I'm Wendy Kinal, known in some circles as Happy the Sad Clown. I don't know when I became a clown. Somewhere in New York City it happened. I slowly discovered that my favorite form of theater had no fourth wall. It has become something like a spiritual practice for me. Raunchy, raucous, silly and spiritual.
I studied with Lume Teatro in 2003, 2005, and 2006. A good friend called me up while I was out of town working in 2002. I'll never forget it. He said "Lume is having workshops in February. In Brazil. We should go." I looked at the check I had just gotten out of my mail box for the gig I was doing...and I said yes. And I'm so glad I did.
Lume is a group of performers who create art and processes of creation. They are anthropologists of theater, diving deep into kinesthetic and verbal inquiry about the human in performance. Their workshops have become so popular that there is an application process to join them. I've been selected to attend O Palhaco e o Sentido Comico do Corpo (The Clown and the Comic Feeling) in February 2014. It is led by Ricardo Puccetti, who was the first person I met from Lume way back in 2002 in Massachusetts. He is an amazing clown, all heart and soul and nonsense.
I am in a phase in my life where I want to take my art to the next level. This workshop will kickstart that process. I want to develop my theatrical clown work and continue to be a better artist. I'm currently creating a clown-theater piece as part of my thesis for my Master's Degree studies in play at Lesley University.
Have I mentioned yet that Lume changed my life? I can't say that about a lot of things, but this time it's true. Their approach to art, and the body, and performance is so deep and rich. After my first visit with them, I had a real a-ha moment about what commitment and skill meant in performance.
Here is a description of the workshop:
Your contribution will enable me to get TO Brazil and participate in the workshop. The most expensive component is the flight there, followed by the cost of the workshop.
Flights to Brazil are costing between $900 US and $1000 US at the time of this writing. The workshop cost is $720 Brazilian Reais, which is approximately $310 US. I also plan to rent a room/bed in one of the local neighbor's houses, which will I'm assuming will probably cost between $200 and $300 (once I have the exact information from Lume, I can send an update on the exact amount), based on previous homestays. Anything left over will be used for transportation (bus and taxi from the airport to get to the location).
If, for some reason something along the line falls through, all funds will be applied towards either the development of my Master's degree clown theater thesis piece post-graduation or the development of a new piece, OR towards a future workshop, OR both. If Brazil falls into the ocean, or there is some logistical glitch keeping me from going, I will make sure that my clown grows anyways. No, not just by eating lots of donuts. You are invited to all future performances!
I have shared Happy the Sad Clown with the world over the past few years in a number of venues, most well-known being the Solstice Circus, a small circus with live music that perorms on the Solstices and Equinoxes and often some fun pagan date in between. It's become a popular event, and our performances often sell out. Along with stand-up comedian, The Sun, we help provide the laughs amongst the sparkles and aerials.
I've also had the pleasure of a fews visits to Childrens' Hospital with the Clown Care Unit and hope that I can do more of that someday. I've clowned in an adult rehab facility, for a food expo, and for a gigantic corporate gala. I've taught a couple of clown workshops for Lesley University's Community of Scholars Days as well as a workshop (mostly in Portuguese!) for children living in Salvador, Brazil. This is in addition to all of the movement and theater teaching that I like to do as well.
I'm in the process of creating a solid demo reel of my clown-meets-aerials-meets-whatever work, but here are a few clips and links of things so you can get the idea (obviously nothing from the medical facilities):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZvWB7gqviA (from 3:19 - although the rest is fun too!)
I often find myself a decently fed artist (I'm not quite starving yet), but I live with on low-income too, so even if you are unable to contribute with funds, I do understand, and you can help by spreading the word. That is HUGE. I have an Australian friend crowdfunding money for a new album, and it was such a pleasure that, here, all the way across the globe, I could donate a little bit and also help her get the word out. It all goes a long way. You can use the Indiegogo tools for ease with that!
I have such a passion for clowning, and especially for discovering new ways to share the art, and to find new parts of myself that we can all laugh at or cry along with. I love Brazil and I can't wait to go and play. I want my soul to be fed more and more in 2014, and I, in turn, will try to feed yours as well.
I am grateful for your time, support, and love. From the bottom of my clown heart.
-Wendy (and Happy)