastering
• Pressing of the CD
• CD Artwork and Packaging
• Perks production, handling and shipping
What we offer in exchange for your help
• A range of absolutely irresistible perks!
• Once again, that awesome feeling you get after you did a good deed!
• The joy of being part of something bigger than the sum of its parts.
• And last, but not least, a chance to stick it to "The Man".
But I'm broke! Any other ways I can help?
Be sure I know how you feel!
But of course there is! Money is certainly not everything. In order for people to contribute, they must hear about this campaign, right?
PLEASE, PLEASE and PRETTY, PRETTY PLEASE, go out of your way to spread the word out and make some noise about this campaign.
Share this link with everyone, and use the #hosnoir hashtag. Do it by every means you have at your disposal. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Youtube, your own personal blog, forums, net radio, college journal, etc. Call, text and email your mother's mother, your friends and enemies, your friends and enemies' parents if you have to. Plaster the whole world wide web with this campaign. Use the Indiegogo share tools! And please reach out to HoS and Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Dear and loyal fans, I thank you for your unwavering support!